Your search returned 117 results in 37 document sections:

Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Boston, (search)
ouncil as had been most active in oppressing them, with, other prisoners to the number of about fifty, confined them, and reinstated the old magistrates. The rumor of the massacre found readier belief because of a military order which was given out on the reception of the declaration of the Prince of Orange in England. The order charged all officers and people to be in readiness to hinder the landing of the troops which the prince might send to New England. The people first imprisoned Captain George, of the Rose frigate, and some hours afterwards Sir Edmund Andros (q. v.) Was taken at the fort on Fort Hill, around which 1,500 people had assembled. The people took the castle on Castle Island the next day. The sails of the frigate were brought on shore. A council of safety was chosen, with Simon Bradstreet as president, and on May 2 the council recommended that an assembly composed of delegations from the several towns in the colony should meet on the 9th of the same month. Sixty-s
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), George, Henry 1839- (search)
George, Henry 1839- Political economist; born in Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 2, 1839; was educated in the public school of his native place, and after working in a store for a short time, went to srk, by several organizations. Later these bodies united under the name of the Democracy of Henry George Thomas Jefferson, and Mr. George accepted the nomination. He began the campaign with great eMr. George accepted the nomination. He began the campaign with great energy. On the night before his death he delivered four addresses. He retired about twelve o'clock. was seized with apoplexy, and died before morning, Oct. 29. His son, Henry George, Jr., was placedHenry George, Jr., was placed at the head of the ticket, and continued the canvass. Mr. George's writings include Progress and poverty; The Irish land question; Social problems; Protection or free trade; a number of pamphlets oMr. George's writings include Progress and poverty; The Irish land question; Social problems; Protection or free trade; a number of pamphlets on The condition of labor; An open letter to Pope Leo XIII.; A. Perplexed philosopher; and The Science of political Economy. See single tax.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Indian problem, the (search)
xcavate these minerals, and turn these weedy prairies into fruitful farms? Never! This land in the heart of a civilized community is forever consecrated to barbarism. The pioneer's impatience with such a policy is fully justified, though his manner of manifesting it is not. Barbarism has no rights which civilization is bound to respect. The question on what basis the right to land rests is one of the most difficult which political economy has to answer. Many scholars who do not accept Henry George's conclusions accept his premise, that the soil belongs to the community, and that individual ownership rests not on any indefeasible right, but on the express or implied agreement of the community. Certain it is that the 500,000, more or less, of Indians who roamed over this continent in the seventeenth century, had no right by reason of that fact to exclude from it the several hundred million industrious men and women whom eventually it will support. As little have a tribe of a few hu
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Scott, William Amasa 1862- (search)
Scott, William Amasa 1862- Educator; born in Clarkson, N. Y., April 17, 1862; graduated at the University of Rochester in 1886; was Professor of History and Political Science at the University of South Dakota in 1887-90; accepted the chair of Economic History and Theory at the University of Wisconsin in 1897. He is the author of Repudiation of State debts; Distribution of wealth in the United States; Theory of money; Henry George and his economic Philosophy, etc.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Single tax, (search)
ess and poverty. For lack of a better name, Mr. George's doctrines have been called single-tax doct. J., who for many years was associated with Mr. George: Progress and poverty, the work upon which Mr. George's fame as a writer and thinker must ever rest, was written between August, 1877, and eenth century, headed by Quesnay and Turgot, Mr. George says, on page 380 of Progress and poverty (WSan Francisco, and republished in full, with Mr. George's reply thereto, in 1893. Patrick Edward n. It may properly be said, then, that if Mr. George's book did not announce a new doctrine, he chich afterwards became obscured. Or, to use Mr. George's own words, words that have been carved upo few words may be said. In the fall of 1886 Mr. George was the candidate of the United Labor party ected), and Theodore Roosevelt, Republican. Mr. George received 68,000 votes. Dr. Edward McGlynn (ndard, a weekly newspaper then published by Henry George, files of which have been deposited in the [2 more...]
