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the last requisition on Governor Curtin. The regimental colors were presented by Governor Curtin. The Second Buffalo regiment, under command of Colonel D. D. Bidwell, left for New York. The Forty-third regiment N. Y. S. V., under the command of Colonel Francis L. Vinton, left Albany to-night for the seat of war. They are a fine body of men, fully equipped and armed.--N. Y. Times, September 17. The Provost-marshal's Police seized over two hundred muskets and a lot of ammunition, to-day, which were found buried in the establishment of Messrs. Egerton & Keys, on North street, at Baltimore, Md. The guns are of Harper's Ferry manufacture. The Police also seized a lot of muskets at the armory of the Independent Greys, on North High street.--Baltimore American, September 17. The Fremont Rifle regiment N. Y. S. V., under the command of Colonel Rudolph Rosa, left their encampment at Turtle Bay Brewery, New York, for the seat of war on the Potomac.--N. Y. Times, September 18.
nel Grant, and Colonel Seaver for the gallant and intrepid manner in which they led the storming columns to the assault. Nothing has been more handsomely or successfully done. My thanks are due to Major Mundee, Assistant Adjutant-General; Lieutenant Egerton, Aid-decamp; Lieutenant-Colonel Stone, Division Inspector; Lieutenant Hoag, Division Commissary; Lieutenant Cole, Provost-Marshal; and Lieutenant Matlock, Commissioner of Musters, for the able assistance they gave me in preparing and executbeing fallen upon by his horse, which was shot under him, continued in command of his brigade until the action was over. My thanks are again due to Major Mundee, Assistant. Adjutant-General; Lieutenant-Colonel Stone, Division Inspector; Lieutenant Egerton, Aid-de-Camp; Lieutenant Cole, Provost-Marshal; Lieutenant Hoag, Division Commissary, and Lieutentant Matlock, Commissary of Musters, of the division staff, for the able and prompt assistance they gave me on the field, in the action of the
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 17: events in and near the National Capital. (search)
ture, and at this place, Marshal Kane appears for the first time in the history of that eventful day. He was well known to the secessionists, and his presence soon restored order, when the fugitive soldiers returned to the cars, and the Pennsylvanians were all sent back to Philadelphia. After their departure, the mob proceeded to barricade the Pratt Street Bridge, and to break open the store of Henry Meyer, from which they carried off a large number of guns and pistols. At that moment General Egerton appeared in full uniform, imploring them to cease rioting. He assured them that no foreign troops were in the city, and that Governor Hicks had declared that no more should pass through it. Files of the Baltimore journals from the 20th to the 23d of April. Letter of Captain Follansbee to the Lowell Courier. Colonel Jones's official report to General Butler. Verbal statements to the author by citizens of Baltimore. The mob was quieted by four o'clock in the afternoon, when they
can use this statement as you think best. I could make it more full if you wish it. I could allude to the liability of every one in Baltimore, on the 19th, confused by the excitement, to be mistaken. Indeed I remember an instance of this. General Egerton was ordered by you to drive back the mob who were pressing upon the Pennsylvania troops. He drove back the troops. I heard you give the order to Egerton, and I heard him report to you. You disapproved of his act, and he pleaded misapprehensEgerton, and I heard him report to you. You disapproved of his act, and he pleaded misapprehension of your order. I remain, sir, respectfully, yours, &c., R. S. Mercer, Col. Third Regiment, M. C. I had not retired to my bed when the scuttling of the ferry boat was proposed to me. It was not proposed by men in whom I had no confidence. Highly respectable gentlemen urged it as the easiest and most lawful means of effecting the desired object. Yet I unhesitatingly refused my consent to the step. But the people of Maryland are asked to believe that, after this, in the still watche
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 4.21 (search)
Another report is that Miss Kyle slipped one hundred dollars in gold in her brother's mouth, besides greenbacks in his hands, despite the vigilance of the guard and surgeon. I know Major Kyle has plenty of money, and bribes the guards to bring him articles, carry out letters, etc. He was one of the rioters, 19th of April, 1861, who attempted to drive back the Federal troops passing through Baltimore to Washington and the front. Mrs. Robert Carr, Mrs. P. H. Sullivan, Mrs. J. M. Coulter, Mrs. Egerton, the Misses Jamison, and other noble Baltimore ladies, send choice fresh vegetables, milk, clothing, etc., to our hospital, and while all are received, none of them are appropriated as intended by the generous, warm-hearted donors. I suppose the greedy Yankees eat the fruit and vegetables, and wear or sell the clothing sent to the hungry and ragged Rebels. At any rate, they are confiscated. The guards have orders to shoot any prisoner who puts his head out of a window. Two convalescen
