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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1854. (search)
wholly by the movings of his own mind, he decided to unite himself with the Second Massachusetts Regiment, under Colonel George H. Gordon, with several of his personal friends. The Second Regiment left Boston in July, 1861, and its career is well knto my delight he proved to be the favorite sergeant. He seemed much interested, but said he had promised to take hold of Gordon's regiment, and proposed to me to go into it. I took his advice. In the spring of 1861 it had become clear that war wly discussed at his home in Temple Place. In order to give it a high military character, two graduates of West Point, Messrs. Gordon and Andrews, who had formerly resigned their commissions in the army, were induced to take the highest appointments. d stayed to cheer and aid him, though he must in consequence become a prisoner. Captain Shaw, then serving as Aid to General Gordon, used every effort to learn his fate. He wrote thus to James's father:— near Culpeper Court-House, August 12
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1856. (search)
the Second, that when the regiment had been in position about twenty minutes, Stephen Perkins received a wound in his right hand, but refused to go to the rear, saying that a handkerchief was all he wanted, and this was given him. Ten minutes afterwards, Russell noticed him again, and in a few minutes more, when the regiment was withdrawn, he was not in his place. The body was found a little way to the rear, pierced with three bullets. His remains were identified on the next day by General Gordon and Captain Shaw, and were, after due preparation, sent to Washington, and thence to Oakhill Cemetery, Georgetown. There took place on the 25th of September that simple and touching funeral ceremony, the narrative of whose pathetic loneliness has touched many hearts; while it was yet more consonant with the nature of Stephen Perkins than would have been any priestly or military splendor. The services were performed by Rev. John C. Smith of the Fourth Presbyterian Church in Washington,
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1860. (search)
until they reached an opening by the side of an orchard, where General Gordon first made a stand and planted his artillery. They afterwards is full and explicit as to his excellent soldierly qualities. General Gordon, the first colonel of his regiment, says:— His military hh, so peculiarly adorned. General Andrews, the successor of General Gordon in the command of the regiment, says that His voice in gintention had been to accept an appointment on the staff of Brigadier-General Gordon, but the presence of several warm college friends in the Fl. At the battle of Cedar Mountain he was serving as aid on General Gordon's staff. near Culpeper Court-House, Virginia, August 12,rest mother,—. . . . I was in different parts of the field with General Gordon, who finally sent me back to get some artillery through the wooabout fifteen minutes. The Second Massachusetts was on the right of Gordon's brigade, and the Third Wisconsin next; the latter was in a very e
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1861. (search)
nt to Fort Independence at the same time. He soon enlisted in the Second Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, which was then being recruited by Colonel George H. Gordon, and was commissioned as Second Lieutenant in that regiment, May 28, 1861. His regiment was in camp at Camp Andrew, in West Roxbury, until July 8th, whe train was all mixed up with the army, and it seemed impossible that we could ever get to Winchester. We marched along in this way until three o'clock. . . . Colonel Gordon then ordered his brigade back, as the Rebels were cutting off our wagons in large numbers. We marched three miles, our regiment in front, and drove the enemy The regiment soon after began to retreat slowly towards Winchester, fighting all the way. We got there at one o'clock Sunday morning . . . . Our regiment and Colonel Gordon saved the whole division on Saturday, and everybody here acknowledges it. Our loss that night was about twenty-five killed and wounded. The pickets were
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, Biographical Index. (search)
431; H. 100, 428, 454. Gillmore, Q. A., Maj.-Gen., I. 373. Glasgow, Mr., II. 237. Goldsborough, Com. . II. 108, 109;, 110, 254. Goodhue, Clarissa, II. 230. Goodhue, S., II. 230. Goodrich, Allen, I. 126. Goodrich, Charles B., I. 177. Goodrich, J. F., Memoir, I. 126-131. Goodrich, Mary E., I. 126. Goodwin, Lucy C., I. 273. Goodwin, Ozias, I. 273. Goodwin, R. C., Private, Memoir, I. 273, 274;. Also, I. 355; II. 186, 369;. Goodwin, W. W., Prof., II. 304. Gordon, G. H. Maj.-Gen. I. 134, 170;, 257, 258, 260, 263, 269, 273, 315, 323, 356; Il. 86, 89, 137, 185, 251. Gorman, W. A., Brig.-Gen., I. 123, 185;, 217, 382, 402, 422. Gould, E. P., II. 213. Gould, Frances A., II. 385. Gould, S. S., Private, Memoir, II. 385-390. Gould, S. L., II. 385. Grafton, J., Major, II. 270. Grafton, J. I., Capt., Memoir, II. 270-274. Also, II. 262, 449;. Grafton, Maria, II. 270. Grant, Moses, II. 372. Grant, U. S., Gen., I. 15, 16;. 91, 165,
