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Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 13
that stood before that tomb in the village quiet of 1835! Two persons were present on both occasions, Mrs. Susan (Smith) Wait and her son Francis A. Wait, the former the widow of Nathan W. Wait, grandson of Mrs. Fulton. The State Regent of Massachusetts, and the regents of twenty chapters, Daughters of the American Revolution, came to honor the patriot woman. Descendants of Mrs. Fulton, representing the fourth, fifth, and sixth generations, were present. Only one of the third generation member. The Regent of the Chapter, Mrs. Charles H. Loomis, spoke briefly, introducing the State Regent, who in beautiful language gave a history of the patriotic deeds of Mrs. Fulton, enjoining the audience, and through them the people of Massachusetts, to emulate the devotion to country which she possessed. The Secretary of the Chapter read a poem written for the occasion by C. H. Loomis. For the descendants of John and Sarah (Bradlee) Fulton, William Cushing Wait, Esq., addressed th
John A. Fulton (search for this): chapter 13
at tomb in the village quiet of 1835! Two persons were present on both occasions, Mrs. Susan (Smith) Wait and her son Francis A. Wait, the former the widow of Nathan W. Wait, grandson of Mrs. Fulton. The State Regent of Massachusetts, and the regents of twenty chapters, Daughters of the American Revolution, came to honor the patriot woman. Descendants of Mrs. Fulton, representing the fourth, fifth, and sixth generations, were present. Only one of the third generation was living, Mr. John A. Fulton, of Cambridge, whom infirmity prevented from being present. Residents of Medford, and the members of Sarah Bradlee Fulton Chapter, stood around, and as the strains of Duke Street rose with the words, Great God of Nations! now to Thee Our hymn of gratitude we raise, all felt the solemnity of the hour. The first company who gathered there were mourning for a departed mother, a woman who had been heroic in her efforts to provide the best for them, to deny herself, to keep her c
Helen Tilden Wild (search for this): chapter 13
Dedication of memorial tablet to Sarah (Bradlee) Fulton. Helen Tilden Wild. more than sixty years ago, in the gray of a November morning, the Passing Bell announced that a life was ended. Seventy, eighty, ninety, ninety-five, the bell tolled out, and many guessed that the aged mistress of the woodland farm, who only the day before had been about her usual tasks, was gone. A procession came slowly through the gate of the burying-place. There walked sons and daughters, grandchildren and it of unselfish devotion, lofty purpose, and true womanhood. the Committee on Papers and Addresses has given an interesting series the past season: November.—The Second and Mystic Churches, by Charles Cummings. December.—The Homes of the Puritans, by Rev. T. F. Waters. January.—Benjamin Hall, by Helen T. Wild. February.—The Royall House and Farm, by John H. Hooper. April.—Paul Revere's Ride, with lantern slides, by W. C. Eddy. May.—Slavery in Medford, by Walter
Dedication of memorial tablet to Sarah (Bradlee) Fulton. Helen Tilden Wild. more than sixty years ago, in the gray of a November morning, the Passing Bell announced that a life was ended. Seventy, eighty, ninety, ninety-five, the bell tolled out, and many guessed that the aged mistress of the woodland farm, who only the day before had been about her usual tasks, was gone. A procession came slowly through the gate of the burying-place. There walked sons and daughters, grandchildren andg the audience, and through them the people of Massachusetts, to emulate the devotion to country which she possessed. The Secretary of the Chapter read a poem written for the occasion by C. H. Loomis. For the descendants of John and Sarah (Bradlee) Fulton, William Cushing Wait, Esq., addressed the assembly, speaking of his ancestress first as a mother, then as a patriot. Rev. Millard F. Johnson, of the First Baptist Church, gave the benediction. Wreathed in laurel tied with the colo
Charles H. Loomis (search for this): chapter 13
very simple. In the absence of the Chaplain of the Chapter (who was prevented by illness) the invocation was pronounced by Rev. Henry C. DeLong, pastor of the First Parish, of which Mrs. Fulton was a member. The Regent of the Chapter, Mrs. Charles H. Loomis, spoke briefly, introducing the State Regent, who in beautiful language gave a history of the patriotic deeds of Mrs. Fulton, enjoining the audience, and through them the people of Massachusetts, to emulate the devotion to country which she possessed. The Secretary of the Chapter read a poem written for the occasion by C. H. Loomis. For the descendants of John and Sarah (Bradlee) Fulton, William Cushing Wait, Esq., addressed the assembly, speaking of his ancestress first as a mother, then as a patriot. Rev. Millard F. Johnson, of the First Baptist Church, gave the benediction. Wreathed in laurel tied with the colors of the Daughters of the American Revolution, facing the little cemetery, where many flags waved over g
