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ed, our loss is not large in either killed or wounded. Crook's column and Averill's command met with decided success. In one action which we had the enemy attempted a trick by trying to flank our left. In the end we tricked him, as we turned his left, and thereby brought about his defeat handsomely. Tachurn's brigade of infantry suffered the heaviest in killed and wounded. Two special messengers previously sent to the rear with dispatches for the Herald, were captured by Gilmer's and some of Mosby's men, who not only took their dispatches from them, but held them as prisoners. One of the messengers was a negro — a bright boy in everything but color. Our forces are in hot pursuit of the enemy Stahl's division of cavalry and Sullivan's division of infantry were hotly engaged. The brigades commanded by Col. McKeynolds, of the 1st New York cavalry, and Col. Wynkoop of the 20th Pennsylvania did their work. The enemy's retreat is a complete stampede
Judge Lyons's Court. --In this Court yesterday John H Gilmer, Esq, acted as prosecuting attorney, in the place of Littleton Tazewell, Esq, whose engagements demand his attention in another Court. The following cases were disposed of: Patrick Stack and George Rawlings, belonging to the C S Navy, were led to the bar upon an indictment of febosy, in having garroted and robbed David Garey, also a sailor, of five hundred dollars in C S Treasury notes. After an examination of witnesses and argument of counsel, the case was given to the jury, who, after a short retirement, returned into Court with a verdict of acquittal. Richard L Saunders, indicted for stealing brass locks from the vaults of Hollywood Cemetery, postponed from the last term, was tried in two cases, to one of which he plead "guilty, " and to the other "not guilty." The jury found him guilty in both cases, and assessed his punishment at two years in the penitentiary. He was immediately put into a vehicle and
eplied that he was not and gave him his name and rank. Gen Franklin was in citizens' dress, but the rebel also put the question to him, and frankly answered that such was his name and rank.--There was no doubt in his mind, from the manner of the interrogator, that he had been pointed out by some of the passengers. The rebel said: "General, I am happy to see you." The General replied: "I cannot say that I am pleased to see you, under the circumstances." About ten minutes afterwards Gilmer came into the car, and addressing himself to Maj. Gen. Franklin, said--"General, you will consider yourself my prisoner." He was then put in a carriage, and with other prisoners, driven through the country, stopping awhile at Towsontown, and then across to the Reisterstown road, where they arrived about 1 o'clock on Tuesday morning, and immediately bivouacked for the night. The General was put in custody of Capt Owens and two guards, who were charged with his safe keeping. Expressing hi
House of Representatives. The House was opened with prayer by Rev. Dr. Burrows. The Speaker announced the following special committees: The committee of one from each State to prepare a memorial, to be addressed to the several State Legislatures, under a resolution of Mr. Staples, of Virginia.--Messrs. Rives, of Virginia; W. E. Smith, of Georgia, Marshall, of Kentucky; Rogers, of Florida; Kenner, of Louisiana; Keeble, of Tennessee; Gilmer, of North Carolina; Clark, of Missouri; Batson, of Arkansas; Sexton, of Texas; Chilton, of Alabama; Orr, of Mississippi. [Mr. Staples desired not to be appointed on the committee.] Committee of investigation, under the resolution of Mr. Welsh, of Mississippi, to inquire into the condition of the Stuart Hospital.--Messrs. Welsh, of Mississippi; Blandford, of Georgia; Turner, of North Carolina; Herbert, of Texas. Committee on the claims of the States, under the resolution of Mr. Smith, of North Carolina. --Messrs. Smith, o
their taxes to the chief collector of the State. House bill to punish conspiracy, reported with an amendment from the Judiciary Committee, was taken up. Pending the discussion on the motion of Mr. Graham to strike out the proviso to the bill and drop the amendment of the committee, On motion, by Mr. Hunter, the Senate resolved into secret executive session. House of Representatives. The House was opened with prayer by Rev. Dr. Jeter. A Senate bill, providing for the remission of penalties prescribed for the non-delivery of the tithe of bacon for the year 1864, was referred to the Committee of Ways and Means. As being in favor of the bill increasing the pay of members of Congress, Messrs. McCallum of Tennessee, and Vest of Missouri, asked the privilege of recording their names. The special order, the sequestration bill, was then taken up, and discussed by Messrs. McMullen, Turner and Gilmer, till the hour of three o'clock, when the House adjourned.
