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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 2., The highway or Canal through Labor in Vain point. (search)
The highway or Canal through Labor in Vain point. by John H. Hooper. The first great highway connecting the settlement at Mistick with the other settlements on Massachusetts bay was the Mistick river. After the building of Mistick bridge, no other bridge spanned its waters so as to interfere with its free navigation until the building of Malden bridge, which was opened to public travel Sept. 29, 1787. Governor Cradock's interests in trading and fishing, and, after his death and the sale of his estate, the growing commerce of the town, required many boats or lighters on the river, and the management of these boats or lighters gave employment to a hardy class of men called boatmen or lightermen. The navigation of the Mistick river with this class of vessels was no easy task. With sails, oars, poles, and the towline, assisted by the incoming and outgoing tide, did those hardworking men pursue their arduous employment. The tortuous channel of the river winding through the marshes
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 2., Medford Historical Society. (search)
Medford Historical Society. Officers for year ending March, 1901. President. John H. Hooper. Vice-Presidents. L. Dame, Am Cushing Wait, Rosewell B. Lawrence, Charles H. Loomis. Recording Secretary. Jessie M. Dinsmore. Corresponding Secretary. Walter H. Cushing. Treasurer. Benjamin F. Fenton. Charles H. Morss, Charles H. Loomis, L. L. Dame, Walter H. Cushing, Miss Helen T. Wild. Papers and Addresses. David H. Brown, John Ward Dean, John H. Hooper, Dr. R. J. P. Goodwin, Miss Agnes W. Lincoln, William C. Wait. Historic Sites L. L. Dame, L. J. Manning, Miss Hetty F. Wait, Miss Ella L. Burbank,ngman, Charles B. Dunham, Dr. James Hedenberg. Library and Collections. Miss Agnes W. Lincoln, Abijah Thompson, Benjamin F. Fenton, Miss Mary E. Sargent, Geo. S. Delano, William C. Wait, F. A. Wait, Miss Ella A. Leighton, Miss Katharine H. Stone. Photographs. W. C. Eddy, John H. Hooper, R. J. P. Goodwin.
Notes. the annual meeting of the Historical Society was held in the Society Rooms, March 19. President Wait, who had previously announced his intention to retire from the office which he had held for four years, gave an interesting address, covering the work and needs of the Society. The reports of the various committees showed the organization to be in good working condition. The report of the Librarian and Curator, Miss Agnes W. Lincoln, was of especial interest. Votes of thanks to the retiring President, and the retiring Treasurer, Mr. Charles H. Loomis, were passed. The election of officers was held. The list will be found elsewhere. A brief sketch, with portrait of Mr. J. H. Hooper, the newly elected President of the Society, appeared in the January number of the Register last year.
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 2., Dedication of memorial tablet to Sarah (Bradlee) Fulton. (search)
e American Revolution, facing the little cemetery, where many flags waved over graves of soldiers of the War of Independence, the tablet stands inscribed: Sarah Bradlee Fulton 1740-1835 A Heroine of the Revolution erected by the Sarah Bradlee Fulton Chapter, D. A. R. 1900 In the words of the Regent of the Chapter, The memory of the lives of those noble women of a hundred years ago is a legacy to every American woman, a trust to be proud of, and one to be administered in the spirit of unselfish devotion, lofty purpose, and true womanhood. the Committee on Papers and Addresses has given an interesting series the past season: November.—The Second and Mystic Churches, by Charles Cummings. December.—The Homes of the Puritans, by Rev. T. F. Waters. January.—Benjamin Hall, by Helen T. Wild. February.—The Royall House and Farm, by John H. Hooper. April.—Paul Revere's Ride, with lantern slides, by W. C. Eddy. May.—Slavery in Medford, by Walter
The Royall house and farm. drawing and plans were made by Charles E. Hooper, of New York City. by John H. Hooper. [Read before the Medford Historical Society, Feb. 19, 1900.] it is not my purpose to go into a general history of the Royall estate, but I shall confine myself principally to the changes that have taken place in the construction of the mansion house, speaking briefly of the farm and of some of its earlier owners. The greater portion of the Royall farm was part of a tract of 600 acres of land granted by the Court of Assistants to Governor John Winthrop, and known as the Ten Hills. The records of the court say that, Sept. 6, 1631, the Court of Assistants grant to Mr. Governour 600 acres of land, to be set forth by metes and bounds near his house at Mistick to enjoy it, to him and his heirs forever. There are two suggestions as to the origin of the name of Ten Hills; one is that ten hills were comprised within its limits, and the other that ten hills could be c
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 2., Committee on Papers and Addresses. (search)
Committee on Papers and Addresses. Mr. David H. Brown. Mr. John Ward Dean. Miss Agnes W. Lincoln. Mr. John H. Hooper. Dr. R. J. P. Goodwin. Mr. William C. Wait. the Register sends greetings to its readers, with good wishes for a jolly Thanksgiving, a merry Christmas, and a happy New Year. Good-by till we meet again.