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Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 9: the last review. (search)
t comes the division of Wheaton; at its head, under Penrose, the heroic New Jersey Brigade which at the Wilderness and Spottsylvania lost a thousand one hundred and forty-three officers and men. Next, and out of like experiences, the brigades of Edwards and Hamblen, representing the valor of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Now passes Getty's Division. Leading is Warner's Brigade, from its great record of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, and Cold Harbor; the Third Brigade, once of Neil and Bidwell, with the fame of its brave work all through Grant's campaign, led now by Sumner's 1st Maine Veterans, of which it is enough to say it is made up of the old 5th, and 6th, and 7th Maine,--the hearts of Edwards and Harris and Connor still beating in them. Can history connote or denote anything nobler in manliness and soldiership, than has been made good by these? Commanding is the young general, Tom Hyde, favorite in all the army, prince of staff off
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Vicksburg during the siege. (search)
had stationed Bowen, while Stevenson was bivouacked on the other side. The Confederates were disheartened and divided, and the fight soon became a flight. Eighteen Confederate cannon were captured. The remnant of Bowen's command was conducted from the field by Stevenson. Grant followed swiftly, and the pickets of the advance were before Vicksburg on the 18th. On the next day the investment was complete. On the 17th, Johnston, marching his two brigades on the road from Livingston to Edwards' received Pemberton's account of events, including the council of war on the 14th, and the battle at Baker's creek. The action at the river was progressing at the moment of General Pemberton's latest communication. Hearing immediately afterward of the abandonment of the Big Black, General Johnston orders Pemberton: If Haines' Bluff is untenable, Vicksburg is of no value and cannot be held. * * * Evacuate Vicksburg, if not too late, retreating to the northeast. Expecting that this order w
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The Black Horse cavalry. (search)
e sound policy of secession would then have been vindicated, and have marked the beginning of a great nation instead of being hawked at as a perfidious bark built in the eclipse that has wrecked the fortunes of a people. The army marched for Edwards' ferry. Along the route there was manifested by the people the greatest curiosity and desire to see their great General-Stonewall Jackson, as he had been baptized on the battle-field. Groups would be collected on the road, composed of all ages object of the cavalry charge had been attained and the guns were withdrawn in safety, and the timely arrival of the rest of the brigade saved the detachment from destruction. When Stuart discovered Hooker's intention to cross the Potomac at Edwards' ferry, he left two brigades of cavalry posted between Lee and the Federal army to continue to perform outpost duty, while with the rest of his division he moved to the rear of the enemy's cavalry, and placed himself between the Federal army and
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 48 (search)
will raise a clamor. Grant's men fired salutes yesterday in honor of the day-22dand had the Richmond papers read to them by order of Gen. Grant-accounts of the fall of Charleston. Our government will continue this fatal policy of allowing easy communication between Richmond and the enemy, begun by Mr. Benjamin, and continued by his successors! It will ruin us, and would destroy any cause. Next, our papers will announce the fall of Wilmington. Three preachers-Hloge, Burroughs, and Edwards — have sent in a proposition to the President, to take the stump and obtain subscriptions of rations for the troops. The President marks it special, and refers it to the Secretary for attention and advice. Humbugged to the end! These men might fight, but they won't. They will speak two words for the soldiers, and one for themselves. I believe two of them are Northern men. What idiocy! If they meddle at all in the carnival of blood, I would put them in the ranks. Gen. Bragg says he
Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, Xxxix. (search)
ugh. After the funeral, the President resumed his official duties, but mechanically, and with a terrible weight at his heart. The following Thursday he gave way to his feelings, and shut himself from all society. The second Thursday it was the same; he would see no one, and seemed a prey to the deepest melancholy. About this time the Rev. Francis Vinton, of Trinity Church, New York, had occasion to spend a few days in Washington. An acquaintance of Mrs. Lincoln and of her sister, Mrs. Edwards, of Springfield, he was requested by them to come up and see the President. The setting apart of Thursday for the indulgence of his grief had gone on for several weeks, and Mrs. Lincoln began to be seriously alarmed for the health of her husband, of which fact Dr. Vinton was apprised. Mr. Lincoln received him in the parlor, and an opportunity was soon embraced by the clergyman to chide him for showing so rebellious a disposition to the decrees of Providence. He told him plainly that th
