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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book III:—the first conflict. (search)
to west, divides the plain into two parts, and General Garnett, while waiting for reinforcements from Richmondille more to northward. This is the turnpike which Garnett undertook to cover, and he occupied the only two paby abatis and earthworks furnished with artillery. Garnett had stationed Colonel Pegram with 2000 men in the fdivided the forces with which he intended to attack Garnett and Pegram into two columns. The first, composed oa demonstration against that position so as to draw Garnett's attention, while the other was to cut off his rets brigade, trying in vain to effect a junction with Garnett. Finally, McClellan, having preceded him to Beverl lieutenant was being dislodged from Rich Mountain, Garnett allowed himself to be amused by Morris at Laurel Hillery, their baggage, and about fifty prisoners. Garnett himself was killed while bravely endeavoring to repon's corps stationed at Winchester, to send them to Garnett's assistance. The best portion of his forces, as
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book IV:—the first autumn. (search)
h the lastmentioned district. We left both Federals and Confederates there, reduced in numbers, and since the defeat of Garnett at Laurel Hill engaged in trifling skirmishes. In Kentucky, as has been above stated, both parties are preparing for the Tygart. McClellan's campaign has already familiarized the reader with some of these names. He will remember that Garnett, driven southward by the Federals, who had crossed Rich Mountain, was unable to find any practicable road at Cheat Mountce the greater portion of the course of the Great Kanawha, he found himself in a dangerous position from the moment that Garnett was conquered by McClellan in the north, and was soon compelled to fall back before the forces of the Federal general Cobetter acquainted with the country, with its inhabitants and the mode of making war there. The remnants of Pegram's and Garnett's forces, as we have stated above, had been reinforced and placed under command of General Lee, who was destined at a la
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book V:—the first winter. (search)
command of the so-called army of the Monongahela. Soon after, General Garnett came to join this army with Jackson's old brigade, from which offensive at once. He left Winchester on the 1st of January with Garnett's troops and two brigades commanded by General Loring. The weathe he encamped for the night. He had with him the three brigades of Garnett, Burks, and Fulkerstone; Ashby's brigade of cavalry, together withmediately after leads them into action. Fulkerstone, on the left, Garnett, in the centre, and Burks, on the right, are all deployed in a sine position on his right. The battle rages along the whole line. Garnett, with the celebrated brigade he has the honor of commanding, emerg is endeavoring to take possession of this sheltering parapet; but Garnett, with his Virginians, is the first to reach it. The Eighty-fourth . Kimball makes one more effort to carry the position occupied by Garnett. His artillery covers the Confederate line with shells, and the s