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pril, 1862. the river obstructed by a raft. Farragut's fleet at the mouth of the Mississippi. Feson of New Orleans. disorder in New Orleans. Farragut's correspondence with Mayor Monroe. why the ortars; the whole under the command of Flag-officer Farragut. The raft constructed by Gen. Lovell sable, and strong hopes were entertained that Farragut would soon give up the conflict as fruitless Through a storm of fire the ships passed on, Farragut leading in the Hartford. They had not proceement. On the morning of the 25th of April, Farragut's advance was observed steaming up towards thnd every preparation made for a bombardment. Farragut then opened communication with the Mayor, and the last hope was to be extinguished. While Farragut and Mayor Monroe were exchanging angry letter him were silent with amazement and shame. Farragut, being informed of the surrender of the forts through several days. On the 28th of April, Farragut addressed his ultimatum to that officer, comp[2 more...]
re brought up from Mobile, from Richmond, from Columbus and elsewhere, and put in battery, preparatory for a grand trial of artillery with the enemy's fleet. The attacking force of the enemy was at first confined to Porter's mortar fleet, and Farragut's gunboats, with their attendant array in transports, which had ascended the river from New Orleans. The evacuation of Fort Pillow, and the fall of Memphis, opened the new danger of a combination between the upper and lower fleets of the enemy.s to take place amid intricate and formidable combinations of the enemy. In the country west of the Alleghany the Federal Government had prepared an extensive programme of operations. In the south, Gen. Butler occupied New Orleans, whilst Admirals Farragut and Porter guarded the Lower Mississippi, and bombarded Vicksburg. Commanding the Army of Tennessee, in the neighbourhood of Corinth, with his advance as far south as Holly Springs and his right at Memphis, was Gen. Grant, with Gens. Sherm
lags. renewed attempts against Vicksburg. shameful failure of Sherman's expedition. third attempt upon Vicksburg made by Gen. Grant. its failure. attempt of Farragut's fleet to run past Fort Hudson. destruction of the Mississippi. capture of Arkansas post by the Federals. its importance. attack of an iron-clad fleet upon isappointed in the accomplishment of military results. While Grant was thus operating against Vicksburg, an attempt was made by the lower Federal fleet, under Farragut, to pass the batteries at Port Hudson, so as to co-operate with Admiral Porter's fleet on the upper waters. On the night of the 14th March, the Hartford, FarragFarragut's flagship, steamed slowly up the river, passing the first of the line of batteries, followed by the Richmond, Mississippi, Monongahela, Genesee, Albatross, Kineo, the iron-clad Essex, the gunboat Sachem, and a mortar flotilla of six schooners. The Confederate batteries were silent, waiting to bring the whole fleet under their
bile and Selma to obtain two important water-bases — the one on the Mississippi at Vicksburg, the other at Mobile on the Gulf, and to establish his army firmly in the triangle formed by the Alabama and Tombigbee Rivers, and the railroad leading from Selma to Demopolis and Meridian. The immediate objects of the movement were to cut off Mobile from Johnston, who lay in front of Grant on the lines in North Georgia, to break up Polk's army, and then to turn down on Mobile, and co-operate with Farragut's fleet, which was at that time thundering at the gates of this city. On the 3d February, Sherman left Vicksburg with about thirty thousand infantry, pushed east, and crossed the entire State of Mississippi to Meridian. A few days later the column, eight thousand strong, under command of Gens. Smith and Grierson, started from Corinth and Holly Springs, and passed, with the usual incidents of pillage and destruction, through one of the richest districts of the Confederacy. The junction
nder of the forts in the harbour. little value of Farragut's conquest. excessive laudation of him in the Nor treated Capt. Winslow. a curious anecdote of Admiral Farragut. capture of the privateer Florida. the exploforces as he could collect, to co-operate with Admiral Farragut against the defences of Mobile Bay. On the 5tort, the ram Tennessee dashed out at the Hartford, Farragut's flagship, but finding her starboard side completict in which she would be beset by a whole fleet. Farragut's orders to the Monitors were to attack the Tennesable water basis for operations against it. Yet Farragut's victory, so easily achieved and so little fruitf ballad, each stanza of which closed with the word Farragut. A feast was prepared for him, where a plaster ofn anecdote told in the New York newspapers, of Admiral Farragut, the naval hero of the North. When the Russiawhich occurred the following conversation with Admiral Farragut. The latter was complaining of the American o