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Socialism, (search)
ormation of a new international association on anarchistic principles under leadership of Michael Bakounine, and removal of seat of general council of the old association, which soon after ceased to exist, to New York. Congress heldSept. 2-7, 1872 Union of social politics formed by German professorial socialists at EisenachOct., 1872 Universal socialistic congress opens at GhentSept. 9, 1877 Workingmen's party in the United States reorganized as The socialistic labor party Jan., 1878 Henry George publishes his work entitled Progress and poverty 1879 Social Democratic federation organized in England, favoring Co-operative communism, international republicanism, and atheistic humanism 1881 Leading principles of state socialism of Bismarck announced in an imperial message to the German ReichstagNov., 1881 Great mass-meeting held in Cooper Union, New York City, to honor the memory of Karl Marx (died March 14, 1883)March 19, 1883 William Morris, poet, author of the Earthly paradise
6 Internal-revenue taxes reduced by acts of July 14, 1870, and June 6......1872 All special taxes imposed by law accruing after April 30, 1873, including taxes on stills, to be paid by stamps denoting the amount of tax, by act......Dec. 24, 1872 Internal-revenue tax on tobacco, snuff, and cigars increased, and former tax of 70 cents per gallon on distilled spirits raised to 90 cents, by act......March 3, 1875 Internal-revenue tax on tobacco reduced by act......March 1, 1879 Henry George's Progress and poverty, advocating the Single-tax theory, published......1879 Act passed reducing internal-revenue taxes, and repealing tax on banks, checks, etc., matches, and medicinal preparations......March 3, 1883 Special tax laid on manufacturers and dealers in oleomargarine, and a stamp tax of 2 cents per lb. laid on the manufactured article......Aug. 2, 1886 Special internal-revenue tax on dealers in tobacco repealed, and tax on tobacco and snuff reduced by act......Oct.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Kansas, (search)
ss admits Kentucky as a State......Dec. 9, 1861 Self-styled legislative council of Kentucky assembles within the Confederate lines and elects ten delegates to the Confederate Congress at Richmond......Dec. 14, 1861 At Middle Creek, Floyd county, Col. James A. Garfield routs the Confederates under Col. Humphrey Marshall......Jan. 10, 1862 Battle of Mill Springs, Pulaski county; Maj.-Gen. George B. Crittenden and Brigadier-General Zollicoffer attack the approaching Federals under Maj.-Gen. George H. Thomas; General Zollicoffer is killed and the Confederates routed......Jan. 19-20, 1862 General Buckner evacuates Bowling Green......Feb. 14, 1862 Confederates evacuate Columbus, Feb. 27; Federals take possession......March 3, 1862 Brig.-Gen. John H. Morgan, with his Confederate cavalry or rangers (900 men), begins his first Kentucky raid in Monroe county......July 8, 1862 Prison for rebel females prepared at Newport, where they will be required to sew for the Federal so
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), New York, (search)
...May 25, 1897 Battle monument at West Point unveiled with ceremonies......May 31, 1897 Immigrant buildings on Ellis Island burned......June 15, 1897 Charles Anderson Dana, journalist, dies near Glen Cove, aged seventy-eight years......Oct. 17, 1897 John Lorimer Worden, naval officer, born at Sing Sing, 1818, dies at Washington, D. C.......Oct. 18, 1897 Nineteen lives lost by New York Central passenger train running into the river at Garrisons, N. Y.......Oct. 24, 1897 Henry George, political economist, born at Philadelphia, 1839, dies at New York......Oct. 29, 1897 Robert Van Wyck, Democrat, elected first mayor of Greater New York......Nov. 2, 1897 Mayor signs resolution turning over the Hall of Records to the National Historical Society for a museum......Dec. 31, 1897 Trolley cars cross East River Bridge in furtherance of through transit system......Jan. 22, 1898 Great excitement in consequence of the receipt of news of the blowing — up of the battle-s
Emilio, Luis F., History of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry , 1863-1865, Roster of the Fifty-Fourth Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
. Brown. George 20, sin.; farmer; W. Chester, Pa. 3 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. Wounded 20 Feb 64 Olustee, Fla. $50. Brown, Henry 19, sin.; farmer; Hollidaysburg, Pa. 11 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Brown, Jesse H. 23, sin.; farmer; W. Chester, Pa. 11 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. Wounded and pris. 18 Jly 63 Ft. Wagner; ex. 4 Mch 65 Goldsboro, N. C.; ret. 8 Je 65. $50. W. Chester Pa. Brown, Morris 22, sin.; wagoner; W. Chester, Pa. 3 Mch 63; missing 18 Jly 63 Ft. Wagner; supposed killed. $50. Buck, Henry George 22, mar.; laborer; Philadelphia. 3 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Champlin, David H. Corpl 28, mar.; laborer; Hingham. 25 Aug 63; 20 Aug 65. Clark, Isaac Jefferson 23, mar.; farmer; Philadelphia. 9 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Clow John 37, mar.; laborer; Stockbridge. 8 Dec 63.; 20 Aug 65. Wounded accidentally by himself 2 Jly 64 James Id. S. C. $325. Cole, James 19, sin.; farmer; Oxford, Pa. 14 Mch 63; 20 Aug. 65. Wounded 18 Jly 63 Ft. Wagner. $50. Lincoln, Pa. Cole, Josiah 19, s