Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 15, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Gen or search for Gen in all documents.

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The Department of Richmond. We understand that Lieut Gen R S Ewell has been appointed to the command of the Department of Richmond, in place of Major Gen Robert Ransom, assigned to the command of the cavalry forces in the Valley.--This is an excellent selection, and will give general satisfaction to the public.
wings turned. Longstreet wounded; Jeanings and Jenkins killed; also, Wadsworth, on Federal side. The Yankees pushed back to Chancellorsville. Saturday, May 7.--Place, Germania Ford road. Gen Gordon, of Ga, turned enemy's right, and captured Gens Seymour and Shuler. Enemy abandoned Germania road and removed pontoons to Eley's ford. Sunday, May 8.--Enemy swung round. Lee morning on their right flank Fight at Spotsylvania ll; the 5th army corps and two divisions of cavalry against Gen R H. Anderson. Enemy repulsed with heavy slaughter and driven from the Court House, which they vainly endeavored to retake. Monday, May 9--At evening a large body of the enemy moved around our left and look possession of the road midway between Shady Grove Churen and the Court-House Tuesday, May 10--Frequent skirmishing. Early drove back the enemy at evening. Grant entrenched on the Brooks Road, not far from Spotsylvania C H. Enemy made a raid on Ashland, whence they were repulse