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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Doc or search for Doc in all documents.

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Doc. 57-the Yazoo expedition. Lieutenant Commanding J. G. Walker's report. United States steamer Baron De Kalb, mouth of Yazoo River, June 1, 1863. sir: I have the honor to report that I left this place on the morning of the twenty-fourth May, with the De Kalb, Forest Rose, Linden, Signal, and Petrel. I pushed up the Yazoo as speedily as possible, for the purpose of destroying the enemy's transports on that river, with the Forest Rose, Linden, and Petrel, to within about fifteen miles of Fort Pemberton, where I found the steamers John Walsh, R. J. Shankland, Golden Age, and Scotland, sunk on a bar, completely blocking it up. I remained at this point during the night, and next morning at daylight was attacked by a force of the enemy, but after a sharp fire of a few minutes they beat a hasty retreat. Our only loss was two men wounded. Returning down the Yazoo, I burned a large saw-mill, twenty-five miles above Yazoo City. At Yazoo City I landed and brought away a large
Doc. 52.-General Trimble's address To the citizens of Maryland. headquarters Valley District, June 3, 1863. Major-General J. R. Trimble, having been assigned to the Department of Northern Virginia, invites all citizens of Maryland, in and out of the army, to join the Maryland troops now serving in this district, with a view to increase the organization from that State to a body formidable by its number and gallantry. Under this command every Marylander will have a field for the display of that devotion and bravery in the cause of the South which it is well known they possess, but which have heretofore been much obscured by their separation into almost every brigade of the army. Marylanders should bear in mind that upon themselves must rest the honor and renown of bringing their State into the Southern Confederacy, and of avenging the wrongs inflicted upon her sons and daughters by the Goths and Vandals of the North, who, true to the instincts of their race, have do
Doc. 53.-the destruction of Simmsport, La. Headquarters M. M. Brigade, flag-ship Autocrat, Lake's Landing, Yazoo River, June 11, 1863. In accordance with instructions from Captain Henry Walke, commanding detachment of Mississippi squadron, Lieutenant-Colonel John A. Ellet, commanding the ram fleet of the Mississippi Marine Brigade, left the mouth of Red River June third, on the United States steam-ram Switzerland, on a reconnoissance as far as Simmsport, on the Atchafalaya River. The approach to the town was made slowly and cautiously, in order to insure a timely detection of any earth defences the enemy might have with which to dispute the passage of the river. It was ordered, however, that no gun should be fired until the fact of the existence of a hostile force in the place should be definitely ascertained. When within half a mile of the town the enemy opened with a battery of field-pieces and a regiment of infantry. The men on the ram replied with great vigor.
Doc. 54.-expedition to Bluffton, S. C. Lieutenant Commanding George Bacon's report. U. S. S. Commodore McDonough, Port Royal, S. C., June 4, 1863. sir: . . . On account of being detained by the Mayflower, it was long after daylight before we reached the point where the troops were to disembark, which was about three miles this side of Bluffton; meeting with no opposition at that point, the troops were landed in safety, and both them and ourselves advanced to the attack, the Mayflower having joined us in the mean time. I anchored from half to three quarters of a mile from the town, bringing our batteries to bear upon it. The land forces having without opposition occupied the town, I. moved up with this vessel and the transports for the purpose of being better able to cover their movements, as well as to be ready to reembark the troops in case of necessity,. as the enemy had mustered quite a large force in the rear of the town of infantry and cavalry. Soon after we ha
Doc. 55.-destruction of Ashepoo, S. C. Beaufort, June 5, 1863. With but two hundred and fifty negro soldiers, on board the gunboat John Adams, and the transports Harriet A. Weed and Sentinel, Colonel Montgomery left Beaufort on the evening of the first instant, and at half-past 2 on the following morning anchored his little fleet in the Combahee River, thirty miles distant from the point of his departure, twenty miles from Charleston, and fifteen from the village of Ashepoo, on the Charleston and Savannah Railroad. The Sentinel unfortunately got aground at the mouth of the Coosaw River, and was of no service to the expedition ; the troops on board of her were transferred to the John Adams and the Harriet A. Weed. The village of Ashepoo is approached from the Combahee by three different roads, one from Field's Point, where the rebels had constructed a battery, but had deserted it--one from Tar Bluff, two miles above Field's Point, and one from Combahee Ferry, six miles f
