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William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 2, Chapter 2: Barnstable County. (search)
eir part of the work, but am unable to give you details of the matter. Truro Incorporated July 16, 1709. Population in 1860, 1,583; in 1865, 1,448. Valuation in 1860, $381,429; in 1865, $361,717. The selectmen in 1861 and 1862 were Solomon Davis, William T. Newcomb, Asa Sellew; in 1863, Abraham C. Small, Solomon Davis, Amasa Paine; in 1864, John Kenny, James Collins, Nathan K. Whorf; in 1865, John Kenny, James Collins, Sears Rich. The town-clerk and town-treasurer during all of tSolomon Davis, Amasa Paine; in 1864, John Kenny, James Collins, Nathan K. Whorf; in 1865, John Kenny, James Collins, Sears Rich. The town-clerk and town-treasurer during all of these years was Samuel C. Paine. 1861. No action appears to have been taken by the town, in its corporate character, during this year in regard to matters relating to the war. 1862. At a legal town-meeting held on the 25th of July, the following resolution was adopted by a unanimous vote:— Resolved, That there be allowed and paid by the town to each of the dependants of the four volunteers who have enlisted to make up the quota of Truro, the sum of one dollar a week, in addition to the