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orses in passable trim. Many of the general officers of the army were present at the review, among them Generals Meade, Hancock, and Sedgwick. Sedgwick being an old dragoon, came to renew his former associations with mounted troops, and to encourag6, 1864-1 o'clock P. M. Major-General Sheridan, Commanding Cavalry Corps: Your despatch of 11.45 A. M. received. General Hancock has been heavily pressed, and his left turned. The major-general commanding thinks that you had better draw in yourrom General Humphreys was alarming, so I drew all the cavalry close in toward Chancellorsville. It was found later that Hancock's left had not been turned, and the points thus abandoned had to be regained at a heavy cost in killed and wounded, to b the enemy, a condition which had resulted from the order withdrawing the cavalry on account of the supposed disaster to Hancock's left the day before; but I thought the best way to remedy matters was to hold the trains in the vicinity of Aldrich's
f my lines this morning, but were handsomely repulsed. I have been very apprehensive, but General Wright is now coming up. I built slight works for my men; the enemy came up to them, and were driven back. General Wright has, just arrived. P. H. Sheridan, Major-General Commanding. About 10 o'clock in the morning the Sixth Corps relieved Torbert and Davies, having marched all night, and these two generals moving out toward the Chickahominy covered the left of the infantry line till Hancock's corps took their place in the afternoon. By this time Gregg had joined me with his two brigades, and both Torbert and Gregg were now marched to Prospect Church, from which point I moved them to a position on the north side of the Chickahominy at Bottom's bridge. Here the enemy's cavalry confronted us, occupying the south bank of the stream, with artillery in position at the fords prepared to dispute our passage; but it was not intended that we should cross; so Gregg and Torbert lay quie
eiving Lee my isolated position estimate of Hancock success of the cavalry their constant dutienemy's view before dark, and after night-fall Hancock's corps passed me and began crossing the pontpieces of artillery. This opened the way for Hancock to push out his whole corps, and as he advancopment rendered useless any further effort on Hancock's part or mine to carry out the plan of the expedition, for General Grant did not intend Hancock to assault the enemy's works unless there shoultry which could be surprised. In such event, Hancock was to operate so that the cavalry might turne impracticable. The long front presented by Hancock's corps and the cavalry deceived General Lee, hoped Lee would do in case the operations of Hancock and myself became impracticable, for Grant ha the explosion, and I was directed to follow Hancock. This left me on the north side of the riverduring the war in which I was associated with Hancock in campaign. Up till then we had seldom met,[11 more...]
conduct on the day of the battle. He assumed that the delay in not granting his request for an inquiry, which was first made at the close of the war, was due to opposition on my part. In this he was in error; I never opposed the ordering of the Court, but when it was finally decided to convene it I naturally asked to be represented by counsel, for the authorization of the Inquiry was so peculiarly phrased that it made me practically a respondent. New York City, May 3, 1880. Major-General W. S. Hancock, U. S. A. President Court of Inquiry, Governor's Island. Sir: Since my arrival in this city, under a subpena to appear and testify before the Court of which you are president, I have been indirectly and unofficially informed that the Court some time ago forwarded an invitation to me (which has not been received) to appear personally or by counsel, in order to aid it in obtaining a knowledge as to the facts concerning the movements terminating in the battle of Five Forks, with r
promulgation the President relieved me from duty and assigned General Hancock as my successor. Pending the arrival of General Hancock, IGeneral Hancock, I turned over the command of the district September 1 to General Charles Griffin; but he dying of yellow fever, General J. A. Mower succeeded him, and retained command till November 29, on which date General Hancock assumed control. Immediately after Hancock took charge, he revokedHancock took charge, he revoked my order of August 24 providing for a revision of the jury lists; and, in short, President Johnson's policy now became supreme, till HancockHancock himself was relieved in March, 1868. My official connection with the reconstruction of Louisiana and Texas practically closed with this trict, General Sheridan to the Department of the Missouri, and General Hancock to the Department of the Cumberland; also your note of this da. I was ordered to command the Department of the Missouri (General Hancock, as already noted, finally becoming my successor in the Fifth
ued in the Fifth Military District--a public demonstration apparently of the most sincere and hearty character. From St. Louis to Leavenworth took but one night, and the next day I technically complied with my orders far enough to permit General Hancock to leave the department, so that he might go immediately to New Orleans if he so desired, but on account of the yellow fever epidemic then prevailing, he did not reach the city till late in November. My new command was one of the four miand construction parties of the Kansas-Pacific railroad, sweeping down on emigrant trains, plundering and burning stage-stations and the like along the Smoky Hill route to Denver and the Arkansas route to New Mexico. However, when I relieved Hancock, the department was comparatively quiet. Though some military operations had been conducted against the hostile tribes in the early part of the previous summer, all active work was now suspended in the attempt to conclude a permanent peace with