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John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Chapter 2: Charleston Harbor. (search)
possibly do more for us than Mr. Buchanan has done. When therefore, most unexpectedly, South Carolina obtained through Anderson's offer a new chance to propose negotiation, the central cabal at Washington resolved to make it the means of gaining time to set a common provisional government in motion, without on their part furnishing the pretext for any military movement which might threaten or check their plans. They therefore met in a caucus, and appointed a committee consisting of Senators Fitzpatrick, Mallory, and Slidell; this committee began and carried on a dilatory correspondence with Mr. Hayne and with the President, which they managed to prolong into February, all that while keeping open the Anderson truce by the assumption that negotiations were pending. Mr. Buchanan, always indisposed to act, always welcoming any excuse to postpone decision, fell easily into the toils of this side intrigue for delay. Some of his counsellors must have seen through the transparent game wit
John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Index. (search)
Douglas, Stephen A., adherents of, 8; his interview with President Lincoln, 76 Dogan Heights, 191 Duke, Captain, 117 Dumont, Colonel, 143, 15 E. Ellsworth, Col. E. E., 110 et seq.; shot at Alexandria, 113; buried from the White House, 114 Ellsworth's Zouaves, 110 Elzey, General, 194 Evans, Colonel, 183 Evarts, Wm. M., 76 Everett, Edward, 76 F. Falling Waters, W. Va., skirmish at, 162 Federal Hill, Baltimore, 108 Field, David Dudley, 76 Fitzpatrick, Senator, 37 Florida, attitude of, with regard to secession, 2, 8; secession of, 14 Floyd, Secretary, 6, 17, 20, 23 et seq., 26, 30; his malfeasance in office, 31; resigns, 32 Follansbee, Captain, 86 et seq. Foster, Captain, 28, 63 Fox, Captain G. V., 51; sails in command of expedition for relief of Fort Sumter, 59 Franklin, General W. B., 174 Fremont, General J. C., 133 Frost, D. M., 117 et seq. G. Gainesville, Va., 181 Gamble, Hamilton R., 125 Garnett, Genera