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become due, to D. C. G. Field, Esq., Financial Clerk of the Department. By command of Maj. Gen. Butler, Geo. C. Strong, A. A. G., Chief of Staff. There has been published from the Northern papers an account taken from Butler's Delta, relating to the closing of the Camp street Episcopal Church by the Beast's Adjutant General, one Strong. The Delta, said that this Strong visited the Church in citizen's dress to worship God, he being a pious member of the same, and seeing that Dr. Goodrich, the pastor, omitted the prayer for the "President of the United States," indignantly rose from his seat and informed him that the Church would be closed in ten minutes. A gentleman just from New Orleans explodes this Yankee lie. He informs us that Strong went to the Church after services had commenced, having at his heels a guard of soldiers with fixed bayonets. He walked in at the head of his soldiers, and proceeded immediately to eject the congregation and close the Church. The C