Court Delano, Mrs. Charles 108 Cross Street Delano, Miss Mabel108 Cross Street Dexter, Mr. and Mrs. 36 Sewall Street Dodge, Mrs. H. E.222 Highland Avenue Downing, Miss M. Z.31 Thurston Street Draper, Mr. and Mrs. Frank23 Chester Avenue Dunbar, Mr. and Mrs. E. C.87 Flint Street Dunklee, Mrs. Mary C.23 Hudson Street Dunlap, Mrs. G. H. 19 Mystic Street Earle, Mr. and Mrs. George W.9 Pleasant Avenue Earle, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel9 Electric Avenue Eddy, Miss Maverett E.67 Bonair Street Egerton, Mr. and Mrs. C. S63 Boston Street Elliott, Miss Mary E.59 Oxford Street Elliott, Miss Clara59 Oxford Street Ferguson, Miss Mary 49 Boston Street Fife, Miss Etta M.17 Cutter Avenue Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. F. L.46 Greenville Street Flagg, Miss Minnie 30 Warner Street Fortier, Thomas23 Auburn Avenue Foster, Mr. and Mrs. A. W.,12 Woodbridge Street, North Cambridge Freeman, Miss Ella 77 Munroe Street Freeman, Miss Mary77 Munroe Street Fuller, Mrs. S. W. 151 Walnut Street Furlong, Mr
Day, Abbie L.13 Hamlet Street DeCosta, Cora.Bean Court Delano, Mabel108 Cross Street Dore, Mrs.16 Grant Street Earle, Charles11 Pleasant Avenue Eaton, Paul 45-A Tufts Street Eddy, Norman 4 Bonair Street Eddy, Maverett E.63 Bonair Street Egerton, Ruth 63 Boston Street Egerton, Beatrice 63 Boston Street Elliott, Clara59 Oxford Street Evans, Alfred 6 Auburn Avenue Evans, Lovell6 Auburn Avenue Fife, Etta.17 Cutter Avenue Flagg, Minnie30 Warner Street Fletcher, Harold87 Boston StreetEgerton, Beatrice 63 Boston Street Elliott, Clara59 Oxford Street Evans, Alfred 6 Auburn Avenue Evans, Lovell6 Auburn Avenue Fife, Etta.17 Cutter Avenue Flagg, Minnie30 Warner Street Fletcher, Harold87 Boston Street Flynn, Belle149 Glen Street Flynn, Willie149 Glen Street Freeman, Mary77 Munroe Street Freeman, Ella77 Munroe Street Fuller, Mrs. L. P.151 Walnut Street Furlong, Adelaide42 Greenville Street Gardner, Chester11 Spring-hill Terrace Gall, Isabelle10 Tufts Street Galletly, Mrs. Lizzie24 Webster Street Gerrish, Marion117 Cross Street Giles, Elmer.65 Glen Street Gifford, Mr. and Mrs. R. Y.49 Boston Street Gleason, Gay82 Munroe Street Glines, Mr. and Mrs. Elbridge51 Dartmouth Street Gl
had been done, and it gave satisfaction. In the afternoon, the First Light Division was on Calvert street, fully armed and equipped. The Battalion of Maryland Guards, Col. Brush, was out in full force. The Battalion of Baltimore City Guards, under Lt. Col. Warner; three companies of Independent Greys; two companies of Law Greys; the Shields Guards; the Jackson Guards; the Wells and McComas Rifles, and the Eagle Artillery. The whole division formed on Calvert street. Gens. Watkins and Egerton, Col. Peters. Majors Fox and Carr, Quartermaster Scott and Adjutant Swinney, were the regimental officers, besides Col. Brush and Lieut. Col. Warner. Correspondence, Etc. The following is the correspondence of the authorities with the railroad officials and President Lincoln, on the subject of stopping the passage of troops: Mayor's office, city Hall, Baltimore, April 19, 1861. John W. Garrett, Esq., Pres't Baltimore and Ohio Railroad: Sir We advise that the troops now
e following: The city wears its usual martial appearance this morning, but events within the city limits are not exciting. The concentration of Northern troops at Perrysville, on the Susquehanna, and at Annapolis, has excited vigilant surveillance in those directions. Two thousand stand of approved arms reached the Camden Station at 8 o'clock this morning, from Harper's Ferry, sent by the Virginia authorities, to be used in the defence of Baltimore. The arms were received by Gen. Egerton, of the Fifty-third Regiment, who superintended their removal to the Maryland Institute, the headquarters of the regiment. Speaking of the Yankee troops who returned from Cockeysville, the Sun says: Our informant reports the condition of the troops as most deplorable. He passed freely among them as they lay sleeping in the cars and on the ground, with their muskets hanging out of the car windows, and "lying around loose." A force of two hundred men could have captured all thei
n Sunday by the accidental discharge of a musket at the armory of the Law Greys, that his condition has much improved, though he yet suffers great pain. It is feared that amputation will be necessary. Yesterday morning between 200 and 300 of our most respectable colored residents made a tender of their services to the city authorities. The Mayor thanked them for their offer, and informed them that their services will be called for if they can be made in any way available. Brigadier Gen. Egerton has received by letters and personal applications, offers of regular military organizations from almost every county in the State--the companies being fully uniformed and equipped, and ready for service. At the works of the Messrs. Winans their entire force is engaged in the making of pikes, and in casting balls of every description, for cannon, the steam gun, rifles, muskets, &c., which they are turning out very rapidly. The number of volunteers already enlisted for the d
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