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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., Fighting Farragut below New Orleans. (search)
anding Harrison, pointing with his thumb over his shoulder at me as he walked aft, Where did you catch him? Loud enough for Butler to hear I replied, Where you were not on hand, or your army either. I was to have been paroled, but the burning of my vessel and the reported killing of the steward and reported burning of my wounded, changed my destination to Fort Warren, where, although I was denied the freedom enjoyed by the other prisoners, I was treated with much consideration by Colonel Justin Dimick, who made fast friends of every prisoner under his charge for his kindness to them. The war has long been over with me, and the most uncompromising on both sides must acknowledge the creation of a new, richer, happier, and better South and mightier common country as the result of the unhappy strife. My old antagonists have ever been kind to me, and to many others of their old ante-bellum companions and friends. In 1867 a Union man gave me the command of a vessel he owned. In
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 21: beginning of the War in Southeastern Virginia. (search)
him to Fortress Monroe, to take command of the rapidly-gathering forces there, and to conduct military affairs in that part of Virginia. Butler arrived at Fortress Monroe on the morning of the 22d of May, and was cordially received by Colonel Justin Dimick, of the regular Army, who was commander of the post. From the beginning of the rebellious movements in Virginia, that faithful officer, with only a small garrison--three hundred men to guard a mile and a half of ramparts--three hundred t the chapel across the parade from the church, are the barracks — a long building. The aspect of the place, outside of the fort, was much changed during the war. apprehended by them all, and its possession was coveted by them all; but there was Dimick, late in May, with the great fortress and its almost four hundred cannon — the massive key to the waters of Maryland, Virginia, and Upper North Carolina--firmly in his possession--a fine old Leonidas at the head of the three hundred, when General
he unique distinction of being the only one which all inmates praise. For the greater part of the war it was under charge of Colonel (later Brigadier-General) Justin Dimick, an old army officer, who preserved discipline by kindness. Fort Lafayette, New York, held the privateersmen previously mentioned, and Confederate officers, below the level of high water, were always damp and cold. Fort Warren, for the greater part of the war, was under charge of Colonel (later Brigadier-General) Justin Dimick, an officer who graduated from the Military Academy October 18, 1814, served in the war against the Florida Indians and in the Mexican War, and received promotng the last year of the war by an able officer, Captain R. C. Allen. Brevet Brigadier-General B. F. Tracy Brigadier-General Albin Schoepf Brevet Brigadier-General Justin Dimick Gratiot street prison, St. Louis, Missouri Fair Ground, which had been used during the fall and winter of 1861 and 1862 as barracks for a few
of the guard. In the officers' division were rough bunks and tables and a rude bathroom. The privates' prison had no bunks, but the inmates had an abundant water supply. The regular ration of beef and bread was cooked for the prisoners, but anything else was prepared by the prisoners themselves, or by some old negro paid by the mess. In 1862, some of the Confederate privates taken at Glendale, or Frayser's Farm, were sent to Fort Warren, in Boston Harbor, then under the command of Colonel Dimick, where they remained until after the cartel had been signed. Alexander Hunter, a private in a Virginia regiment, thus speaks of the life in Fort Warren, in Johnny Reb and Billy Yank: Those were halcyon days, those days of July, 1862; light spots in a generally dark life. Our soldier prisoners, so inured to hardship, want, and suffering, had now not a care on their minds, not a trouble in their hearts; they drew long breaths of content, and could only sigh sometimes at the thought of th
