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e a second time victorious, Gen. Hooker determined to advance. Orders were sent to Crawford and Gordon — the two Mansfield brigades — to move forward at once, the batteries in the centre were orderedn his seat to look about him. There is a regiment to the right. Order it forward! Crawford and Gordon are coming up. Tell them to carry those woods and hold them — and it is our fight! It was fouarge part of his command was broken, but with his right still untouched, and with Crawford's and Gordon's brigades just up; above all, with the advance of the whole central line, which the men had hea such a battle? Sumner arrived just as Hooker was leaving, and assumed command. Crawford and Gordon had gone into the woods, and were holding them stoutly against heavy odds. As I rode over towarets were thickest. Sedgwick's division was in advance, moving forward to support Crawford and Gordon. Rebel reinforcements were approaching also, and the struggle for the roads was again to be ren<
ral Wright, of Georgia, in leg; General Ripley, of South-Carolina, in throat; Colonel Duncan McRea, who succeeded Ripley in command, slightly; Colonel Magill, of Georgia regulars, lost an arm; Majors Sorrell and Walton, of Longstreet's staff; Colonel Gordon and Lieutenant-Colonel Lightfoot, of the Sixth Alabama, Captain Reedy, of the Third Alabama, (wounded and missing at Boonesboro Gap;) Colonel Alfred Cumming, of the Tenth Georgia; Major Tracy, badly, and Captain Watson, of the Sixth Georgia; ff; Major Harris, of Twentieth Georgia; and Colonel William Smith, (late Governor, and known as Extra Billy Smith,) of Virginia, badly. Gens. Lawton's and Wright's wounds, though severe, are not considered dangerous. The same may be said of Colonel Gordon's and Lieutenant-Colonel Lightfoot's of Sixth Alabama; Major-General Anderson's, Brigadier-General Anderson's, and Brigadier-General Ripley's. I have omitted to mention, in the proper place, that Major Robert S. Smith and Lieutenant Lewis
illiant affairs with Stevenson's division in entire force. The enemy outnumbered DeCourcey four to one. The enemy lost two hundred and twenty-five, and Lieut.-Colonel Gordon, of the Eleventh Tennessee, was taken prisoner. We captured two hundred wagon-loads of forage, twelve hundred pounds of tobacco, and thirty horses and multy-seven men of Edgar's and Tannehill's companies of the Sixteenth Ohio, who were cut off before they could fall back from picket-duty, on the main body. Lieut.-Col. Gordon, of the Eleventh rebel Tennessee regiment, was taken prisoner by two men of the Sixteenth Ohio, and though their company was completely surrounded, they dexheir disordered column as they put out in a double-quick for the Gap. Forty prisoners were captured, a good many stand of arms, and some commissary stores. Lieut.-Col. Gordon, of the Eleventh Tennessee regiment, (Col. Hains,) was captured by the enemy. I cannot call this a battle, as it does not come up to my idea of what a ba
Doc. 18..-the battle of Antietam. Brigadier-General Gordon's Report. see volume V. Rebellion record. headquarters First division Twelfth corps, Maryland Heights, Sept. 24, 1862. General A. S. Williams, Commanding Corps: General: In conformity with orders emanating from headquarters of the corps, I have the honor to report upon the part taken by my brigade — the Third of the First division of the Twelfth corps--in the recent battle of Antietam near Sharpsburgh, on the seventeenthows:  Killed.Wounded.Missing. 2d Massachusetts,13573 3d Wisconsin,27173  27th Indiana,18192  107th New-York,7515 13th New-Jersey,77521   Total,7254829 I inclose detailed reports of colonels of regiments of my brigade, showing the services performed by them and their commands on this eventful day, as also a list of killed, wounded, and missing by name. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, George H. Gordon, Brigadier-General Commanding First Division Twelfth Co
mfort to the wounded than has been usual. By ten o'clock the next day his hospital had been cleared of all those who could be moved, and, with their wounds dressed, were on their way to Richmond. He acknowledges valuable assistance from the Richmond committee. The members of my staff, Major Morgan, assistant adjutant-general; Captain Wingall, assistant adjutant and inspector-general; Captain Hill, aid-de-camp; Major Palmer, First Virginia regiment, Captain Adams, signal officer, and Captain Gordon, volunteer aid-de-camp, (whose horse was killed,) were active and zealous in the discharge of their duties. Captain Howard, my engineer officer, was particularly efficient in strengthening my lines. Captain Stanard, ordnance officer, made efficient arrangements for the supply of ammunition, and fought with his guns. Captain Braxton, though sick, appeared on the field. Sergeant Tucker, chief of couriers, was, as usual, always by my side, active and fearless. The loss in the light d
the Navy, Washington. Despatch of Brig.-Gen. G. H. Gordon. headquarters District of Florid respectfully, Your obedient servant, George H. Gordon, Brigadier-General, commanding. Captain ing captured. Information was received by General Gordon, at 11.40 P. M. of the twenty-first instaning to the west bank of the St. John's. General Gordon embarked his troops in the Charles Houghtort) arrived, bringing the information from General Gordon that all had been accomplished, and that tng the sound of the guns reaching them. General Gordon informed me to-day that he expected the me your information. Colonel Noble has sent General Gordon statements from two of those who escaped fnce were not rendered. I have proposed to General Gordon to send out a flag of truce for the purposconvey such orders as I might receive from General Gordon, to whom he ordered me to report. Reporting to General Gordon at a landing opposite Pilatka, I received orders from General Gordon to receive[3 more...]
