Browsing named entities in Philip Henry Sheridan, Personal Memoirs of P. H. Sheridan, General, United States Army .. You can also browse the collection for Hiram F. Duval or search for Hiram F. Duval in all documents.

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(2) Colonel Rutherford B. Hayes. first brigade: (1) Colonel Rutherford B. Hayes. (2) Colonel Hiram F. Duval. Twenty-third Ohio, Lieutenant Colonel James M. Comly. Thirty-sixth Ohio (1), Colonel HColonel Hiram F. Duval. Thirty-sixth Ohio (2), Lieutenant-Colonel William H. G. Adney. Fifth West Virginia (battalion), Lieutenant-Colonel William H. Enochs. Thirteenth West Virginia, Colonel William R. Brown.nd posting Colonel Thoburn's division on the prolongation of the Nineteenth Corps, he formed Colonel Duval's division to the right of Thoburn. Here I joined Crook, informing him that I had just got Martinsburg pike toward Winchester; at the same time I directed him to attack the moment all of Duval's men were in line. Wright was instructed to advance in concert with Crook, by swinging Emory al, commanding a division, and the wounded included Generals Upton, Mclntosh and Chapman, and colonels Duval and Sharpe. The Confederate loss in killed, wounded, and prisoners about equaled mine, Gene<
H. Withers. Eleventh West Virginia, Lieutenant-Colonel Van H. Bukey. Fifteenth West Virginia (1), Colonel Milton Wells. Fifteenth West Virginia (2), Major John W. Holliday. Second division. Colonel Rutherford B. Hayes. first brigade: Colonel Hiram F. Duval. Twenty-third Ohio, Lieutenant-Colonel James M. Comly. Thirty-sixth Ohio, Lieutenant-Colonel William H. G. Adney. Fifth West Virginia (battalion), Lieutenant-Colonel William H. Enochs. Thirteenth West Virginia (1), Colonel William R. Bro the 18th and early on the morning of the 19th, to surprise my army, which, it should be remembered, was posted on the north bank of Cedar Creek, Crook holding on the left of the Valley pike, with Thoburn's division advanced toward the creek, and Duval's (under Colonel Rutherford B. Hayes) and Kitching's provisional divisions to the north and rear of Thoburn. The Nineteenth Corps was on the right of Crook, extending in a semi-circular line from the pike nearly to Meadow Brook, while the Sixth