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Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 2 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 160 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Walcott Boynton, Reader's History of American Literature 83 1 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Olde Cambridge 65 1 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, John Greenleaf Whittier 40 0 Browse Search
Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches 39 1 Browse Search
Jula Ward Howe, Reminiscences: 1819-1899 34 2 Browse Search
Laura E. Richards, Maud Howe, Florence Howe Hall, Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910, in two volumes, with portraits and other illustrations: volume 1 33 1 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 30 0 Browse Search
Charles E. Stowe, Harriet Beecher Stowe compiled from her letters and journals by her son Charles Edward Stowe 29 5 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 25 1 Browse Search
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at Civil War already written. That history, to date, is a history of battles, of campaigns and of generals. This is the first attempt to record comprehensively army life in detail; in which both text and illustrations aim to permanently record information which the history of no other war has preserved with equal accuracy and completeness. I am under obligations to many veterans for kindly suggestions and criticisms during the progress of this work, to Houghton & Mifflin for the use of Holmes' Sweet little man, and especially to Comrade Charles W. Reed, for his many truthful and spirited illustrations. The large number of sketches which he brought from the field in 1865 has enabled him to reproduce with telling effect many sights and scenes once very familiar to the veterans of the Union armies, which cannot fail to recall stirring experiences in their soldier's life. Believing they will do this, and that these pages will appeal to a large number to whom the Civil War is yet
John D. Billings, Hardtack and Coffee: The Unwritten Story of Army Life, I. The tocsin of war. (search)
d by the statement that he had shown the white feather, --another term for cowardice. A reference to any file of illustrated papers of those days will show a large number of such persons. Such gratuitous advertising by a generally loyal, though not always discreet press did some men gross injustice; for, as already intimated, many of the men thus publicly sketched and denounced were among the most worthy and loyal of citizens. A little later than the period of which I am treating, Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote the following poem, hitting off a certain limited class in the community:-- The sweet little man: dedicated to the stay-at-home Rangers. Now while our soldiers are fighting our battles, Each at his post to do all that he can, Down among Rebels and contraband chattels, What are you doing, my sweet little man? All the brave boys under canvas are sleeping; All of them pressing to march with the van, Far from the home where their sweethearts are weeping; What are you waiting fo
ong enough to state. He pursues it with the most terrible of curses uphill, and then with like violent language follows it down. He blank blanks the whole blank blank war, and hopes that the South may win. He wishes that all the blank horses were in blank, and adds by way of self-reproach that it serves any one, who is such a blank blank fool as to enlist, right to have this blank, filthy, disgusting work to do. And he leaves the stockade shutting the door behind him with a wooden damn, as Holmes says, and goes off to report, making the air blue with his cursing. Let me say for this man, before leaving him, that he is not so hardened and bad at heart as he makes himself appear; and in the shock of battle he will be found standing manfully at his post minus his temper and profanity. There is one more man whom I will describe here, representing another class than either mentioned, whose unlucky star has fated him to take a part in these obsequies; but he is not a shirk nor a beat
VIII. offences and punishments. They braced my aunt against a board, To make her straight and tall; They laced her up, they starved her down, To make her light and small; They pinched her feet, they singed her hair, They screwed it up with pins;-- Oh, never mortal suffered more In penance for her sins. Holmes. No popular history of the war has yet treated in detail of the various indiscretions of which soldiers were guilty, nor of the punishments which followed breaches of discipline. Perhaps such a record is wanting because there are many men yet alive who cannot think with equanimity of punishments to which they were at some period of their service subjected. Indeed, within a few months I have seen veterans who, if not breathing out threatening and slaughter, like Saul of Tarsus, Ball and chain. are still unreconciled to some of their old commanders, and are brooding over their old-time grievances, real or imaginary, or both, when they ought to be engaged in more entertain
Grant, Ulysses S., 115, 121, 240, 263,286,317,340, 350,362,370, 405; his Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, 279, 291, 317,359-62, 370-71 Griffin, Charles S., 329 Hampton, Wade, 295,321 Hancock, Winfield S., 208,254, 266-67,327,363,384 Hardtack, 96-97,110,113-19 Harpers Ferry, 287 Harrison's Landing, Va., 51,356-57 Hatcher's Run, Va., 308,313,392 Hazen, William B., 406 Heintzelman, Samuel P., 265 Hesser, Theodore, 311 Hinks, E. W., 29 Hinson, Joseph, 405 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 26 Hood, John B., 400,406 Hooker, Joseph, 71, 257, 259-62, 331,338-40 Hospitals, 298-303,308 Hough, John, 263 Howard, Oliver O., 406 Huts, 56-58, 73-89 Ingalls, Rufus, 359,371-72, 375 Irwin, B. J. D., 301 Jackson, Andrew, 18 Jackson, Thomas J., 71 Jeffersonville, Ind., 121 Johnston, Joseph E., 340 Jonahs, 90-94 Jones, Edward F., 36 Kearney, Philip, 254-57 Kelly's Ford, Va., 315 Kenesaw Mountain, 400,404 Kingston, Ga., 400 Lee, Robert E., 1
Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, XIX. (search)
dded, to know who wrote it, but I never could ascertain. Then, half closing his eyes, he repeated the poem, Oh! Why should the spirit of mortal be proud? Surprised and delighted, I told him that I should greatly prize a copy of the lines. He replied that he had recently written them out for Mrs. Stanton, but promised that when a favorable opportunity occurred he would give them to me. Varying the subject, he continued: There are some quaint, queer verses, written, I think, by Oliver Wendell Holmes, entitled, The Last Leaf, one of which is to me inexpressibly touching. He then repeated these also from memory. The verse he referred to occurs in about the middle of the poem, and is this:-- The mossy marbles rest On the lips that he has pressed In their bloom; And the names he loved to hear Have been carved for many a year On the tomb. As he finished this verse, he said, in his emphatic way, For pure pathos, in my judgment, there is nothing finer than those six lines in the
Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, Index. (search)
Street Assessor, 255. Goldsborough, Admiral, 240. Grant, General, 56, 57, 265, 283, 292. Greeley, 152. Greene, W. T., 267. Gulliver, Rev. J. B., Reminiscences, 309. H. Halpine, Colonel, 63, 278 Hammond, Surgeon-General, 274, 275 Hanks, Dennis, 299. Harris, Hon., Ira, 175. Hay, John, 45, 149. Henderson, Rev. Mr., 320. Henry, Dr., (Oregon,) 302. Herndon, Hon., Wm. H.; analysis of Mr. Lincoln's character, 323. Higby, Hon., William, 148. Holland, Dr., 79, 191. Holmes, O. W., 58. Holt, Judge. 32, 33. Hooker, General, 233. Hospitals, 107. Hubbard, Hon. Mr., (Ct.,) 253. I. Independent, New York, 88, 230, 287. Ingenious Nonsense, 158. Inman, (Artist,) 69. J. Jackson, Stonewall, 234, 268. Johnson, Hon., Andrew, 102. Johnson, Oliver, 77. Jones, (Sculptor,) 34. K. Kelly, Hon., Wm., 92, 165, 294 King, Starr, 228. Knox, William, (Poet,) 60. L. Lincoln, Hon. G. B., of Brooklyn, 110, 113, 234. Lincoln, Mrs. 165, 293, 30
evinced a fancy for some poem or short sketch to which his attention was called by some one else, or which he happened to run across in his cursory reading of books or newspapers. He never in his life sat down and read a book through, and yet he could readily quote any number of passages from the few volumes whose pages he had hastily scanned. In addition to his well-known love for the poem Immortality or Why should the spirit of mortal be proud, he always had a great fondness for Oliver Wendell Holmes' Last Leaf, the fourth stanza of which, beginning with the verse, The mossy marbles rest, I have often heard him repeat. He once told me of a song a young lady had sung in his hearing at a time when he was laboring under some dejection of spirits. The lines struck his fancy, and although he did not know the singerhaving heard her from the sidewalk as he passed her house — he sent her a request to write the lines out for him. Within a day or two he came into the office, carrying in
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The historical basis of Whittier's <persName n="Frietchie,,Barbara,,," id="n0044.0081.00618.13102" reg="default:Frietchie,Barbara,,," authname="frietchie,barbara"><foreName full="yes">Barbara</foreName> <surname full="yes">Frietchie</surname></persName>. (search)
e burial-ground of the German Reformed Church in Frederick is also true. There is only one account of Stonewall Jackson's entry into Frederick, and that was written by a Union army surgeon who was in charge of the hospital there at the time. Jackson I did not get a look at to recognize him, the doctor wrote on the 21st of September, though I must have seen him, as I witnessed the passage of all the troops through the town. Not a word about Barbara Frietchie and this incident. Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, too, was in Frederick soon afterward, on his way to find his son, reported mortally wounded at Antietam. Such a story, had it been true, could scarcely have failed to reach his ears, and he would undoubtedly have told it in his delightful chapter of war reminiscences, My Hunt for the Captain, had he heard it. Barbara Frietchie had a flag, and it is now in the possession of Mrs. Handschue and her daughter, Mrs. Abbott, of Frederick. Mrs. Handschue was the niece and adopted daught
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 5: the Chattanooga campaign.--movements of Sherman's and Burnside's forces. (search)
an, McRae, and Walker,. were then under the control of General Holmes, who, at the middle of June, asked and received permisounder Parrott guns and 6 and 12-pounder brass pieces. Holmes's entire force — the remnants of armies decimated by the wng. Fagan, meanwhile, under the immediate direction of Holmes, had attacked the battery on Hindman's Hill with his littlely but uselessly, and suffered fearful loss. Toward noon Holmes ordered a retreat, to save this little force from utter deulsed at all points and withdrew, with a loss, reported by Holmes, of twenty per cent. of his entire force. He reported h6 men. Prentiss (whose loss was only 250 men) made that of Holmes appear much greater, by stating that he buried 800 Confede left dead on the field, and took 1,100 of them prisoners. Holmes hastily retreated with his shattered army, and thence-fort the slain was Lieutenant P. M. Holmes, son of Professor Oliver Wendell Holmes, of Charlestown, Massachusetts. On his breast