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Tennessee Infantry, commanding Second Brigade- No. 162.-Lieut. Col. W. D. Lannom, Seventh Kentucky Infantry. No. 163.-Col. A. J. Lindsay, First Mississippi Cavalry. No. 164.-Lieut. Col. John H. Miller, First Mississippi Cavalry. No. 165.-Lieut. Col. R. H. Brewer, battalion of Mississippi and Alabama cavalry. No. 166.-General Braxton Bragg, C. S. Army, commanding Second Army Corps. No. 167.-Brig. Gen. Daniel Ruggles, C. S. Army, commanding First Division. No. 168.-Col. Randall L. Gibson, Thirteenth Louisiana Infantry, commanding First Brigade, with application for Court of Inquiry. No. 169.-Col. James F. Fagan, First Arkansas Infantry. No. 170.-Col. H. W. Allen, Fourth Louisiana Infantry. No. 171.-Capt. E. M. Dubroca, Thirteenth Louisiana Infantry. No. 172.-Col. B. L. Hodge, Ninteenth Louisiana Infantry. No. 173.-Brig. Gen. Patton Anderson, C. S. Army, commanding Second Brigade. No. 174.-Capt. W. G. Poole, Florida Battalion (infantry). No. 175.-
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Campbell, Richard 1776- (search)
Campbell, Richard 1776- Military officer; born in Virginia; was made a captain in 1776; served with Gibson in Pittsburg, and with McIntosh against the Ohio Indians in 1778; promoted lieutenantcolonel; and while leading the charge at Eutaw Springs which forced the British to retreat received a wound from which he died Sept. 8, 1781. A few hours after the battle, on hearing that the British were defeated, he exclaimed, I die contented.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Gibson, Randall Lee 1832-1892 (search)
Gibson, Randall Lee 1832-1892 Statesman; born in Spring Hill, Ky., Sept. 10, 1832; graduated at Yale in 1853; at the beginning of the Civil War enlisted as a private, but soon received a commission as captain in the Louisiana Artillery, and subseqiuently was elected colonel of the 13th Louisiana Infantry. He took part in the battles of Shiloh, Murfreesboro, and Chickamauga. At Nashville he covered the retreat of Hood's army. After the war he resumed the practice of law and was elected to the United States House of Representatives, but was not allowed to take his seat until a subsequent election. In 1882 and 1888 he was elected to the United States Senate. He died in Hot Springs, Ark., Dec. 15, 1892.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Louisiana, (search)
er Mouton 24th to 27th 1837 to 1842 Robert C. Nicholas 24th to 26th 1836 to 1841 Charles M. Conrad 27th 1842 to 1843 Alexander Barrow 27th to 29th 1841 to 1846 Alexander Porter 28th 1843 to 1844 Henry Johnson 28th to 30th 1844 to 1849 Pierre Soule 29th 1847 Solomon W. Downs 30th to 32d 1847 to 1853 Pierre Soule 31st to 32d 1849 to 1853 Judah P. Benjamin 33d to 36th 1853 to 1861 John Slidell 33d to 36th1853 to 1861 36th to 40th 1861 to 1868 John S. Harris 40th 1868 William Pitt Kellogg 40th to 42d 1868 to 1872 J. Rodman West 42d to 45th 1871 to 1877 James B. Eustis 45th to 46th 1877 to 1879 William Pitt Kellogg 45th to 48th 1877 to 1883 Benjamin F. Jones 46th to 48th 1879 to 1885 Randall L. Gibson 48th to 52d 1883 to 1892 James B. Eustis 49th to 51st 1885 to 1891 Edward D. White 52d to 53d 1891 to 1894 Donaldson Caffrey 52d to 57th 1893 to 1901 Newton C. Blanchard 53d to 55th 1894 to 1897 Samuel D. McEnery 55th to — 1897 to — Murphy J. Foster57th to — 190
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Louisiana, (search)
Orleans......April 8, 1892 Proposed constitutional amendment to continue the Louisiana State lottery for twenty-five years from Jan. 1, 1894, is rejected by vote at State election......April 19, 1892 Monument erected to David C. Hennessy (assassinated by Mafia in 1890) by the people of New Orleans, is unveiled at Metarie Cemetery......May 30, 1892 Nicaragua Canal convention opens in New Orleans; delegates from every State and Territory......Nov. 30, 1892 United States Senator Randall L. Gibson dies at Hot Springs, Ark.......Dec. 15, 1892 Donaldson Caffrey appointed by Governor Foster United States Senator to fill unexpired term......Dec. 31, 1892 Gen. P. G. T. Beaurgeard dies at New Orleans, aged seventy-five years......Feb. 20, 1893 Destructive cyclone along the Gulf of Mexico; over 2,000 lives lost......Oct. 2, 1893 United States Senator Edward D. White appointed associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States......Feb. 19, 1894 Newton C. Bla