Doc. 56.-the Mattapony expedition. The following is a communication from Admiral Lee to the Navy Department, dated June fifth, inclosing report of Lieutenant Commanding Gillis, giving the details of a joint expedition of the army and navy forces up the Mattapony River, Va. The main object of this expedition was to destroy a foundery at a point on the Mattapony River, some ten miles above Walkerton, where it was said ordnance matter was manufactured for the enemy. With this object in view, four hundred infantry, on the morning of June fourth, arrived at Yorktown, on board the United States steamer Commodore Morris, Lieutenant Commanding Gillis; United States steamer Commodore Jones, Lieutenant Commanding Mitchell; the army gunboat Smith Briggs, and the transport Winnissimmet. The expedition proceeded to Walkerton, about twenty miles above West-Point, on the Mattapony River, where it arrived at two A. M. of the fifth. Here the troops were landed and marched to Aylett
Doc. 57.-guerrillas in Virginia. Berryville, Va., June 9, 1863. This county is still infested with bushwhack. ers. Formerly residents here, they, as a matter of course, belong to the soi disant chivalry. Among their daring deeds, I have to record the cold-blooded assassination of a corporal of company C, First New York cavalry. On Friday, June fifth, Corporal Lewis, attended by a comrade, passing on a by-road, about two miles and a half from town, was fired upon and killed by six butternut-colored bushwhackers. His comrade was taken prisoner. The demons rifled the body of the dead man of watch, pocket-book, etc., and left him lying where he had fallen. On the way to their crossing-place on the Shenandoah they came upon a scouting-party of infantry from Winchester, but escaped by taking to a thicket on the Opequan Creek. Here the prisoner escaped and returned to camp. He states that one of the bushwhackers said he had registered an awful oath in the morning to kill
Doc. 58.-battle of Chancellorsville, Va. Brigadier-General Howe's report. see volume VI. rebellion record. headquarters Second division, Sixth corps, May 10, 1863. Lieutenant-Colonel McMahon, Assistant Adjutant-General Sixth Corps: sir: I have the honor to report the operations of the Second division, Sixth corps, from the time it crossed the Rappahannock on the evening of the second of May, until it recrossed on the night of the fourth and fifth of May. The division crossed the river early in the evening of the second, and about twelve that night I received notice to march in rear of General Newton's division to Fredericksburgh. About three A. M., the rear of General Newton's division marched, and the head of my column reached Hazel Run some time after daylight, uninterrupted except by the troops in front. About eleven o'clock A. M. on the third, I received notice from the commanding officer of the Sixth corps that he was about to attack the enemy's position be
Doc. 59.-neutrality of England. Petition to Earl Russell.To the Right Honorable the Earl Russell, Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Foreign Department: the memorial of the undersigned shipowners of Liverpool showeth: That your memorialists, who are deeply interested in British shipping, view with dismay the probable future consequences of a state of affairs which permits a foreign belligerent to construct in and send to sea from British ports, vessels of war, in contravention of the provisions of the existing law. That the immediate effect of placing at the disposal of that foreign belligerent a very small number of steam cruisers has been to paralyze the mercantile marine of a powerful maritime and naval nation, inflicting within a few months losses, direct and indirect, on its ship-owning and mercantile interests, which years of peace may prove inadequate to retrieve. That your memorialists cannot shut their eyes to the probability that in any
Doc. 60.-fight near Monticello, Ky. Somerset, Ky., June 10, 1863. One of the most exciting and trying reconnoissances that I have ever seen I returned from this morning. Noticing a stir at headquarters about noon on Monday, I was soon convinced that something was on foot, and, learning that a considerable force was to take a tramp in some direction, I determined on accompanying it. About four o'clock, detachments of the Second Ohio cavalry, consisting of companies B, (Lieutenant Deming,) E, (Captain Stewart,) F, (Sergeant McBride,) H, (Lieutenant Case,) K, (Lieutenant Patrick,) L, (Captain Easton,) and M, (Captain Ulrey,) commanded by Majors Purington and Seward; also, of the Seventh Ohio cavalry, Colonel Garrard, divided into three divisions — the first, commanded by Captain Lindsey; second, Lieutenant Shaw; third, Captain Brownfield--all commanded by Colonel A. V. Kautz, of the Second Ohio, left here about half-past 3 o'clock, and proceeded direct to Waitsboro, a distanc
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