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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 28., Parson Turell's Legacy or the President's old Arm-Chair. (search)
rever—(thus runs the text,) But one Crown lesse than he gave to claime, That being his Debte for use of same.” Smith transferred it to one of the Browns, And took his money,—five silver crowns, Brown delivered up to Moore, Who paid, it is plain, not five, but four. Moore made over the chair to Lee, Who gave him crowns of silver three, Lee conveyed it unto drew, And now the payment, of course, was two. Drew gave up the chair to Dunn,— All he got, as you see was one. Dunn released the chair to Hall, And got by the bargain no crown at all. And now it passed to a second Brown, Who took it and likewise claimed a crown. When Brown conveyed it unto Ware, Having had one crown, to make it fair, He paid him two crowns to take the chair; And Ware, being honest, (as all Wares be,) He paid one Potter, who took it, three. Four got Robinson; five got Dix; Johnson primus demanded six; And so the sum kept gathering still Till after the battle of Bunker's Hill. When paper money became so cheap, Fol
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 28., One hundred and fiftieth anniversary of patriot's day. (search)
April 20 brought some—the ground white—with chilly air and adverse conditions, a contrast to the waving grass of April 19, 1775. But a thousand of the school children and ten thousand people gathered for the occasion about the old home of Captain Isaac Hall. As usual (in recent years) a cavalryman, representing Paul Revere, rode over the bridge into Medford town with his escort. Later came the mayor of Boston, with General Pershing, who inspected the Medford Minute Men of today. The genial hich we present. Then the rider started, and was followed to Lexington by the fifty-nine Minute Men with their old guns and costumes, not omitting the famous rum barrel. There was a Sioux Indian chief upon his broncho (Sergeant Brewster), a feature not in Captain Hall's old command. All present houses which were there when Revere rode by were marked for the occasion with a placard by the city messenger, directed by a committee of the Historical Society. Medford did herself proud that d
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 28., Medford and her Minute Men, April 19, 1775. (search)
ws of the lonely road, he left it. It was at Captain Hall's house that he made his first stop on that night ride. But, in his own language, after leaving Captain Hall's, he gave the alarm at almost every house on th It is not recorded at what hour of the night Captain Hall assembled his company of Minute Men. It is certaht, nine bore the name of Tufts and five the name of Hall. The names of the entire company are recorded in A rough the square and followed the route taken by Captain Hall and his men during the cool hours of the early midst. But what, meantime, was the business of Captain Hall and his company who marched off under the waningen, bore the brunt of the attack at the bridge. Captain Hall's men were then doubtless further down the road.riam's corner, and here it is commonly said that Captain Hall's men fell in with the Reading company under Maj the day. Here are listed as entering the battle Captain Hall of Medford, fifty-nine men; Captain Blaney of Ma
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 28.,
Medford Square
in the early days. (search)
mitive simplicity, when one spring midnight there dashed hurriedly over it a lone rider and turned westward and roused Captain Hall—one of the last episodes of colony days when we were under the king. The people he alarmed turned out bravely, did the First Parish in its action. So the town found itself without a meeting-house and proceeded to build one, i.e., the Town Hall, that served for eighty years. Thus the civic center of Medford migrated to and fro, coming back to very nearly the spot wre hill lane, leading to the old Wade house, built in 1680, the Bradlee road of today. Then came the sociable row of five Hall family houses, three of which still remain to show us what the old-time construction was. The fourth (Benjamin Hall's) of you men remember the elevation which used to be behind Mr. Colby's, and that long flight of granite steps in it up to Mr. Hall's garden? All the changes in High street, as far as the Unitarian parsonage, came after 1830, when Thatcher Magoun, S