The News.
War news is quite meagre.
The landing of the enemy at
West Point is fully confirmed, though the number is said to have been over-estimated.
From later accounts it is ascertained that not more than four thousand had landed up to Monday evening. Neither cavalry or artillery had been disembarked up to that time.
It was reported yesterday that five gunboats came up to
West Point on Monday night. Of this, however, we have no confirmation.
The main body of the enemy are at
Gloucester Point, and a considerable force at
The object of this expedition may be for the purpose of diverting attention from more important points, or the prelude of an attempted raid on an extensive scale, for the purpose of destroying property and cutting off communication, as we cannot arrive at the conclusion that they intend to make any serious demonstration on our lines below the city.
Official intelligence of the evacuation of
Washington, N. C., by the
Federals, who retired on
Newbern, has been received.
As to further movements in that quarter we are not advised.
All the information received from the Army of Northern Virginia will be found under our telegraphic head.