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enerals Hunter and Foster. It says: The quarrel related to precedence in rank, and concluded by Gen. Foster informing Gen. Hunter that sooner than fight under him he would fight against him; and, suiting the action to the word, Gen. F. dealt Gen. H. a blow in the face. Gen. H. was not view to assert his belligerent rights, and replied by striking Gen. F. on the head with a billet of wood, drawing blood profusely. Before hostilities could be resumed, the combatants were separated. FosteGen. F. on the head with a billet of wood, drawing blood profusely. Before hostilities could be resumed, the combatants were separated. Foster, after ordering the debarkation of his division on St. Helena Island, left for Washington, to have his position defined. Meanwhile it is currently reported at Beaufort that Hunter will try Generals Point and Causten's Bluff, as preliminary steps to the attack on Savannah, and at the same time march against the railroad at and thus if successful, get the inside track from his rival. The attack on those points, it was thought, would take place about the 1st of March; so that we may hear some