, cols. 3, 5. — D. Strother. Harper's Mon., vol. 35, p. 273. — To Alexandria, 1862. Campaign of the army of Virginia under Pope. Gen. Geo. H. Gordon, rev. of. N. Y. Nation, vol. 30, p. 122. — – – – Rev. of, with characterization of Gen. Gordon. International Rev., vol. 8, p. 444. Chamberlain, col. Sam. 1st Regt. Mass. Cav. at Ream's Station. In Cavalry of the army of the Potomac. Col. Hampton S. Thomas. United Service Mag., new ser., vol. 1, p. 1. Chamberlain, Gen. J. T5. — – History of, part III. Gen. Geo. H. Gordon, rev. of. N. Y. Nation, vol. 22, p. 100. — – Honorable mention of, in Potomac and the Rapidan. Chaplain Alonzo H. Quint, rev. of. Army and Navy Journal, vol. 2, p. 115. — – Letter from Gen. Gordon; credit to men for bravery; circumstances of publishing history of regiment. N. Y. Nation, vol. 22, p. 113. — – Losses of. Wm. F. Fox. Century, vol. 36, p. 93. — – Outline of its history. In Book rev. N. Y. Na
telegraphed: I must . . . either fall back and meet Heintzelman behind Cedar run, or cross the Rappahannock with my whole force and assail the enemy's flank and rear. I must do one or the other at daylight; which shall it be? Halleck approved the suggested bold attack on Lee's rear, and directed the troops approaching from Fredericksburg to march to Stevensburg and Brandy station, on the south side of the river, proposing to unite these with Pope the next day to attack Lee's rear. Gen. George H. Gordon, who has written so well concerning the army of Virginia, in which he served, and who fought so bravely at Winchester and Cedar run, says of Pope: He awoke on the morning of the 23d with no very clear notions of what he intended to do. The heavy rain of the night of the 22d interrupted Jackson's movement and compelled Lee to abandon, for the time being, his intended flank movement; Jackson, by the most persistent efforts, repaired the bridge at the springs in order to extricate Ea
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 11. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Literary notices. (search)
he partisan and write more in the spirit of the true soldier, and our purpose to show up hereafter some of his more glaring perversions of the truth of history. Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain, in the war of the rebellion; 1861-1862. By General George H. Gordon. Boston: James R. Osgood & Co. We reserve for future review this admirably written and very interesting book which is a part of the series of which the Army of Virginia and A War Diary form a continuous history of the war. GeneralGeneral Gordon writes with a free pen, and some of his criticisms on the blundering stupidity of political managers in Washington, acting upon the colossal incapacity of their favorites in the field, are very rich. We commend the book as well worth reading and preserving. the century keeps up its high standard of excellence, and the November number contains a very readable paper on the retreat from Richmond, and capture of President Davis, by his private secretary, Burton N. Harrison. Zzz
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Gregg's brigade of South Carolinians in the Second. Battle of Manassas. (search)
ottle of wine, and shared them with me. General Gordon, continuing his account, says: Nor wasSchimmelfenning, one of the best educated, General Gordon says, of all those foreigners who offered e chaff before the tempest. And so on. General Gordon, in a note The Army of Virginia, page 258 companions had been driven back. This is General Gordon's account, written in a style fitting the from the position we had held all day. General Gordon says: Army of Virginia, Gordon, page 274.Gordon, page 274. The Federal line was formed with Poe's brigade on the right, Birney on the left, and Robinson ik no further part in the action of the day. Gordon, page 259. We had fought Hooker's division of that Sigel had sent to Krzyzanowski and which Gordon tells us were happily placed in his skirmish lid not have the numbers, Stevens reported, and Gordon agrees with him that as usual the Federals werof South Carolinians at Manassas, and of which Gordon says: In Southern histories and by Southern fi[14 more...]
The battle of Cedar Mountain. General Gordon's official report has reached us through late Northern journals. It will be seen that he confesses to a heavy loss in the brigade which he commanded: Hdq'rs 3d Brigade, in the Field, Camp at Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 11, '62. Brigadier-General A. S. Williams, commanding 1st division 2d army corps, Army of Virginia: Sir. --I have the honor to make the following report of the part taken by my brigade in the recent battle of SaturdaAbbott, and Goodwin, and Lieut. Perkins, of the 2d Massachusetts. These are some of the names to be remembered as heroes — men who have died that our country may survive. I carried into action less than 1,500 men. I lost in about thirty minutes 466 killed, wounded and missing. I refer specially to the reports of Colonels of regiments appended. I am; sir, with great respect,Truly your ob't servant, Geo. H. Gordon, Brig. Gen. Com'g 3d Brig. 1st Div. 2d Army Corps, Army of Virginia.
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