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Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War. 318 0 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2. 238 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 129 1 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 89 1 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4. 87 1 Browse Search
Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler 72 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2 61 5 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore) 57 5 Browse Search
John Dimitry , A. M., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 10.1, Louisiana (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 54 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 38 2 Browse Search
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olution, but says that the proposition is made as an offer only, and declares his conviction that the emancipation of slavery must be gradual, not sudden. He says the war has been an indispensable mean for the preservation of the Union, and the present proposition is made as something which promises great efficiency toward ending the struggle. --(Doc. 79.) Smithfield, Va., was this day occupied by a strong force of United States troops.--Capts. Bell, McKean, Du Pont, Goldsborough, and Farragut were confirmed by the Senate of the United States as flag-officers of the Navy. President Lincoln, in addition to the officers promoted for gallant conduct, nominated Brig.-Gen. Thomas to be a major-general, as a recognition of his eminent services in Kentucky. The Ninety-eighth regiment of New York State volunteers arrived at New York, en route for the seat of war. It is commanded by Col. William Dutton, a graduate of West-Point, and a classmate of Gen. McClellan. An adjourned m
and bear arms, and protects the arms of the militia even from execution for debt. But while I notify you that these agents have no lawful authority to seize your private arms, and you will be protected in preserving the means of self-defence, I must enjoin upon you in this emergency, as an act of the highest patriotism and duty, that you should discover to the proper State authorities all public arms, muskets or rifles, within your knowledge, and of selling to the State all the arms, the property of individuals, which can be spared. The colonels of the several regiments of militia will act as agents for the State, and will notify me whenever any such arms are delivered or offered to them. Their prompt and earnest attention is called to the execution of this order.--Raleigh Standard, April 26. The bombardment of Forts Jackson and St. Philip, on the Mississippi River below New Orleans, was this day commenced by the National fleet under the command of Flag-Officer Farragut.
unteers, were this morning taken prisoners by the rebels near Yorktown, Va.--Philadelphia Inquirer. Gen. Banks's advance-guard, Col. Donnelly commanding, took three prisoners to-day, at a point nine miles beyond Harrisonburgh, Va. One of them says he belongs to company B of the Tenth Virginia regiment of infantry. This regiment had been on the Rappahannock, according to previous information.--Gen. Banks's Despatch. A body of National cavalry from Forsyth, Mo., destroyed the rebel saltpetre manufactory near Yellville, Ark., this day. Lieut. Heacock, of the Fourth regiment of Iowa cavalry, was killed and one private wounded, in the fight with the rebels.--(Doc. 146.) The Dismal Swamp Canal, N. C., was destroyed by the naval forces under Commander Rowan.--(Doc. 147.) The National fleet, under the command of Flag-Officer Farragut, after bombarding Forts Jackson and St. Philip, on the Mississippi River, passed by the forts to reduce New Orleans.--Gen. Butler's Report.
April 25. The bombardment of Fort Macon, N. C., by the combined forces of Gen. Burnside and Com. Goldsborough, terminated in the reduction and capture of the garrison.--(Doc. 135.) The Forts on Lake Ponchartrain, La., were this day evacuated by the rebel forces, and all their gunboats on the lake were burnt or otherwise destroyed.--Richmond Dispatch, April 29. New-Orleans, La., surrendered to the naval forces of the United States, under the command of Flag-Officer D. G. Farragut.--(Doc. 149.) Major-Gen. C. F. Smith died at Savannah, Tenn., at four o'clock this afternoon, of dysentery. He was taken sick shortly after the occupation of Savannah by the forces under him. Major Von Steinhaus, Capt. Botticher, and Capt. Camp, of the Sixty-eighth regiment of New York volunteers; Lieut. Lombard, Battalion Adjutant Eighth Illinois cavalry, and Assist. Surg. Williams, First New York artillery, were, by the order of President Lincoln, struck from the roll of the arm
nd wounded. During the skirmish a new battery which the rebels had erected during Sunday night, and which interfered with the working party of the Nationals, was most effectually silenced and the guns dismantled. The Santa Fe, New Mexico mail, arrived at Kansas City, Mo., with dates to the twelfth inst. Col. Slough and Gen. Canby formed a junction at Galisteo on the eleventh. Major Duncan, who was in command of Gen. Canby's advance-guard, encountered a large party of Texans and routed them. Major Duncan was slightly wounded. The Texans were thirty miles south of Galisteo, in full flight from the territory.--Official Despatch. The rebel steamer Ella Warley (Isabel) arrived at Port Royal, S. C., in charge of Lieut. Gibson and a prize crew, she having been captured by the Santiago de Cuba, one hundred miles north of Abaco. Forts Jackson and St. Philip on the Mississippi River, below New Orleans, surrendered to the National fleet under Flag-Officer Farragut.--(Doc. 149.)
