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The Daily Dispatch: August 20, 1861., [Electronic resource], A mother and daughter in an Unpleasant Predicament. (search)
on offence of cating his ideas with bad liquor. His also became distorted. Besides the enactment of sundry capers, in police language vulgarity called disorderly conduct, he made an on his household goods. One piece of furniture (his wife) escaped being broken up in an untimely flight. He will be judged by the Mayor this morning. An Italian confectioner, living on Cary street, had a dispute about the price of a p c yesterday, with a Texan, (an employee of the Post-Office Department, whose name we could not learn,) and cut the man in the neck with a knife, besides stabbing him three times in the breast. The principal offender escaped by breaking through a rear window of his store, and running in the street via the Columbian Hotel dining-room. A partner (and an assistant in the affair, as we heard,) named Conrad Castiglione, was taken in custody by officer Goodrick and put in the cage. The wounded Texan was conveyed to his residence where his injuries were attended to.