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John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Chapter V (search)
generous friendship and confidence which he ever afterward manifested toward me, and which, with the like manifestations of approval from President Lincoln, are to me the most cherished recollections of my official career. The appreciation of my action in Washington was expressed by General Halleck in a letter dated July 7, 1863, in which he said: The promptness with which you sent troops to General Grant gave great satisfaction here; and by the President himself, in a letter to the Hon. Charles D. Drake and others, committee, dated October 5, 1863, in which he wrote: Few things have been so grateful to my anxious feelings as when, in June last, the local force in Missouri aided General Schofield to so promptly send a large general force to the relief of General Grant, then investing Vicksburg and menaced from without by General Johnston. It would have been impossible for me to send away more than a small part of those troops if I had not been able to replace them by Missouri m
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Chapter VI (search)
I telegraphed the President last night that so much of it as relates to me is not only untrue in spirit, but most of it is literally false. If an answer or explanation is on any account desirable, I shall be glad to make it. To-day I received from the President a despatch saying: Think you will not have just cause to complain of my action. . . . The next day the President made this reply to the radical delegation: executive Mansion, Washington, D. C., October 5, 1863. Hon. Charles D. Drake and others, Committee. gentlemen: Your original address, presented on the 30th ultimo, and the four supplementary ones, presented on the 3d inst., have been carefully considered. I hope you will regard the other duties claiming my attention, together with the great length and importance of the documents, as constituting a sufficient apology for my not having responded sooner. These papers, framed for a common object, consist of the things demanded, and the reasons for demandi
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Chapter XXIII (search)
one of whom, I believe, failed to call at the office and express a kindly welcome; and that one was so great a man, in his own estimation, I flattered myself that was the only reason he had not called to greet me. So when I returned to St. Louis in March, 1869, the good citizens of that place gave me a banquet and a most cordial welcome, in which all participated, save one, of those who had seemed to be my most bitter enemies in 1862 and 1863. It was especially noteworthy that the Hon. Charles D. Drake, who had been chairman of the large delegation which went to Washington, and one of the recognized leaders in the movement, to obtain my removal from the command in Missouri, was among the most cordial in his expressions of esteem and regard from March, 1869, up to the time of his death, at which time I was in command of the army. But his principal associate, the Hon. Henry T. Blow, could not forgive me, for what thing especially I do not know, unless for my offense in arresting a loy
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Index (search)
y, 57 Doolittle, Col. Charles C., in battle of Nashville, 270 Douglas, Stephen H., secures favorable action from the War Department in S.'s case, 12 Drake, Charles D., letter from President Lincoln to, Oct. 5, 1863, 70, 71; heads radical delegation from Missouri, 94, 424; reply of the President to the radical delegation, 9 confidential letter of, in St. Louis, 425; meets the peace commissioners at Fort Monroe, 530; the struggles of his administration, 539, 540. Correspondence with: Drake, C. D., Oct. 5, 1863, 70, 71; Schofield, J. M., May 27, 1863, 68, 69; June 1, 69; June 20, 75, 76; June 22, 76; Aug. 27, 77; Aug. 28, 77-79; Sept. 30, 93; Oct. 1, eb. 25, 1866, 392: Blair, F. P., Aug. 13, 1862, 59: Broadhead, J. O., 107, 108: Carney, Thomas, Aug. 28, 29, 1863, 79, 80, 82: Chase, S. P., May 7, 1865, 373, 376: Drake, C. D., Oct. 24, 1863, 100: Gamble, H. R. (1863), 72, 73: Grant, U. S., Dec. 27, 1864, 252-254; May 10, 1865, 373-376; Jan. 24, 1866, 390, 391; April 18, 1868, 400