Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 6, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Gen or search for Gen in all documents.

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Late Southern news. The following items taken from the latest Southern journals which have been received will be found interesting: Late from Southeastern Kentucky--Gen, Zollicoffer's Movements — his Proclamation. From the Memphis Avalanche, of the 30th December, we copy the following interesting intelligence from Southeastern Kentucky: Adjutant General Pollok B. Lee, from Gen. Zollicoffer's command, reached the city yesterday, and brings an entire refutation of the Cincinnati Commercial's report about the advance of Gen. Schouf. The truth is on the other side. Gen. Zollicoffer, learning that if was the intention of Schouf to advance upon him, took time by the forelock and made a forced march towards his camp. Schouf heard of his approach and fled, with all possible haste, and when Zollicoffer got to his encampment he was eight hours ahead of him. Gen. Zollicoffer is now securely entrenched, the precise point is not necessary to be known; and we learn that
until Saturday morning, when she started on her return trip. One of the prisoners dropped a letter on the deck of the steamer before leaving, the following copy of which has been furnished us: "At 8 o'clock this morning we left our prison house, and in a few moment's weare on board of a nice little steamer, which soon cast off from her dock and steamed down the River in fine stile. To all Reasonable men our treatment while contend in Richmond has been as Good as could be expected. Some cannot be satisfied. The treatment we received at the hands of Capt. Warner and Capt. Gibbs could not be better under the circumstances. They are both officers and gentlemen. Our trip from Richmond has been delightful. The captain of the boat, I would say, is a noble old gentleman, and understands his business well. He treated us very kindly — gave us good food and plenty of it. "Three o'clock--our steamer in sight, with flags up — soon be on board. "By Gen of the Prisoners.
this small package of letters for the Seven rebel officers composed and they remained for some time ton, and appeared to be making and endeavoring to obtain our contemplated movements ance at this time, and with such ber of letters, leads to the support they were desirous of ascertains of the current rumor of an advance side. Edward Johnson, Captain of Brigade, who has been found ous misdemeanors by court-mar tended to be dismissed from the had his sentence confirmed by Gen, Important from Kentucky-- Le--expected battle at Louisville, Dec. 31. --Exciting a general engagement in Kentucky have prevailed all day, rally discredited now, to being received at headquarters The North Bank of Ken pended specie payment. A doubtful rumor prevails City Hotel was burned by the The People's Bank, of has been reorganized at Loun choice of a new board of ass direction of the bank to Cincinnati, Dec. 31.--A to the Commercial, from i