W. C. Eddy (search for this): chapter 13
e American Revolution, facing the little cemetery, where many flags waved over graves of soldiers of the War of Independence, the tablet stands inscribed: Sarah Bradlee Fulton 1740-1835 A Heroine of the Revolution erected by the Sarah Bradlee Fulton Chapter, D. A. R. 1900 In the words of the Regent of the Chapter, The memory of the lives of those noble women of a hundred years ago is a legacy to every American woman, a trust to be proud of, and one to be administered in the spirit of unselfish devotion, lofty purpose, and true womanhood. the Committee on Papers and Addresses has given an interesting series the past season: November.—The Second and Mystic Churches, by Charles Cummings. December.—The Homes of the Puritans, by Rev. T. F. Waters. January.—Benjamin Hall, by Helen T. Wild. February.—The Royall House and Farm, by John H. Hooper. April.—Paul Revere's Ride, with lantern slides, by W. C. Eddy. May.—Slavery in Medford, by Walter
Samuel C. Lawrence (search for this): chapter 13
her youth, and over it tripped the brides, as one by one her children went out to found homes of their own; over it pattered the little feet of her grandchildren, and over it she went to her long home. Some thirty years ago the old house was burned, and beside the cellar wall only the door stone was left. The property passed out of the family, but fortunately into the hands of one who venerates the past of his native town, and through his generosity the tablet was obtained. Gen. Samuel C. Lawrence. The dedication exercises were very simple. In the absence of the Chaplain of the Chapter (who was prevented by illness) the invocation was pronounced by Rev. Henry C. DeLong, pastor of the First Parish, of which Mrs. Fulton was a member. The Regent of the Chapter, Mrs. Charles H. Loomis, spoke briefly, introducing the State Regent, who in beautiful language gave a history of the patriotic deeds of Mrs. Fulton, enjoining the audience, and through them the people of Massachuset
Henry C. DeLong (search for this): chapter 13
went to her long home. Some thirty years ago the old house was burned, and beside the cellar wall only the door stone was left. The property passed out of the family, but fortunately into the hands of one who venerates the past of his native town, and through his generosity the tablet was obtained. Gen. Samuel C. Lawrence. The dedication exercises were very simple. In the absence of the Chaplain of the Chapter (who was prevented by illness) the invocation was pronounced by Rev. Henry C. DeLong, pastor of the First Parish, of which Mrs. Fulton was a member. The Regent of the Chapter, Mrs. Charles H. Loomis, spoke briefly, introducing the State Regent, who in beautiful language gave a history of the patriotic deeds of Mrs. Fulton, enjoining the audience, and through them the people of Massachusetts, to emulate the devotion to country which she possessed. The Secretary of the Chapter read a poem written for the occasion by C. H. Loomis. For the descendants of John and
Paul Revere (search for this): chapter 13
American Revolution, facing the little cemetery, where many flags waved over graves of soldiers of the War of Independence, the tablet stands inscribed: Sarah Bradlee Fulton 1740-1835 A Heroine of the Revolution erected by the Sarah Bradlee Fulton Chapter, D. A. R. 1900 In the words of the Regent of the Chapter, The memory of the lives of those noble women of a hundred years ago is a legacy to every American woman, a trust to be proud of, and one to be administered in the spirit of unselfish devotion, lofty purpose, and true womanhood. the Committee on Papers and Addresses has given an interesting series the past season: November.—The Second and Mystic Churches, by Charles Cummings. December.—The Homes of the Puritans, by Rev. T. F. Waters. January.—Benjamin Hall, by Helen T. Wild. February.—The Royall House and Farm, by John H. Hooper. April.—Paul Revere's Ride, with lantern slides, by W. C. Eddy. May.—Slavery in Medford, by Walter
Sarah Fulton (search for this): chapter 13
Dedication of memorial tablet to Sarah (Bradlee) Fulton. Helen Tilden Wild. more than sixty years ago, in the gray of a November morning, the Passing Bell announced that a life was ended. Seventy, eighty, ninety, ninety-five, the bell tolled out, and many guessed that the aged mistress of the woodland farm, who only the dan came slowly through the gate of the burying-place. There walked sons and daughters, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, but the old friends who had known Sarah Fulton in her youth were gathered there before her in their narrow homes. She was laid in the tomb belonging to Nathan Wait, her son-in-law, and in a few years onlough slab of native granite, set on a foundation of field stone. Medford furnished the material and the workmen to complete the monument. For fifty years Sarah Fulton passed back and forth over this stone, which was at the threshold of her home. If the old stone could speak, what tales it could tell of the glad days and
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