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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 15., Some notes from my Scrapbook. (search)
660) they also acquired a right in the landing at the Rocks, next to Thomas Marrable's (Marble's) house. The Rocks are now know as Rock hill, and Thomas Marrable's house must have stood on the east side of Marble brook, and may have been (and probably was) the identical house set off to Katherine Wyer from her father's estate. April 26, 1641. Mr. Cradock grants to Josiah Dawstin of Mistick at Medford in New England all that my messuage or tenement late in the tenure of the said Dawstin, commonly called Dixes house, together with six acres of planting ground adjoining. Also seven acres of meadow commonly called by the name of Rock Meadow. . . . The name of Rock meadow is naturally associated with Rock hill. All the early houses of which we have any record were on, or near, a traveled way. There is no other location shown that so nearly points to the neighborhood of Rock hill. It is possible that Dixes (or Dix's) house stood on the location above described. John H. Hooper.
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 15., Some errors in Medford's histories. (search)
accordance with facts. Ecclesiastical History. [P. 200.] In this chapter Mr. Brooks again speaks of Mr. James Noyes as a preacher in Medford in 1634, and in a quotation says, . . . was immediately called to preach at Mistic, which he did for nearly one year. It has already been shown that the word Mistic or Mistick was applied to nearly, if not all, the land on both sides of the river, and also that the same name was applied to a settlement and river, now within the limits of the state of Connecticut. After he left Medford, the inhabitants received religious instructions from Rev. Mr. Wilson and Rev. Mr. Phillips. As has been shown heretofore, Mr. Wilson and Mr. Phillips were appointed the official ministers of six plantations, including Meadford, and these plantations were taxed for their support before Mr. Noyes was alleged to have been located in Meadford. There are many more errors to which attention might be called, but time and space forbid. —John H. Hooper
his likeness with the Medford Octogenarians but his modesty forbade; and so the old schoolhouse he knew was substituted. By the courtesy of the New Bedford Evening Standard we are now able to do so. In the stress of his professional life, Mr. Stetson had not been in Medford for years, and upon receiving the map of the city he requested, found it difficult to locate some old places by present names. Consequently, an article he intended to prepare, came from the able pen of our townsman Hooper (Vol. XVIII, p. 25), and in this, Mr. Stetson expressed a lively interest and satisfaction. It was our intent in the spring to visit him, and hear from his own lips something of our home city in the old days. His son informs us that he awaited with interest the Register's coming, and read with pleasure its last number; and only the day before his passing away told of his boyhood pleasures along the old canal's banks and especially of the great aqueduct over the river. We would have bee
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 15., History for Medford schools. (search)
History for Medford schools. A Medford teacher has recently prepared such a work, advance sheets of which have been submitted to us for inspection. They give evidence of much thought and labor in their preparation, quote authorities, and refer to many writings. As a matter of course, the printed histories of Medford are frequently quoted or referred to. After sending the author our criticisms, we gave the sheets to former President Hooper, which has led to the preparation of his article in our present issue. Mr. Brooks' work was one of the earlier town histories of Massachusetts. He said in its preface, The gathering of these annals has been too long delayed, and prophesied discovery of facts beyond his reach. With no local records of the first forty-four years, it is no wonder that he fell into some errors. He was an excellent annalist and wrote interestingly. In his day, and since, he had not the credit he deserved for his work for public education, he was even railed a
The old Fountain Tavern. IN Vol. VIII of the Register is an interesting account of the old Medford taverns. One of these long remained, used as a dwelling in its later years, and is remembered by many Medford people. The author, Mr. Hooper, has since discovered some additional matter relative to one of them and sends us the following item, quoted from Waters' Newhall Family of Lynn, which shows its antiquity, and also something of conditions when Medford was wet:— Samuel Wade of Medford, married Lydia, daughter of Lieutenant Thomas Newhall of Malden. He was an innholder in whose tavern, at the sign of the Fountain in Mistick, on Monday the 27th December 1714, arose a brawl between Captain Edward Sprague and Thomas Newhall Jr. of Malden, resulting in the Captain being badly bruised about the head, thrown to the floor and barely escaped being thrown out of the window. As usual both parties seem to have been at fault. Mr. Brooks, in his history, devotes some space to the
cord closing in Vol. XVII, p. 72, and begin the season of 1914-15. On October 19 Moses W. Mann presented ‘The Cruise of the Merrimack,’ an extract of which appeared in the Register as ‘Medford Steamboat Days.’ November 16, Rosewell B. Lawrence, Esq., gave us a delightful illustrated account of his ‘Trip to the Hawaiian Islands.’ December 20, Mrs. Augusta Brigham read her interesting story, ‘Ten Soldier Brothers in the Revolution.’ At the annual meeting, on January 18, 1915, Mr. John H. Hooper read of Aaron K. Hathaway, ‘An Old Medford Schoolmaster.’ February 15, Mr. George C. Wolkins of the Old South Association read, ‘The Old South Meeting-house.’ March 15 was ‘Old Home Evening,’ when Mr. George Hersey, in an informal talk, with numerous lantern slides, presented the old landmarks, dwellings and citizens of earlier years. April 19 was a patriotic observance. The President directed the exercises and was ably assisted by the Misses Rowan, Fa