1847. Clary, Rbt. E., Mar. 13, 1865. Clitz, Henry B., Mar. 13, 1865. Craig, Henry K., Mar. 13, 1865. Crane, Chas. H., Mar. 13, 1865. Crawford, S. W., Mar. 13, 1865. Cross, Osborn, Mar. 13, 1865. Cuyler, John M., April 9, 1865. Dana, James J., Mar. 13, 1865. Dandy, Geo. B., Mar. 13, 1865. Davis, N. H., Mar. 13, 1865. Dawson, Sam. K., Mar. 13, 1865. Day, Hannibal, Mar. 13, 1865. Dent, Fred. T., Mar. 13, 1865. DeRussey, R. E., Mar. 13, 1865. De Russy, G. A., Mar. 13, 1865. Dimick, Justin, Mar. 13, 1865. Drum, Rich. C., Mar. 13, 1865. Duane, Jas. C., Mar. 13, 1865. Duncan, Thos., Mar. 13, 1865. Dunn, W. McK., Mar. 13, 1865. Eastman, Seth, Aug. 9, 1866. Eaton, Joseph H., Mar. 13, 1865. Ekin, James A., Mar. 13, 1865. Finley, Clement, Mar. 13, 1865. Fitzhugh, C. L., Mar. 13, 1865. Forsyth, Jas. W., April 9, 1865. Fry, Cary H., Oct. 15, 1867. Gardner, John L., Mar. 13, 1865. Garland, John, Aug. 20, 1847. Gates, Wm., Mar. 13, 1865. Graham, L. P., Mar. 13, 1865.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Dimick, Justin, 1800-1871 (search)
Dimick, Justin, 1800-1871 Military officer; born in Hartford county, Conn., Aug. 5, 1800; graduated at the United States Military Academy in 1819; served in the war with Mexico, and greatly distinguished himself at Contreras and Churubusco. In 1861-63 he commanded the depot of prisoners at Fort Warren, Mass. He was retired in 1863; received the brevet of brigadier-general, U. S. A., in 1865. He died in Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 13, 1871.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Monroe, Fort (search)
ection of the village of Hampton. Fort Monroe in 1861. There were sixty-five acres of land within its walls, and it was armed with almost 400 great guns when the Civil War broke out. It had at that time a garrison of only 300 men, under Col. Justin Dimick, U. S. A. Its possession was coveted by the Confederates, but Dimick had turned some of its cannon landward. These taught the Confederates, civil and military, prudence, wisdom, and discretion. Gen. B. F. Butler, having been appointed comDimick had turned some of its cannon landward. These taught the Confederates, civil and military, prudence, wisdom, and discretion. Gen. B. F. Butler, having been appointed commander of the Department of Virginia, with his headquarters at Fort Monroe, arrived there on May 22, 1861, and took the chief command, with troops sufficient to insure its safety against any attacks of the Confederates. Butler's first care was to ascertain the practicability of a march upon and seizure of Richmond, then the seat of the Confederate government. Its capture was desired by the national government, but no troops could then be spared from Washington. Fort Monroe was firmly held by
Confederate States District Court --Judge Halyburton presiding.--In this Court, yesterday, petitions were filed by Receiver Brooke for the sequestration of the property of a number of alien enemies, held as follows: By Henry Exall, for Francie Graham, alien enemy; W. Leigh Burton, for Chickering & Co.; Wm. I. Shepperson, for D. M. Talmadge; Wm. Nott, for Michael Hart; Jos. G. Brooks, for Francis Graham; Geo. W. McCandlish, for John Taylor; N. A. Sturdivant, for William Openheim; John and George Gibson, for Patterson & Bro.; John A. Lancaster and Thos. A. Ball, for Howell & King; Henry Exall, for Johnson & Browning; Clark Scull and Daniel Scull, for A. B. Cooley and J C. Osgald; also, by the Bank of Virginia, to sequester the stock of Nathaniel E. Cornwall, Justin Dimick, and other aliens; and by the Bank of the Commonwealth, in regard to stock held in the name of the American Exchange and Mechanics' Banks of New York, Mechanics' Bank of Philadelphia, and others.
reached here on Saturday shortly after seven o'clock, and brings very little intelligence of interest from Hampton Roads. Some surprise was manifested at Fortress Monroe in consequence of an order received from the War Department removing Col. Justin Dimick, of the Second Regiment of Artillery, from that post to take command of Fort Warren, of the Department of the East. Col. Dimick has been in the regular artillery service for more than forty years, and he stands high in the estimation of hisCol. Dimick has been in the regular artillery service for more than forty years, and he stands high in the estimation of his brother officers and of a vast circle of friends. His removal to the command of a post is an evidence of the confidence which the department reposes in his military abilities and patriotism. On Friday the Federal fleet at Hampton Roads was increased by the arrival from New York of three large steamers, one of which was the Baltic, which were pretty well laden with naval stores for the expedition. The trip of the Adelaide up the bay was very pleasant, until about four o'clock in the