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deserves special mention. Lieut.-Col. J. W. A. Sanford, commanding the Third battalion, Alabama Legion, nobly did his duty, sustaining heavy loss both in officers and men. Asst. Surgeon James B. Luckie, both in the field and at the hospital, was most attentive to the wounded, as, indeed, were all the medical officers of the command. Major McLennan, commanding the Fourth Alabama Legion, nobly did his duty, sustaining heavy loss both in officers and men. General Gracie also says: To Lieutenant Gilmer, adjutant of the Alabama Legion, who, during the absence of its commander has acted as my assistant inspector-general, and to Messrs. George C. Jones and J. S. Harwell, both wounded, my thanks are due for services rendered at Chickamauga. (423) Col. Y. M. Moody, Forty-third Alabama, says: This (Second) battalion assisted in holding enemy's works at Chickamauga. . . .On September 19th, the Third battalion, Alabama Legion, was left on top of a slight elevation, to support Jeffries' and
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), A sketch of the life of General Josiah Gorgas, Chief of Ordnance of the Confederate States. (search)
nce was General J. Gorgas, a man remarkable for his scientific attainments, for the highest administrative capacity and moral purity, all crowned by zeal and fidelity to his trusts in which he achieved results greatly disproportioned to the means at his command. When the first telegrams were received from General Lee, indicating that he must retire from Richmond, General Gorgas, with that desire which he had always manifested to prevent the useless destruction of property, called upon General Gilmer, the Chief of the Engineer Department, and induced him to join him in recommending the Secretary of War to issue orders to prevent the destruction of tobacco and other property. The recommendation was made and adopted, but by some inadvertence in the transmitting or delivery of these orders some of the tobacco warehouses were burned, and from them the fire spread over the city and subjected it to a fearful conflagration. General Gorgas withdrew from Richmond with other officers and was
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 14. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Campaign of 1864 and 1865. (search)
hought near Fort Gilmer, I immediately, with Perry's brigade (the only one then with me), marched in that direction. As I got in sight of the breastworks I saw beyond them two lines of the enemy (the leading line of negroes) moving up to assault Gilmer and the lines to the right and left of it. Ascertaining at once that DuBose held Gilmer and neighboring works, that Gregg with the Texas brigade was on his right, I threw at a double-quick Perry on the left of DuBose. Hardly had they got in theGilmer and neighboring works, that Gregg with the Texas brigade was on his right, I threw at a double-quick Perry on the left of DuBose. Hardly had they got in the trenches when the enemy got within musket range. Fire was opened along the line, but the enemy, under cover of some little irregularities, continued to advance beautifully. But directly our fire got too hot, and he broke and fled in haste, leaving many dead and wounded before us. It is worthy of remark that some of the negro troops got up to our breastworks and were killed there. In this affair the enemy's losses were heavy, ours scarcely anything. The enemy being driven completely out o
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Paroles of the Army of Northern Virginia. (search)
er, Horatio E., Marshall, John J., Mateer, Samuel L., Meade, Francis A., Montgomery, Benj. D., Moore, John H., Mooterspaw, Wm., Myers, John M., Pollard, Jas. G., Jr., Pugh, Geo. W., Pugh, John A., Robertson, John W., Root, Erastus C., Ruffin, Jeff. R., Sandford, James, Shaner, Joseph F., Shaw, Campbell A., Shoulder, Jacob M., Silvey, James A., Strickler, John J., Stuart, Wm. C., Friend, Benjamin C. M., Gibson, Robert A., Gilmer, Jas. B., Ginger, Geo. A., Gooch, Jas. T., Heiskell, J. Campbell, Hyde, Edward, Kean, Otho G., Leathers, John P., Leech, James M., Letcher, Samuel H., Lewis, Henry P., Lewis, James P., McCampbell, Wm. H., McClintic, Wm. S., McCorkle, Thos. E., McCorkle, Wm. A., Swann, Minor W., Swisher, Benj. R., Swisher, Geo. W., Swisher, Samuel S., Tate, Jas. F., Taylor, Stevens M., Thompson, John A., Thompson, Lucas P., Tidball, Thos.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 18. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General Burkett Davenport Fry. (search)
