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The Daily Dispatch: December 5, 1863., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: November 29, 1864., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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gland relative to the proposed Congress are still unknown. The Russian Ambassador has communicated Prince Gortscha reply. It is in substance that Russia will take part in the Congress, but not until after the pacification of Poland. It is reported that Portugal has resolved to accept the proposal conditionally. The Paris Bourse was depressed. Bentes 67 10 The Index denies authoritatively the recent report of the alleged blockade of Malamoras. It says:"The French blockade of the Mexican coast commences twelve leagues from the southern bank of the Rio Grande, and no cargoes of any kind, an less there exist a reasonable suspicion of their being destined for Juarez, are interfered with by the French cruiser." It is reported that the British naval authorities have given instructions to prevent a suspicion vessel, lying in the Clyde, from going to sea. The Dano German question creates some uneasiness. Russia continues to make vigorous preparation for war.
ican camps, North and South. Earl Russell delivered an address in the University of Aberdeen, in which he expressed his joy at the fact that the negro was forever free in America, no matter how the war may end — in re-union or a "final separation." Hon. J. C. Scarlett, late British Minister in Athens, has been appointed Ambassador of Queen Victoria to Mexico. Franz Muller was to be executed on the 14th of November, the Home Secretary having refused to reprieve him. The Dano German peace treaty was approved by both branches of the Danish Legislature. The debates on the Franco-Italian Convention, and the question of the removal of the capital, were continued in the Italian Parliament. Deplorable damage had been done by the recent floods around Florence. Armed insurrectionary demonstrations had again been made in Venetta. Admiral Sir M. Stopford, Royal Navy, is dead. The King of Belgium was on a visit to the Emperor Napoleon. The London disco