of the Southern Historical Society was endorsed by him as follows:
The young gentleman who furnishes this narrative — a private soldier in Huff's, afterwards Griffin's battery, I believe — is a gentleman by birth and education, being connected with highly respectable families, and there is no reason to doubt the, accuracy of hthe Rockbridge artillery, Captain Graham; Third company Richmond howitzers, Lieutenant Carter; the Powhatan artillery, Captain Dance, and the Salem artillery, Captain Griffin.
These commands included all the troops engaged during the whole day, I think. The whole force was commanded by Lieutenant-General Ewell, either as commandernever knew). Between Forts Harrison and Gilmer, a distance of nearly half a mile, were stationed Hardaway's batteries, Dance's being the nearest to Fort Harrison, Griffin's next, and Carter and Graham to their left, supported by the Texans and Tennesseans, with the City battalion deployed as skirmishers.
General Ewell was with the
8, 310-11, 314-15
Grant, General (U. S.A.), 341, 343-44, 348, 351, 358, 360-64, 371, 376, 379, 388, 390-393, 406, 408, 414, 415, 417-19, 436-37, 452-56, 461
Great North Mountain, 332, 356, 382, 454, 458
Great Run, 109
Green, Captain, 50, 307, 310, 311, 312, 315
Green, General (U. S. A.), 145, 148, 404
Green, Major B. H., 187
Greenbrier County, 459
Greenwich, 116, 304
Greenwood Depot, 254, 263, 283, 463
Greenwood Gap, 270
Gregg, General, 124, 127, 170, 173
Griffin, Colonel, 207
Grigsby, Colonel, 142-44, 146-47, 149, 403, 404,
Groveton, 119, 120, 122, 133
Guardstown, 284
Guest's House, 223-25, 228-29, 230, 232
Guiney's Depot, 166, 185, 197
Gunpowder River, 386, 394
Hagerstown, 139, 142, 144, 145, 281-82, 285, 395, 402
Hagerstown Pike, 140, 145, 149, 254
Hairston, Colonel P., 3, 5, 7, 16, 72
Hale, Major S., 99, 110, 145, 187, 203, 313, 359
Halleck, General (U. S. A.), 104, 105, 132, 477
Halltown, 136, 408
Hambrick, Major,
rs assault, 377; enters Petersburg, 382; proposes surrender, 388; sends second letter, 389; his third note, 391; final note to Lee, 392; receives Lee's surrender, 393; conditions, 394; liberal terms, 395; generosity at Appomattox, 398; interferes in behalf of Lee, 401.
Grape Vine Bridge, 162.
Gray, General, William, 10.
Greene, General, Nathanael, 10, 14, 15, 16, 410.
Gregg, General, killed at Fredericksburg, 233.
Gregg's cavalry division, 270, 284, 298, 315, 343; captured, 386.
Griffin's division in the Wilderness, 329-
Halleck, General William H., mentioned, 175, 179, 180, 194, 195, 196, 200, 202, 216, 218, 219, 220, 239, 262, 268, 305, 306.
Hamilton's Crossing, 226, 227.
Hampton, General, Wade, mentioned, 181, 183, 205, 219, 224, 241; wounded at Gettysburg, 298; confronts Sheridan, 344.
Hampton Roads, Va., 27.
Hancock, General Winfield S., notice of, 47; mentioned, 230, 272, 281, 334, 339, 347, 362.
Hanover Court House, 153, 158, 305.
Hardee, General, Ja