Browsing named entities in Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 1. You can also browse the collection for Floyd or search for Floyd in all documents.

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counter-assault of national forces scene at Floyd's headquarters on the night of the 15th escape of Floyd and Pillow Buckner proposes surrender the capitulation Buckner's headquarters Hallec one of the most remarkable scenes of the war. Floyd summoned his highest officers, to consult them hold out half an hour after the fight began. Floyd then announced his determination to desert theers; but Pillow declared that he would follow Floyd's example, as there were no two men in the Con rather capture than themselves. Accordingly, Floyd turned over the command to Pillow, and he in h, and no more departures could be allowed, and Floyd pushed off Such was the want of all order andcountered no dangers whatever from the enemy.— Floyd's Supplementary Report. Pillow escaped on a haopinion entertained by the junior officers, of Floyd and Pillow's behavior is clearly expressed. Aefore simple: Captured,14,623 Escaped with Floyd,3,000 Escaped with Forrest,1,000 (A low estim[5 more...]
the first cases, success amply confirmed his views; and, in the latter, the added difficulties which the course of the rebels imposed, were fully as strong corroboration. Immediately after the battle of Chattanooga, Bragg was relieved from the command of his army, and temporarily succeeded by Lieutenant-General Hardee. It is a little singular to remark how often this fate befell the rebel commanders who were opposed to Grant. In different parts of the theatre of war, he had been met by Floyd, Pillow, Buckner, Van Dorn, Price, Pemberton, and Bragg; every one of whom was either superseded soon after an important battle, or captured. The parallel was destined not to cease at Chattanooga. During the autumn and winter of 1863, the terms of service of most of the volunteer troops expired; and, in order to induce the men to reenlist, large bounties were offered them, and a furlough of sixty days. The consequence was, that a very large proportion renewed their engagement with the g