
From Norfolk.

Local news — Butler at Fortress Monroe--the gale, &c.

[Special Correspondence of the Dispatch.]

Norfolk, 26th February, 1862.
Monday night some person fired a loaded pistol at an upper story of the Day Book building. The ball passed through a window and came to a stand, consequently there was an additional supply of leaded matter in the composing room, the proof of which was read in the appearance of the window and place of lodgment of the ball, and was so distinctly taken that the proprietor does not wish any other copy of the same impression. The leaden culprit has been seized and placed in the (printers') galleys. This affair is an Extra Bullet-in. Fortunately, there was only one person in the room at the time; otherwise, it is supposed something serious might have resulted from such reckless, if not murderous conduct.

An accident of a very distressing and fatal nature happened Monday night, at Burcher's Hotel, on west Main street. A free mulatto girl, about 17 years of age, was so shockingly burned that she died two hours after the accident. She was in the chamber of Mrs. Burcher, and her clothes having been accidentally set on fire, she ran from the room affrighted and screaming, and before the fire could be subdued the poor girl was burned so terribly that all efforts to save or prolong her life were unavailing. She was a favorite servant of the family in which she was raised, and who are greatly distressed on account of her dreadful death.

Gen. Butler and staff arrived at Fortress Monroe yesterday. He will probably leave very shortly for his command at Ship Island.

The wind blew a heavy gale here Monday, from about southwest. Trees, fences, &c., were thrown down by the force of the wind, and the water in the harbor was greatly agitated. The ferry steamers crossed the river with difficulty, and on several occasions failed to land passengers at the ferry wharf. The sounds of North Carolina were doubtless exceedingly rough, and it is hoped some of Lincoln's fleet are driven ashore and knocked to pieces by the breakers, or have gone to the bottom of the sea.

The steamer Kahukee went to the Roads yesterday, and after communicating with a Federal steamer, returned with a number of ladies and several gentlemen, who are destined to various parts of the South.

Yesterday the case of the Commonwealth us. Lieutenant M. B. Gilmore, of the First Louisiana regiment, charged with the killing of private Mullaney, came up for examination in the Hustings Court, and after a proper investigation, the accused was acquitted.

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