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Brigadier-General, C. S. Army. Acting under this dispatch I consummated dispositions which I had already begun, leaving my light artillery, Captain Roddey's company of cavalry, Colonel Looney's Thirty-eighth Tennessee Regiment, and Lieutenant-Colonel Golladay's Alabama battalion at Eastport, and marched toward Iuka with the remainder of my forces. About an hour after receiving the dispatch above copied, and after I was on the road to Iuka I received the following dispatch: Jackson, Trt from Yellow Creek suitable for an ambuscade, and when you are informed that they have started toward you you will at once take position at that place, and hold them in check until you can send information here and be re-enforced. Lieutenant-Colonel Golladay has orders to march to-night with the Alabama Battalion to aid you. I am, very respectfully, Henry Craft, Acting Assistant Adjutant-General. Hdqrs. Second Grand Div., Army of the Mississippi, Bethel, Tenn., March 16, 1862. Brig.
John B., lieutenant-colonel; Ewell, Benjamin S., colonel; Goggin, James M., major; Lee, Baker P., Jr., major; Montague, Edgar B., colonel; Sinclair, Jefferson, major; Willis, William R., lieutenant-colonel. Thirty-second Militia regiment: Coiner, David W., lieutenantcol-onel; McCune, Samuel, colonel; Wilson, William M., major. Thirty-third Cavalry battalion (transferred to Seventeenth Cavalry): Armesy, Thomas D., major. Thirty-third Infantry regiment: Cummings, Arthur C., colonel; Golladay, Jacob B., major; Grace, Philip T., major; Holliday, Frederick W. M., major, colonel; Huston, George, major, lieutenant-colonel; Jones, John R., lieutenant-colonel; Lee, Edwin G., major, lieutenant-colonel, colonel; Neff, John F., colonel; Spengler, Abraham, lieutenant-colonel, colonel. Thirty-fourth Cavalry battalion: McFarlane, John A., major; Straton, William, major; Witcher, Vinson A., major, lieutenant-colonel. Thirty-fourth Infantry regiment (Fourth Heavy Artillery prior to Marc
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 21. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The muster roll [from the Staunton, Va., Vindicator, March 3, 1893.] (search)
he summer of 1861: Hansbarger, A. H., April 20, transferred to Company I. Beard, Samuel, May 23, killed at Kernstown, 1862. Lucas, Samuel, May 23, killed at Mine Run, 1863. Kerr, R. O., May 23, living at Flatonia, Texas. Wiseman, W. F., May 25, living at Spotswood. Beard, James E., August 3, Middlebrook. Bartley, V. C., August 3, living at Greenville. Bartley, H. B., August 3, living in Amherst county, Va. Buchanan, B. F., August 3, killed at Gettysburg, 1863. Golladay, W. S., August 3, living in Kansas. Lotts, Samuel, August 3, living at Moffett's Creek. Lucas, John H., August 3, died a prisoner at Elmira, 1864. Montgomery, John, August 3, died of disease, September, 1861. Palmer, Jacob, August 3, died a prisoner at Fort Delaware, 1864. Smith, George A., August 3, living at Martinsburg, W. Va. Wright, James A., August 3, killed by Indians, 1875. During the year 1862, and thereafter to close of war, the company was added to by recruit