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The Daily Dispatch: November 7, 1860., [Electronic resource], Land and Slaves in the county of Amelia, for sale privately. (search)
Presidential election. --The election yesterday was attended with considerable excitement and the great throngs about the polls attested the public interest in the result. Yet there was no serious disturbance in any quarter, and the day passed off as quietly as could have been expected. The heavy vote polled shows that all parties exerted themselves to the utmost. Much anxiety was manifested to hear the news from other sections of the State, and the bulletin boards were surrounded by crowds throughout the day. At Henrico Court-House the excitement was great, and some fights occurred in the afternoon, in which one or two persons were badly beaten. The vote resulted in a majority of more than 300 for Bell, over both Douglas and Breckinridge. The Bell party seemed quite sanguine last evening of a victory in the State, while the Breckinridge men were no less confident of the success of their candidates.
The Daily Dispatch: November 7, 1860., [Electronic resource], Land and Slaves in the county of Amelia, for sale privately. (search)
98. Clover Hill.--Breckinridge 232; Bell 20; Douglas 0. Court-House.#x2014;Breckinridge 76; DouglaDouglas 58; Bell 43. Shell's.--Bell 72; Breckinridge 22; Douglas 46. Robinson's Store.--Bell 120; Brecki vote here stands Bell 353; Breckinridge 232; Douglas 179. Goggin and Letcher were tied in this cie. Keysville.--Breckinridge 100; Bell 40; Douglas 16. Letcher had 64 at this precinct. --Court Raine's Tavern.--Bell 100; Breckinridge 25; Douglas 16. Alexandria. The vote in the counand town stands Bell 1,008; Breckinridge 563; Douglas 139; Lincoln 2. Goggin's majority was 254. g, Nov. 6. --The vote here is Bell 970; Douglas 613; Breckinridge 223. Goggin had 308 majoriStation, 3 ½ P. M.--Bell 64; Breckinridge 14; Douglas 4. Dinwiddie. Billups', 4 o'clock.--. Lynchburg.--Bell 967; Breckinridge 487; Douglas 132. In four county precincts heard from, Brs heard from give Breckinridge 396; Bell 145; Douglas 21. Lunenburg. Pleasant Grove.--Brec[23 more...]
Maryland. Baltimore, Nov. 6 --Noon.--The voting is proceeding quietly, and a large vote is being polled. The Breckinridge men and Bell men are equally sanguine of carrying the city and State. The Douglas men seem to be polling a large vote. It is thought that many Germans are voting for Lincoln. Baltimore, Nov. 6--7 P. M. --Returns indicate that Breckinridge has carried the city. The vote is close. Baltimore, Nov. 6--P. M. --Complete returns from the city give Breckinridseem to be polling a large vote. It is thought that many Germans are voting for Lincoln. Baltimore, Nov. 6--7 P. M. --Returns indicate that Breckinridge has carried the city. The vote is close. Baltimore, Nov. 6--P. M. --Complete returns from the city give Breckinridge 14,850, Bell 12,619, Douglas 1,562, Lincoln 1,082. The Union party now claims the State by over 2,000 majority. Baltimore, Nov. 7, 1 P. M.--The returns from Allegheny county indicate a Bell gain of 11,000.
The Daily Dispatch: November 7, 1860., [Electronic resource], The Emperor Napoleon and the American Minister. (search)
North Carolina. Wilmington, N. C., Nov. 6, 10 P. M. --The vote here stands Breckinridge 593; Bell 567.--The county shows uniform gains for Breckinridge. Raleigh, N. C., Nov. 6, 10 P. M. --The vote here is Bell 504; Breckinridge 160; Douglas 114. Duplin county shows Breckinridge gains, and the State has, in all probability, gone for him. Raleigh, Nov. 6.11 P. M.--In 7 precincts in New Hanover county. Breckinridge gains 79. Raleigh, N. C. Nov. 6--Midnight. --So far asorm gains for Breckinridge. Raleigh, N. C., Nov. 6, 10 P. M. --The vote here is Bell 504; Breckinridge 160; Douglas 114. Duplin county shows Breckinridge gains, and the State has, in all probability, gone for him. Raleigh, Nov. 6.11 P. M.--In 7 precincts in New Hanover county. Breckinridge gains 79. Raleigh, N. C. Nov. 6--Midnight. --So far as heard from here Bell has in Wake county 642; Breckinridge 214; Douglas 127. The same precincts gave Pool, Opp., for Governor 492.
Connecticut. Hartford, Conn., Nov. 6, 10 P. M. --This city gives Lincoln 276 majority. Seven towns give Lincoln 21,000; Breckinridge 1,237; Douglas 542; Bell 77. Lincoln's majority in the State will be several thousands.
Rhode Island. Providence, R. I., Nov. 6 --10 P. M. --The returns from eleven towns give Lincoln 2,470, Douglas 1,090. Providence, Nov. 7, 1 P. M.--The returns, except two towns, give Lincoln 12,000 and Douglas 7,775. Rhode Island. Providence, R. I., Nov. 6 --10 P. M. --The returns from eleven towns give Lincoln 2,470, Douglas 1,090. Providence, Nov. 7, 1 P. M.--The returns, except two towns, give Lincoln 12,000 and Douglas 7,775.