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography, Chapter 15: (search)
to give only served to intensify the bitterness they felt toward Root on account of his treatment of General Logan. When the convention met at ten A. M. Wednesday, June 2, the fruits of Mr. Root's labor were evident, in the fact that the galleries were packed for Blaine, the clackers losing no opportunity to start a Blaine storm in obedience to their orders. The first session was very brief. Senator Cameron, chairman of the national committee, called the convention to order. Reverend Doctor Edwards invoked a blessing upon the convention in an earnest prayer. Mr. Hoar, of Massachusetts, was made temporary chairman, the committee on credentials was appointed, and the convention adjourned until ten A. M. the following morning. The convention met at ten A. M. every day, but not until five P. M. on the third day did the credentials committee make its report, amid the wildest demonstrations-shouting, clapping of hands, waving of hats, handkerchiefs, and flags, on the floor and
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 25: the battle of Bull's Run, (search)
k that his forces were mostly concealed, as well as his batteries, excepting one on an open elevation. Hoping to draw their fire and discover their positions Ayres's battery was placed on a commanding eminence, and a 20-pound cannon, under Lieutenant Edwards, was fired at random. Only the battery in view responded, and grape-shot from it killed two cavalry horses and The field of operations from July 16 to July 19. this map shows a geographical plan of the country between Washington City ttery at the Stone Bridge, and Sherman's was posted on the right, to be in a position to sustain Schenck or to cross Bull's Run, as circumstances might require. When this disposition was made, a shell was hurled from a 30-pounder Parrott gun of Edwards's Fifth Artillery battery (then attached to Carlisle's, and stationed in the road, under the direction of Lieutenant Haines) at a line of Confederate infantry seen in a meadow beyond Bull's Run. This was the herald of the fierce battle on that
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 7 (search)
ront. General Grant had been told in Jackson, on the 14th, that Lieutenant-General Pemberton had been ordered peremptorily to march from Edwards's Depot to attack him in rear. He determined, therefore, to concentrate his own forces and fall upon General Pemberton's. For that object, McPherson with two divisions at Jackson, McClernand with three at Raymond, Hovey with one at Clinton, and Blair with one at New Auburn, were ordered, on the 15th, to march to Bolton's Depot, eight miles from Edwards's. After receiving, at Bovina, early in the morning of the 14th, my order of the night before, directing him to march upon Clinton, General Pemberton rode to the camp of his army just south of Edwards's Depot, and convened a council of war, composed of his general officers, to which he exhibited my note, making a long argument against obedience to the order expressed in it. Lieutenant-General Pemberton's official report. A majority of the members of the council voted for moving upon C
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 7 (search)
dispatch of May 1st, that Major-General Bowen had been attacked by a large body of Federal troops. This order was repeated on the 2d, only to be disregarded. Advantageous opportunities to engage the Federal army were offered continually, until the investment of Vicksburg; for, until then, that army had been united but three or four of the twenty days elapsed since it began to cross the Mississippi. If Lieutenant-General Pemberton had obeyed either of my orders to march eastwardly from Edwards's, an army of thirty-five thousand men might have been formed. Such a force, properly commanded, would have prevented the siege of Vicksburg. Being confident that, should Vicksburg be besieged, a Confederate force sufficient to break the investment would not be assembled for the purpose, as well as of the fact that it and Port Hudson had lost their importance since the occupation of the river between them by many Federal vessels-of-war, I directed the evacuation of both places. Port
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Letters. (search)
venson: From information received, it is evident the enemy is advancing in force on Edward's Depot and Big Black Bridge; hot skirmishing has been going on all the morning, and the enemy are at Fourteen-Mile Creek. You must move up with your whole division to the support of Loring and Bowen at the bridge, leaving Baldwin's and Moore's brigades to protect your right. In consequence of this information, Brigadier-General Gregg was ordered not to attack the enemy until he was engaged at Edwards's or the bridge, but to be ready to fall on his rear or flank at any moment, and to be particularly cautious not to allow himself to be flanked or taken in the rear. Thus it will be seen that every measure had been taken to protect Edwards's Depot and Big Black Bridge, and, by offering or accepting battle, to endeavor to preserve my communications with the East. At this juncture, however, the battle of Raymond was fought, by a large body of the enemy's forces, and one brigade of our troop