Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 9, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Farragut or search for Farragut in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: April 9, 1863., [Electronic resource], The Progressing attack on Charleston — the armament of the iron clads. (search)
From the Tallahatchie — Anticipated attack on Vicksburg. Jackson, Miss., April 7. --The enemy is retreating up the Tallahatchie, towards Cold Water. Our shot and shell did great execution to their crowded camps. Farragut, with three vessels, is just above Port Hudson. He signalled the lower fleet, none of which have yet gone down the river. Information from Memphis, deemed reliable represents that Vicksburg will be attacked this week. The Federal have contracted their lines at Memphis.
The Daily Dispatch: April 9, 1863., [Electronic resource], Confederate cavalry Raid in Gloucester. (search)
Destruction of Government stores — Farragut's Movements. Mobile. April 8. --A special dispatch to the Advertiser and Register, from Port Hudson, 6th inst. says: The Hartford landed at Bayon Sara this morning and destroyed Government stores. It is stated that Farragut has gone to Washington, via Memphis, on account of his falling health. Destruction of Government stores — Farragut's Movements. Mobile. April 8. --A special dispatch to the Advertiser and Register, from Port Hudson, 6th inst. says: The Hartford landed at Bayon Sara this morning and destroyed Government stores. It is stated that Farragut has gone to Washington, via Memphis, on account of his falling healt
d returned to Young's Point, and the troops were being disembarked. The works on the cut-off opposite to Vicksburg had been abandoned. The rebel cannon commanded two-thirds of its length. The rebels took the Indianola to Alexandria, La., on the Red river, and repaired her sufficiently to make her serviceable. Fears are entertained for the safety of the Hartford and Albatross, as the rebels have the Queen of the West, the W. H. Webb and the Indianola — a fleet sufficient to give Admiral, Farragut some trouble. Tennessee. Louisville, April 3. --Van Dorn is attempting to flank Rorecrans on the left. He is crossing the river at Palmyras; is thought to have a heavy supply of artillery, and is aiming for Kentucky. Murfreesboro.April 3.--It is rumored that a number of bridges are being constructed across the Tennessee river, above Florence, to connect the rebel armies of Tennessee and Mississippi. Col. Lane at Fort Donelson, telegraphs that the enemy are apparently in f