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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 3: Girlhood at Cambridge. (1810-1833.) (search)
ny pupils from what was then called Old Cambridge,--now Harvard Square,--then quite distinct from the Port, and not especially disposed to go to it for instruction. Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes was one of Margaret Fuller's fellow pupils, as were John Holmes, his younger brother, and Richard Henry Dana. From those who were her associates in this school, it is possible to obtain a very distinct impression of her as she then appeared. She came to school for these Greek recitations only, and was could rock the cradle, read a book, eat an apple, and knit a stocking, all at the same time; and here also the indefatigable imitation of her young admirers toiled after her in vain. How she impressed the boys, meanwhile, may be gathered from Dr. Holmes's amusing description of the awe with which he regarded the opening sentence of one of her school compositions: It is a trite remark. Atlantic Monthly, XXIII. 117. Alas! he did not know the meaning of the word! trite. A lady, who at a lat
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Index. (search)
sty, Captain, 275 276. Hasty, Mrs., 275, 278, 279. Hawthorne, Nathaniel, extract from Note-books, 103; other references, 173, 174, 178, 179. Hedge, F. H., letters to, 43, 44, 48, 63, 141,149, 150; other references, 3 22, 34, 44, 45, 62, 141-144, 146. 162, 188. Heine, Heinrich, 17, 45, 298. Heraud, John A., 145-147, 160, 161, 229; his magazine, 140, 145, 160. Herschel, F. W., 45. Higginsons, The, 52. Hoar, Elizabeth, letters from, 64, 119; other references, 8, 248, 249. Holmes, John, 24. Holmes, O. W., 24, 26, 80 84, 86. Hooper, Ellen (Sturgis), 154, 166. Houghton, Lord (R. M. Milnes), 69. Howe, Julia (Ward), 2. Howitts, the, 229. Hudson, H. N., 211. Hunt, Leigh, 146. Hutchinson Family, the, 176. I. Indians, study of the, 196. Ireland, Mr., 221. Irish, defense of the, 214. Irving, Washington, 181, 132. J. Jacobs Sarah S., 80, 84. Jahn, F. L., 46. James, Henry, 134. Jameson, Anna, 195. Jefferson, Thomas, 4, 16, 45, 308. Jonson,