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John Simon, an Israelite, of the Middle Temple, London, has been created a Sergeant-at-Arms, the first of his religious belief who has ever received this honor in England. Brig Gen Mercer, so long in command of Savannah, has been ordered to report to Gen Johnston at Dalton. His place is to be supplied by Gen John K Jackson. The residence of Hon. Jno. McQueen, Mariboro'district, S, C, was burst on the 17th ult. with all its contents, Including a library of 2,500 volumes. Gen. D. H. Hill.--A correspondent of the Augusta Sentinel says Gen D H Hill is now acting as volunteer aid to Gen Beauregard. Judge Thos. W. Thomas died at Riberton, Ga, on the 24th ult.
st. The Federals were under Banks, Ransom, Stone, and Lee.--Many guns were lost On the rebel side it is known that General Mouton was killed. The third day's battle a Union victory. By falling back Gen. Banks had effected a junction with Gen A J Smith, and arrangements were made to receive the enemy with effect. General Emory had charge of the first line of battle, with Gens McMillan, Dwight, and others Behind Emory posted in a hollow, was Gen Smith's forces. Skirmishing was kept upn army, but became disgusted with the party in power and resigned in consequence thereof.--Any favor that may be shown him will, I am satisfied, never be betrayed. I am, General, very respectfully, your obedient servant. D R Eckles. To Gen J C Breckinridge, C S A. Eckles was a Judge in Utah under Buchanan.--Davis was a member of the 32d, 33d, 35th and 36th Congresses, and the predecessor of the member from the Terre Hanto district (Mr Voorhees.) Both were his constituents and l