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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays, chapter 4 (search)
g --O day of glory!--those of my classmate, Francis Edward Parker, who was easily first; and to have a passage read to the class for praise, even anonymously, was beyond all other laurels, though the satisfaction might be marred occasionally by the knowledge that my elder sister had greatly helped in that particular sentence. When it is considered that Channing's method reared most of the well-known writers whom New England was then producing,that it was he who trained Emerson, C. F. Adams, Hedge, A. P. Peabody, Felton, Hillard, Winthrop, Holmes, Sumner, Motley, Phillips, Bowen, Lovering, Torrey, Dana, Lowell, Thoreau, Hale, Thomas Hill, Child, Fitzedward Hall, Lane, and Norton,--it will be seen that the classic portion of our literature came largely into existence under him. He fulfilled the aspiration attributed to Increase Mather when he wished to become president of Harvard College: to mould not merely the teaching, but the teachers,--non lapides dolare, sed architectos. The
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays, chapter 8 (search)
to be very economical indeed. Its membership, nevertheless, was well chosen and varied. At its four monthly gatherings, the lecturers were Theodore Parker, Henry James the elder, Henry Giles (then eminent as a Shakespeare lecturer), and the Rev. William B. Greene, afterwards colonel of the First Massachusetts Heavy Artillery. Among the hundred or more members, there were well-known lawyers, as Sumner, E. R. Hoar, Hillard, Burlingame, Bemis, and Sewall; and there were clergymen, as Parker, Hedge, W. H. Channing, Hill, Bartol, Frothingham, and Hale; the only non-Unitarian clergyman being the Rev. John 0. Choules, a cheery little English Baptist, who had been round the world with Commodore Vanderbilt in his yacht, and might well feel himself equal to any worldly companionship. The medical profession was represented by Drs. Channing, Bowditch, Howe, and Loring; and the mercantile world by the two brothers Ward, Franklin Haven, William D. Ticknor, and James T. Fields. Art appeared o
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays, Index. (search)
l, A. O., 108. Hall, Fitzedward, 53. Hamel, M., 321. Hanway, James, 208. Harbinger, the, 101. Hardy, Thomas, 273, 352. Harrington, Mrs., 86. Harris, T. W., 56. Harvard University in 1837, 44; improvements in morals and manners, 46; elective system at, 57. Haven, Franklin, 76. Hawkins, N., 217. Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 12, 158, 168, 170, 171, 176, 297, 315. Hay, George, 55. Hay, John, 219. Hayden, Lewis, 140, 151, 155, 245. Hazlett, Albert, 229, 231. Hazlitt, William, 67. Hedge, F. H., 53, 175. Heine, Heinrich, 80, go, 120. Heinzelmann, 359. Heraud's monthly magazine, quoted, 167. Herttell, s,Thomas, 6. Hesiod, 92. Higginson, Barbara, 80. Higginson, F. J., 123. Higginson, Francis, 4, 114, 130. Higginson, John, 123. Higginson, Louisa (Storrow), 8, 10, 34, 160. Higginson, Louisa Susan, 101. Higginson, Stephen, senior, 4; description of, by W. H. Channing, 43. Higginson, Stephen, junior, 4. Higginson, T. W., birth and home, 3; school days, 1