er, Oldham, Semmes, Sparrow, Watson and Wigfall. Nays--Messrs. Brown, Graham, Hill and Walker. Whereupon, the oath prescribed by the Constitution was administered to Mr. Vest, and he took his seat in the Senate.] House of Representatives. The House met at 11 o'clock, and was opened with prayer by the Rev. Dr. Duncan. The Speaker announced the following committee on the message of the President relative to the arrest of Hon. Henry S. Foote: Messrs. Clarke, of Missouri; Gilmer, of North Carolina; Chilton, of Alabama; Gholson, of Virginia, and McCallum, of Tennessee. The House passed a Senate bill amendatory of the act providing for local defence and local service. Also, a Senate joint resolution of thanks to General Stand Watie, Colonel Gano, and the officers and men under their commands, for gallant military service. The House also passed a bill to provide for the payment of provost marshals and military clerks. Also, a bill to increase the co
to Richmond on a peace mission, by permission of the President, is no less a personage than General Singleton, of Illinois. He only preceded Frank Blair by a day or two. Coupled with this, it is said that, in secret session of the rebel Congress, Mr. McMullen's resolutions, introduced some time since, have been agreed to, and the commissioners have been selected on the part of the Confederacy to meet at General Grant's headquarters. Their names are said to be: Orr, of South Carolina; Gilmer, of North Carolina, and Alexander H. Stephens, the rebel Vice-President. These are the rumors. The facts are, that Frank Blair and General Singleton have separately gone on missions devoted to peace, though the former has other business. Among the rumors prevailing here to-day was one to the effect that General Grant had telegraphed that Alexander H. Stephens had solicited a pass through his lines to visit Washington. Butler's removal — he Dies hard — his farewell address. But
lieutenants of the navy while commanding on shore, giving them the same pay as when on board ship. The Chair announced the following as the Special Committee on the Exchange of Prisoners: Messrs. Marshall, of Kentucky; Perkins, of Louisiana; Gilmer, of North Carolina; Clark, of Missouri, and Funsten, of Virginia. Mr. Branch, of Texas, introduced a series of patriotic resolutions, adopted by the Legislature of the State of Texas, concerning peace reconstruction and independence, and endmission, written and forwarded to the Speaker a letter tendering his resignation as a member of the House, and was thereafter arrested whilat unlawfully attempting to pass to the enemy's capital. "Resolved, That said Henry S. Foote is unworthy to occupy a seat upon the floor of the House, and is hereby expelled." On motion of Mr. Gilmer, it was referred to the Committee on Elections by the following vote: Ayes, 44; noes, 36. The House then, on motion of Mr. Wickham, adjourned.
t of habeas corpus is one of the great bulwarks of Freedom, and ought not to be suspended exception extreme cases, where the public safety imperatively demands it: That the people of the Confederacy are engaged in a great struggle for Liberty, and no exigency now exists requiring its suspension." Mr. Leach asked the yeas and nays, which were ordered, and resulted as follows: Yeas.--Messrs. Anderson, Bell, Boyce, Branch, Clopton, Colyar, Cruikshank, Darden, Foster, Fuller, Garland, Gilmer, Lamkin, J. M. Leach, J. T. Leach, Lester, Logan, Marshall, Miles, Murray, Orr, Ramsay, J. M. Smith, W. E. Smith, Turner and Wickham--26. Nays.--Messrs. Akin, Baldwin, Batson, Baylor, Blandford, Bradley, H. W. Bruce, Burnett, Chrisman, Clarke, Cluskey, Conrow, De Jarnette, Dupre, Ewing, Farrow, Gaither, Gholson, Goode, Gray, Hanly, Hatcher, Herbert, Hilton, Holden, Johnston, Keeble, Lyon, Machen, Moore, Norton, Perkins, Read, Russell, Sexton, Shewmake, Simpson, Snead, Staples, Triplett,
The Daily Dispatch: January 30, 1865., [Electronic resource], "rich man's War — poor man's fight." (search)
, Baldwin, Barksdale, Batson, Baylor, Bell, Blandford, Branch, E. M. Bruce, Burnett, Carroll, Chilton, Clark, Clopton, Cluskey, Colyar, Conrow, Dickinson, Dupre, Elliott, Ewing, Farrow, Gaither, Garland, Gholson, Gray, Hatcher, Hilton, Holder, Johnston, Keeble, Lester, Lyon, Machen, Marshall, Menees, Miller, Moore, Norton, Read, Russell, Sexton, Shewmake, Simpson, Snead, Triplett, Villere, Wilkes and Witherspoon--50. Nats.--Messrs. Anderson, Chambers, Cruikshank, Darden, Echols, Fuller, Gilmer, Goode, Herbert, Lamkin, J. M. Leach, J. T. Leach, Logan, McMullin, Miles, Orr, Ramsay, J. M. Smith, W. E. Smith, Smith of North Carolina, Turner, Wickham and Mr. Speaker--23.] Mr. Shewmake, of Georgia, moved to amend the third so as to provide that payment shall be made for any slaves who may die or be lost to their owners by reason of such employment, at valuations to be fixed under the first section of an act to regulate impressments, passed March 26, 1863, which places the valuation
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