l, and reenforced them with three regiments of Gordon's brigade. The enemy then began to advance nd from the plank road, and three regiments of Gordon's, which had been sent for as soon as I heard n, to move down towards the right, and advance Gordon's brigade towards Marye's and Lee's hills, followed by Smith's and Barksdale's brigades. Gordon succeeded in capturing Marye's hill with ease, ai, at the signal agreed on, Hays's, Hoke's, and Gordon's brigades, which had been placed in position,Downman's house is situated, and below it, and Gordon on the right up the hills on the north of the ch was done on the plain below Guest's house. Gordon's brigade got in the rear of the enemy's rightke's brigade was placed in line on the left of Gordon, and Hays was ordered to take position in the ne of battle was formed on the river road, General Gordon in front, General Hays on the left, and my's hills had been abandoned by the enemy. General Gordon took possession of Marye's hill without op[1 more...]
to join Griffin in time to move with any promptitude down the Boydton Plank-road. He therefore directs that you send another good brigade to join Griffin, in the place of Bartlett's, in this movement. Sheridan was attacked by five brigades from Gordon's corps-three from Pickett's; possibly by two from Gordon's, one of them being Hoke's old brigade. This dispatch showed that my previous one, giving the condition of the bridge at Gravelly Run, had not yet been received. I deemed it would shoGordon's, one of them being Hoke's old brigade. This dispatch showed that my previous one, giving the condition of the bridge at Gravelly Run, had not yet been received. I deemed it would show, when it was, that General Bartlett could join General Griffin before the bridge would be passable, and that Griffin could thus reach Sheridan as soon as any one, and require no change in my previous order; and, while waiting the result of the reception of the knowledge of the state of the crossing by General Meade, I, at 11.50 P. M., received the following dispatch from him, written 10.15 P. M.: Send Griffin promptly as ordered, by the Boydton Plank-road, and move the balance of your co
picuous bravery, and that the appropriate rewards of valor be conferred on them. The following staff officers were with me on the field: Colonel C. W. Adams, Assistant Adjutant and Inspector-General and Chief of Staff. Major J. P. Wilson, Assistant Adjutant-General. Captain Walker Anderson, Acting Assistant Adjutant-General. Lieutenant B. F. Williams, Aid-de-Camp. Captain D. D. Waters, Acting Chief of Artillery. Captain J. F. Walton, Provost Marshal. Captain Lenoir, and Lieutenants Gordon and Lee, of my cavalry escort, also acted on my staff during the engagement. The conduct of all these officers was in the highest degree soldierly, and their services most valuable. They have my thanks, and deserve the confidence of their superiors. Colonel Adams especially, by his greater experience, his cool courage, and his admirable promptness and precision, has placed me under lasting obligations, and amply shown his fitness for higher rank, which I earnestly hope will be giv
is plan met with the approval of General Lee, and he directed me to send no more troops across the river, but retain the other brigades on the south side. I sent Gordon's brigade to occupy Jamieson's hill to the right, and the river bank in front of it, and formed Pegram's brigade in rear, out of range of shells, sending the Thir cut off, and the enemy in possession of the north end of the bridge. Pegram's brigade was hurried up and so disposed as to prevent a crossing of the bridge, and Gordon was sent for from the right, and a messenger sent to General Lee. I then went near the river to ascertain if anything could be done to retrieve the disaster, bute; but the men who did escape did it quietly, taking advantage of such opportunities as were afforded. After I was made aware of the disaster, and Pegram's and Gordon's brigades came up, steps were taken to guard the river, and prevent a crossing by the enemy. A regiment was immediately sent to the south end of the bridge, and
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