Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 19, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Benjamin Davis or search for Benjamin Davis in all documents.

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Ranaway.--$100 Reward. --Ranaway, on Monday, a Negro Boy, named Essex, about five feet eight inches high; black; stammers slightly; about twenty or twenty-two years old; weight about 150 pounds; formerly belonged to Capt. John. Wright, of Plain View P. O., King and Queen county, Va. The above reward will be paid on his delivery to me at my office, in this city. He may be making his way to West Point, Va. He has a wife in that neighborhood. His upper teeth are dark, from tartar on them. oc 23--ts Benjamin Davis.
at he already has. It is eternally abusing England in the most violent manner. It was the first to defend the capture and detention of Mason and Slidell. It urges upon Lincoln the most boundless expenditure of money. It constantly stimulates the North to renewed exertions against the South, involving, of course, an unheard of expenditure, by concealing their numerous defeats, or proclaiming them as victories. It tells them that the South is at its last gasp, and calls the message of President Davis "a dying kick." If, in spite of Bethel, Bull Run, Manassas, Springfield, Lexington, &c., Bennett really entertains such an opinion, he must be superlatively silly, and that we all know he is not. Such is a summary of the points taken by the Bee, to prove that Bennett cannot be acting in good faith, but that he is pursuing his revenge by leading the United States into an unfathomable gulf of debt. They are well put, and strongly argued. We have ourselves been inclined to the opini
ime he remained in this place brought to him hosts of admirers. He was one of the most gallant and graceful of men, and was admired and beloved by all under his command. Captain Anderson was the son of the first Senator sent from Tennessee to the Federal Congress, which place he occupied for eighteen years; after wards his father was made United States Treasurer, which place he held until his death. Captain Anderson was sent early to West Point, where he was a contemporary of President Davis and Gen. Lee, and remained there three years, when he received a bayonet wound through his right wrist, which permanently disabled him. He then resigned, and studied law at Winchester under the elder Tucker at the same time with C. J. Faulkner and H. A. Wise. He practiced law in Tennessee, and was frequently elected to the Legislature of that State. At the breaking out of the Mexican war he raised a large volunteer company, and was in every important engagement from Vera Cruz to C
A Novelty in Domestic manufacture. --We saw yesterday a curious specimen of knitting, wrought by a lady of Norfolk; and sent to the President, with the following note: "I send to President Davis a pair of socks knit entirely of the curious taken from my little pet, a lap-dog. I do not send them for their beauty, or for the use of them, but only as a slight evidence of Southern independence and home manufacture, both of which every Southern heart should endeavor to obtain and encourage. With every wish for your future health and happiness, I remain, very respectfully yours., "Miss S. C. Pannell." The ingenuity of the work is remarkable; and though the socks may not be quite so soft as silk, they nevertheless possess the advantages of durability and warmth. The ladies of the South are showing a praiseworthy determination to turn everything to account. We notice that one in Tennessee has produced a very superior article of cloth woven from cotton and cow's hair
Mr. Rutheron offered a resolution which was adopted, instructing the Committee on Military Affairs to inquire into the expediency of reporting a bill for the punishment of citizens attempting to pass the guards and pickets of the army. By Mr. Davis.--A resolution authorizing the Committee on Finance to examine the account of Francis Thornton. Adopted. The bill to authorize a connection between the Richmond, Fredericksburg, and Potomac Railroad, and the Richmond and Petersburg Railroadtion of citizens of the county of McDewel asking the revival of county lines; also on the petition of Flora, a free woman of color. From Committee on Finance.--Adverse report on the petition of Edward B. Bale; also on the petitions of Arch, Davis, and of Baldwin, &c. Mr. Newton offered a resolution, which was adopted, unanimously, expressing the sympathies of the House with the Charleston sufferers, and authorizing the Committee on Finance to report a bill appropriating fifty thousan