Chapter 15: The retreat of Banks Taylor's force reduced Walker and Churchill sent against Steele Natchitoches and Cloutierville Yellow Bayou the last battle Louisianians at Mobile Gibson's Farewell address surrender of General Taylor. Taylor had camped on the battle ground of Pleasant Hill. The same night Gen. Kirby Smith joined him for consultation. A jar of plan at once manifested itself between the two commanders. The question arose of borrowing some of Taylor's victillery was at Mobile, and Maj. Washington Marks was in command of the water batteries. When Mobile, so long defiant, was threatened by formidable land forces in the spring of 1865, Forts Morgan and Gaines having fallen in the previous August, Gibson's Louisiana brigade reported to Gen. St. John Liddell in command. The First, Sixteenth and Twentieth regiments were at that time consolidated under Lieutenant-Colonel Lindsay; the Fourth battalion and Twenty-fifth regiment under Colonel Zachari
(Maj. A. P. Avegno) and Nineteenth, with an Arkansas regiment, composed a brigade of Ruggles' division commanded by Col. R. L. Gibson. Major Avegno and Lieut. Benjamin King, Gibson's gallant aide-de-camp, were among the officers wounded. Ruggles' dolunteer infantry, Col. S. F. Marks; Twelfth volunteer infantry, Col. S. M. Scott; Thirteenth volunteer infantry, Col. Randall L. Gibson; Sixteenth volunteer infantry, Col. Preston Pond; Seventeenth volunteer infantry, Lieut.-Col. Charles Jones; Eighr the fact that the firing here was the severest I had ever heard. The First Louisiana brigade, under command of Col. R. L. Gibson, of the Thirteenth Louisiana, was conspicuous for its share in the events of both days. From an early hour on the ganized under the command of Daniel W. Adams, promoted to brigadier-general. It included the Thir-teenth regiment, Col. R. L. Gibson; Sixteenth, Col. D. C. Gober; Twentieth, Col. August Reichard, Lieut.-Col. Leon von Zinken; Twenty-fifth, Col. S. W
d Adams, and Privates Johnson and Walsh, were commended for gallantry. In these fights, Randall Lee Gibson gave proofs of that signal ability which was to mark him progressively during the war. GibGibson was always the student among our brigadiers, but this is far from meaning that he was a dreamer in action. He was a student only in the scholarship which he had borne away from ambitious competit. About sundown, the battle having raged all day and Thomas still holding his log barricades, Gibson, who had taken command of the brigade, was ordered to advance, gaining ground to the left. Theytil, within a few paces of the Federal line, the charge was ordered, and the whole command, said Gibson, with a terrific yell fell upon the enemy. A volley was received without effect; a second from locomb. The staff of General Adams was also cordially commended. The courage and skill of Colonel Gibson was gratefully mentioned by Breckinridge and D. H. Hill. The brigade entered the battle w
36,000 effective infantry and artillery, with 5,000 cavalry. In his front was soon massed a Federal army of about 10,000 and Sherman put in command. The odds were altogether in favor of the Federals. Beginning early in May the Federal army slowly forced the Confederates back step by step, by a series of flanking movements, to Atlanta. In his army at Dalton, Johnston counted among his effective fighters the Louisiana brigade, in A. P. Stewart's division. The brigade was commanded by R. L. Gibson, promoted to brigadier-general; the First regiment regulars by Maj. S. S. Batchelor; the Thirteenth by Lieut.-Col. Francis L. Campbell; the Sixteenth and Twenty-fifth by Col. Joseph C. Lewis; the Nineteenth by Col. R. W. Turner, Lieut.-Col. Hyder A. Kennedy; the Twentieth by Maj. Samuel L. Bishop; the Fourth battalion by Lieut.-Col. J. McEnery, Maj. Duncan Buie; the Fourteenth battalion by Major Austin. (Return of April 30th.) The Louisiana cavalry was represented by Guy Dreux‘ company a
e brigade was temporarily repulsed. While gallantly leading his men he was again wounded, the command devolving on Col. R. L. Gibson. Here General Adams, said Breckinridge, who is as remarkable for his judgment on the field as for his courage, was ner lived in Louisiana the quiet life of a planter, near Vermilionville. There he died April 29, 1873. Brigadier-General Randall Lee Gibson Brigadier-General Randall Lee Gibson was born at Spring Hill, Ky., September 10, 1832. His paternal anBrigadier-General Randall Lee Gibson was born at Spring Hill, Ky., September 10, 1832. His paternal ancestors, natives of Scotland, first settled in Virginia, where Randall Gibson, grandfather of the general, was a revolutionary soldier. Subsequently moving to Mississippi, this ancestor married Harriet McKinley, and was one of the founders of Jeffel division at Spanish Fort (Mobile), including his brigade. Of his service there, Gen. Richard Taylor has written, Gen. R. L. Gibson, now a member of Congress from Louisiana, held Spanish Fort with 2,500 men. Fighting all day and working all night,
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