Browsing named entities in The Cambridge of eighteen hundred and ninety-six: a picture of the city and its industries fifty years after its incorporation (ed. Arthur Gilman). You can also browse the collection for Simon Greenleaf or search for Simon Greenleaf in all documents.

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. F. J. Higginson, Rev. Thomas W. Coit, Jonas Wyeth, Jr., John G. Palfrey, William Newell, Nehemiah Adams, R. H. Dana, Ebenezer Francis, Jr., Andrews Norton, Alexander H. Ramsay, Richard M. Hodges, William Saunders, J. B. Dana, C. C. Little, Simon Greenleaf, J. E. Worcester, John A. Albro, C. C. Felton, Charles Beck, Morrill Wyman, James Walker, E. S. Dixwell, Converse Francis, William T. Richardson, H. W. Longfellow, Edward Everett, Asa Gray, Francis Bowen, Joseph Lovering, John Ware, John Hols of this Society. During the eighty-one years of the life of the society it has had eleven presidents. Dr. Holmes served for the longest term,—twenty-three years. He was followed by Professor Joseph Story, the distinguished jurist; Professor Simon Greenleaf, whose widow, sister of the poet Longfellow, still lives in Cambridge; Hon. John G. Palfrey, the historian; William M. Vaughan, the late revered founder of the Social Union; and later, by Dr. Francis Greenwood Peabody, Plummer Professo
24, 1834, but his resignation was read at the next meeting, December 19, 1834, so that he never presided at any of its deliberations. The first active president was Asahel Stearns, elected January 5, 1835. The first vice-presidents were Simon Greenleaf, Samuel King, Charles Everett, and Sidney Willard, who were elected November 24, 1834. The first board of trustees were the above-named president and vice-presidents, John Chamberlin, Eliab W. Metcalf, Anson Hooker, Joseph N. Howe, Jr., Wilunity cannot easily be estimated. The names of the presidents and treasurers who have served the bank, with dates of election, are here given. Presidents: Asahel Stearns, elected January 5, 1835; Levi Farwell, elected December 10, 1838; Simon Greenleaf, elected January 22, 1845; Sidney Willard, elected January 24, 1849; Jacob H. Bates, elected January 21, 1852; Charles C. Little, elected January 25, 1854; Dr. Charles Beck, elected February 8, 1860; Stephen T. Farwell, elected April 9, 1866