, on the Mississippi River, from behind Craighead Point, which, until yesterday, was occupied by the National mortar-boats. They kept up a fire during the night, the shells exploding wide of the mark. They are provided with mortars equal in weight of metal to those used by the Federal fleet.--Chicago Tribune, May 15. Dr. Nathan S. Jarvis, surgeon of the regular army, died at Baltimore, Md., this morning. Natchez, Miss., surrendered to the Union fleet, under the command of Flag-Officer Farragut.--(Doc. 108.) The Mobile Evening Telegraph, of this date, contains the following: As is customary, a handcar is sent from Pass Manchac down to Kenner, to ascertain if the road is clear; if so, a signal is given to the conductor of the regular train. In this instance, on Friday evening, the first handcar went down and was questioned by the Federal pickets and allowed to pass. The second car attempted to run past and was fired upon, killing two men and wounding two others. One
that all the property in New Orleans belonging to General D. E. Twiggs, and of his minor son, the income of which he has received, and under the charge of his agent, H. W. Palfrey, Esq., consisting of real estate, bonds, notes of hand, treasury notes of the United States, slaves, household furniture, etc., is hereby sequestered, to be held to await the action of the United States Government. The Union ram fleet arrived off Vicksburgh, Miss., yesterday, and to-day communicated with Commodore Farragut, commanding fleet of gunboats. A large body of rebel cavalry under Jackson, this day visited a number of plantations in the vicinity of Memphis, Tenn., on the line of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, burning great quantities of cotton and arresting all persons found purchasing that staple.--Memphis Avalanche, June 27. A Union force, under the command of Gen. Williams, consisting of four regiments of infantry and nearly two batteries of artillery, left Baton Rouge, La.,
June 28. A small party of Union troops under the command of Lieutenant Glenn, was this day attacked by a body of Indians near Rocky Ridge, Utah. Two white men and one Indian were killed.--The rebel General Hindman burned the railroad bridge at Madison, Arkansas, fearing that General Curtis would pass that way to the Mississippi. Five clergymen, who refused to take the oath of allegiance to the Government of the United States, were this day imprisoned in Nashville, Tenn., by order of Andrew Johnson, Governor of the State. The battle of the Chickahominy, Va., took place this day.--(Doc. 78.) Flag-officer D. G. Farragut reported to the Secretary of the Navy that the Union fleet passed up above Vicksburgh, silencing the shore batteries while passing, and that he had communicated with Gen. Halleck and Commodore Davis.--Official Despatch.--(Doc. 143.)
guerrillas attacked a Union wagon-train near Pittsburgh Landing, Tenn., and captured sixty wagons laden with commissary and quartermaster's stores. An unsuccessful effort to sink the rebel ram Arkansas, lying before Vicksburgh, was made by the Union ram Queen of the West, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel A. W. Ellet. The Arkansas was hit by the Union ram, but with very little injurious effect. The fire of the rebel shore batteries was to be diverted by the gunboats under Commodore Farragut, but by some mistake they failed to do so, and the Queen of the West in making the attack was completely riddled by shot and shell from the shore batteries and the Arkansas.--(Doc. 152.) A party of rebel troops, who were acting as escort to the United States post surgeon at Murfreesboro, Tenn., who was returning under a flag of truce to the lines of the Union army, were fired upon when near Tazewell, Tenn., by a body of National troops belonging to General Carter's brigade, killin
tance against foreign intervention in the affairs of America. The Board of Supervisors added fifty dollars to the bounty of each recruit, and a number were obtained on the spot. A company of rebel cavalry entered Gloucester Point, Va., and captured a number of contraband negroes accumulated there; set fire to a lot of ship-timber, and impressed into the rebel army nearly every man capable of bearing arms. Parties of rebel cavalry were to be seen in the vicinities of Gloucester Point and Williams-burgh in quest of plunder, and impressing into the rebel service every man who could be of any use to them. The Union fleet of gunboats under the command of Commodore Farragut, embarked the Union army under General Williams at Vicksburgh, and proceeded down the Mississippi to Baton Rouge, La. The flotilla of mortar vessels, under command of Commodore Davis, left its position before Vicksburgh, and proceeded up the Mississippi to the mouth of the Yazoo River, where it came to anchor.
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