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for a portion of said slaves, and doth advise all persons sending slaves to work on the fortifications to make provision for their support whilst they are so engaged, as the Government will pay for all food thus furnished. The following is the list: Allen, William C. 1 Belcher, John 1 Cosby, J. W. 1 Carrington, Colonel 1 Cohn, Jacob 1 Christian, Ann 1 Deitrick, William A. 1 Duval, Samuel S. 1 Duval, miles. 1 Ellett, A. L. 1 Edmunds, Robert 1 Ford, A. J. 1 Garnett, William F. G. 1 green, B. W. & Sons 2 Haxall, Boling 1 Heckler, V. 1 Hughes, John C. 1 Higginbotham, E. J. 1 Johnston, Thomas 1 Kerr, Mrs. & Robert Maxwell 1 Knight, William C. 2 Lyons, James 1 Lersner 2 Leake, T. C. 2 Lawson, Peter 1 Maynard, J. C. 4 Omohundro's S. Estate 1 Paleske, C. G. 1 Poe, John 1 Payne, Robert 1 Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad company 1 Randolph, William B. 2 Shields, John C. 1 Schutte, Richard 1 Stearns, Fra
ke into possession the slaves of all such holders, hirers and hospitals, who, on that day, are not excused or otherwise exempted, and ordered the same to be published in the Richmond Dispatch until that day. The following is the list, viz: Allen, W. C.1 Ball, Dandridge1 Cosby, J. W.1 Carrington, Colonel1 Colin, Jacob1 Christian, Ann1 Duval, Samuel S.1 Duval, miles1 Dickinson, B. F.1 Ellett, A. L.1 Edmunds, Robert1 friend, John E.1 Francis, James G.1 Ford, A. J.1 Garnett, William F. G.1 green, B. W. & Sons2 Haxall, Boling1 Heckler, V.1 Hughes, John C.1 Higginbotham, E. J.1 Johnston, Thomas1 Kerr, Mrs. & Robert Maxwell1 Knight, William C.2 Lersner5 Leake, T. C.2 Lawson, Peter1 Maynard, J. C.4 Omohundro's, S. Estate1 Poe, John1 Payne, Robert1 Randolph, William B.2 Shields, John C.1 Schutte, Richard1 Sheppard, Lavinia1 Stearns, Frank1 Taliaferro, William C.1 Taylor, M. S.1 Tinsley, Reeves1 Winston, James1 Werth, John J., agent5 Westha
ment of such means, not inconsistent with the Confederate or State Constitutions, as will promptly fill up the ranks of all our armies now in the field. 3. "That our thanks are due, and are hereby tendered, to our soldiers, who have so long and so gallantly fought for the right of self-government; and to sustain them and to provide for their families by all the means in our power in this and the approaching crisis, we hereby pledge our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor." Mr. Garnett presented a memorial of Dandridge Ball, of Henrico, asking compensation for damages done his property by Confederate troops, which was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. On motion of Mr. Christian, of Augusta, the Senate rescinded the standing rule to go into secret session at 1 o'clock each day. The Senate--12 1-2 o'clock--then resolved itself into secret session, and when the doors were opened, adjourned. House of Delegates. Prayer by Rev. Mr. August, of t
Virginia Legislature.[Extra session.] Senate. Monday, February 6, 1865. The Senate was called to order by Lieutenant-Governor Price. Prayer by Rev. J. B. Taylor, Jr., of the Baptist Church. Mr. Garnett presented some patriotic resolutions adopted by company A, Fifteenth Virginia regiment, Corse's brigade, which were referred to the Committee on Confederate Relations. Mr. Guy, of Goochland, presented the following joint resolutions, which, under the rule, lie over till to-morrow: "Resolved, That, in the opinion of the General Assembly, sufficient regard has not been had in the conduct of the war to the development of the productive interests of the country — the production of food and clothing should be stimulated by all the available means in the power of the Government.--The laws of Congress, known as the impressment laws, and schedule of prices adopted under them, have had the effect of discouraging the productive industry of the country, and should be
the clerk. An amendment was offered by Mr. Christian, of Middlesex, recommending a conference between the committees from the two Houses of the General Assembly and the Confederate authorities, in order to ascertain whether any legislation on the matter is necessary. The question upon the adoption of the amendment being put, it was rejected; after which the resolution, as adopted by the House of Delegates, was adopted by a unanimous vote of the Senate. The Chair appointed Messrs. Garnett, Quesenberry and Nash as the Senate committee. Mr. Christian, of Augusta, from the Committee on Banks, reported back, with the recommendation that it do not pass, the House bill amending the law authorizing debtors of Virginia banks outside our lines to pay the same at the banks within their lines. Patriotic resolutions, adopted by the officers and soldiers of the Fifty-sixth Virginia regiment, were introduced by Mr. Jones, of Brunswick, read by the Clerk, and referred to the
resolutions shall be construed into a restriction upon the General-in-Chief of the Confederate Armies, or a prohibition to the employment of the slaves and free negroes for the public defence in such manner — as soldiers or otherwise — as the General-in- Chief may deem most expedient." The following was the vote by which the foregoing resolutions were passed at the time in secret session: Yeas.--Messrs. Alderson, Armstrong, Ball, Christian of Augusta, Coghill, Douglas, Frazier, Garnett, Garrison, Hunter, Keen, Lewis, Nash, Neeson, Newlon, Newman of Mason, Newman of Madison, Stevenson, Spitler, Tayloe, Taylor and Thomas--22. Nays.--Messrs. Bales, Bruce, Christian of Middlesex, Collier, Dickinson, Dulaney, Graham, Guy, Hart, Jones, Logan, Lynch, Quesenberry, Saunders, Wiley and Witten--16. Admiral Buchanan appearing in the hall, on motion, the chair was vacated for ten minutes, in order to give the members of the Senate an opportunity to be introduced to him.