enant-colonel of the Virginia regiment, and on the sudden death of Colonel Fry at Will's Creek, May 31, 1754, succeeded to the command. The Rev. Henry Fry, the second son of Colonel Joshua Fry, a man of attainments and of pious usefulness, married Susan, the daughter of Dr. Thomas Walker, the pioneer explorer of Kentucky, and his wife Mildred (Thornton), widow of Nicholas Meriwether. These progenitors number among their descendants the worthy names of Bell, Bullitt, Cabell, Coles, Cooke, Gilmer, Green, Lewis, McDonald, Morton, Maury, Maupin, Slaughter, Speed, and others. Thornton Fry, son of Rev. Henry Fry, married Eliza R., daughter of Hon. Philip Rootes Thompson, of Culpeper county, and member of Congress 1801-1807. These were the parents of Burkett Davenport Fry, who was born in Culpeper county June 24, 1822. The troubles with Mexico enlisted his eager patriotism, and he was appointed first lieutenant of United States voltigeurs February 24, 1847. He was promoted to the ra
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.6 (search)
do mistake their remedy, this government should not turn them away, and charge them with high-treason and subordination of perjury; but ought to take it up, to weigh the considerations which can be urged in their favor; and if there be none but those which are so eloquently set forth in the pamphlet I have quoted, these should be considered. If they have mistaken their remedy, the House should do as the gentleman from Kentucky (Mr. Marshall) told us he was ready to do—admit the facts. Mr. Gilmer, page 983, introduced the following resolution: Resolved, That in presenting to the consideration of this House a petition for the dissolution of the Union, the member from Massachusetts (Mr. Adams) has justly incurred the censure of this House. The following resolution was also introduced by Mr. Marshall, of Kentucky: Resolved, therefore, That Hon. John Q. Adams, a member from Massachusetts, in presenting for the consideration of the House of Representatives of the United States
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 28., The Society's Meetings, season of 1923-24. (search)
og in evening. Mr. Wilson Fiske gave an interesting talk upon Hudson River, to small attendance of twelve. November 19. The printed copy of Mr. George E. Davenport's lecture on Middlesex Fells having been presented to the Society, Former President Will C. Eddy read the same and illustrated it with slides, some of which were Mr. Davenport's. Twenty-five, including visitors, were present. December 17. Thirty-five were present, including Miss Bell (teacher) and twelve girl scouts. Professor Gilmer of Tufts College gave illustrated talk on John Brown. January 7, 1924. An adjourned meeting was held to hear reports on by-laws and nominations, but no action was taken as but eight were present. January 21. A very high wind and cold evening, barely a quorum present at annual meeting. Reports were made, amendment to by-laws regarding dues passed and officers elected. Meetings deferred till April. April. No meeting, for lack of attendance. May 19. Twenty-two present, incl
the following counties are all that have been received at the Capitol, up to yesterday evening: counties.Bill.Breck.Doug in 134 counties69,59369,5714,842 Calhoun192851 Cabell316161407 Braxton27422746 Hampshire678106475 Nicholas34415248 Mason716439297 McDowell353700 Pendleton400217133 Tyler315423197 Wayne3261668 in 144 counties73,21672,75016,128 72750 Bell's majority466 the counties received, unofficial, are as follows: Bell's Majorities.Breckinridge's Major's. Giles159Buchanan180 Raleigh159Gilmer152 Wyoming35King and Queen255 Webster (new co.)Roane18 363605 353 Breckinridge's maj252 The above table allows for the mistakes in Accomac and Lancaster, and shows that Bell has a clear majority of 214 in all the counties, official and unofficial. Breckinridge, therefore, goes to Webster (a new county) 214 behind.
The returns. The following counties were reported officially yesterday, at the Capitol: counties.Bell. Breck.Doug in 144 counties73.21672,75016,128 Giles36624463 Raleigh2306914 Roane23726416 74 04978 32716,221 73 327 Bell's majority722 the counties received, unofficial, are as follows: Bell's Majorities. Wyoming35 Breckinridge's Major's. Buchanan180 Gilmer152 King and Queen255 587 35 Breckinridge's maj552 This gives Bell a clear majority of 170 to go into Webster (new county,) and Clay, which are unheard from. Clay gave Goggin 41 majority.
The election. The counties received officially at the Capital, Saturday, were-- Bell.Bryck.Dove. In 144 counties74,04973,32716,221 Buchanan141419 Gilmer11724860 Clay1193500 74,29973,76116,300 73,764 Bell's majority638 The only counties to hear from are, Wyoming, which is unofficially reported to have given Bell 35; King and Queen, which has given Bell 35; King and Queen, which has given Breckinridge 256; and Webster. Bell's clear majority, official and reported, is 315. McDowell county returns have been sent back by the Governor for correction.
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