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ed into each other with a vim, but Cols. Clarkson and the gallant Hounshell proved too much for him. They completely routed him, killing and capturing nearly his whole command. Dills was severely wounded, since reported dead. We captured some fifty prisoners, with a number of horses, &c. This portion of the command then returned to Tazewell county where they are now in camp. When Gen. Floyd reached Logan Court-House he found just the command referred to had pretended him. He again set out to cut off a company or two who were stationed on the main road to Pikesville finding no enemy there, he also returned to Tazewell where his whole command is now in quarters. Since this of Gen Floyd, we learn that an abolition force from Raleigh county advanced upon Octana and destroyed the place by applying the torch to every house. They then proceeded to Logan Court House and destroyed it is the same way, including the and other valuable property owned there by Gen, Floyd himself.