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of the Stone Bridge, but giving information to General Cocke of his change of position and the reasons that impelled it. Following a road leading by the Old Pittsylvania (Carter) mansion, Colonel Evans formed in line of battle some four hundred yards in rear — as he advanced — of that house, his guns to the front and in position, properly supported, to its immediate right. Finding, however, that the enemy did not appear on that road, which was a branch of one leading by Sudley's Springs Ford to Brentsville and Dumfries, he turned abruptly to the left, and marching across the fields for three-quarters of a mile, about 9:30 A. M. took a position in line of battle; his left, Sloan's companies, resting on the main Brentsville Road in a shallow ravine, the Louisiana battalion to the right, in advance some two hundred yards, a rectangular copse of wood separating them--one piece of his artillery, planted on an eminence some seven hundred yards to the rear of Wheat's battalion, and the