o amend the third article of the Alexandria Constitution (under which we now live), as authorized by the people by their recent vote. The subject of amending the vagrant laws so as to suit the present condition of things was introduced by Mr. Garnett, of Essex, and referred. Petitions were presented touching the case of Berkeley and Jefferson counties, now claimed by the Governor, Boreman, of West Virginia as belonging to that State, but which protest that they are a part of Old Virgiuppress improper assemblages for mischievous purposes and prevent vagrancy, and report at an early day. Agreed to. By Mr. Teeter, of Washington — A resolution of inquiry relative to providing a more efficient common school system. By Mr. Garnett, of Essex — A resolution referring to the Committee of Finance so much of the Governor's message as refers to settlement of accounts between the Commonwealth of Virginia and West Virginia. The bill to incorporate the Petersburg Iron Compa
oysters, freedmen and emigration, in pursuance of Senate joint resolution: Committee on Oysters.--Messrs. Seawell, Garnett, Braxton, Straughan, Purdy, Smith, Bekem, Thompson, J. S. Davison, Towns, Wyatt and Lee. Committee on Emigration.--to proceed to the election of two Senators to represent the State of Virginia in the Senate of the United States. Mr. Garnett, of Essex, offered as a substitute, which was accepted by Mr. Pate, a resolution that, the Senate concurring, this Houobjected to the resolution, that it seemed to pre-suppose that the offices of Senators from Virginia were vacant. Mr. Garnett had a distinct recollection that, when Mr. Underwood presented his credentials to the United States Senate, Mr. Sumnerenator from the town council of Alexandria. Mr. Joynes withdrew his motion to lay on the table, at the request of Mr. Garnett, who submitted the following: Resolved, That the resolution proposing to go into the election of United States Se
the Baptist Church. Mr. Wood, from the Committee on the Penitentiary, reported a bill amending and re-enacting chapter two hundred and thirteen of the Code of Virginia, reorganizing the penitentiary, which was ordered to be printed. Mr. Garnett, from the Committee on Propositions and Grievances, to whom had been referred the resolution relative to the removal of freedmen from the York Peninsula, reported the same back with the request that it be referred to the joint committee to connitentiary, and Penitentiary Storekeeper, which, being objected to, was laid over. The resolution of Mr. Langhorne relative to the hour of meeting and the reduction of the pay of members was considered and again laid on the table. By Mr. Garnett.--A resolution that when this House adjourn on Thursday, the 21st instant, it will, with the consent of the Senate, adjourn until twelve o'clock on Wednesday, the 3d day of January, 1866. The resolution was agreed to. By Mr. Pate.--A reso
s. A bill to amend section twenty-eight of chapter one hundred add eighty-four of the Code. A bill to amend and re-enact the fourteenth section of chapter one hundred and thirty of the Code of 1860. A bill to authorize William H. Parker and others to obtain a grant for certain land. A bill authorizing the Auditor of Public Accounts to pay the claims of public officers in certain cases. A bill providing for staying the collection of debts for a limited period. Mr. Garnett, from the Committee on Propositions and Grievances, reported back the following, which were read a first time: A bill to amend the charter of the Fire Insurance Company of Alexandria. A bill to provide for taking and preserving a list of property damaged or taken or destroyed by the opposing armies during the late war. Mr. Joynes, from the same committee to whom were referred the resolution that "in all suits hereafter brought upon bonds, promissory notes, or accounts, all
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