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Bunker Hill (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
in regard to the raising of the grade of the square have been verified by the several layers of filling brought to light by these excavations. Answer to Queries. In Vol. 18, page 73, may be found three questions which evidently await an answer. Questions one and two I pass with the remark that in all probability these two subjects as portrayed in pageant are pure fiction. As to the third, I quote from the journal of Benjamin Crafts, Sunday August 13th Two Regulars deserted from Bunker's Hill, swam over to Malden and were carried to Royal's Gen Washington's headquarters. Notes by the way. Vol. 18, page 81. Mr. Swan's quotation of Mr. Wells' statement concerning the building of the Samuel Swan house (now the Home of the Aged) may be correct, but the fact remains that a house stood on that location prior to the year 1689. It was the property of Major Jonathan Wade, who died in the year 1689. In the division of his estate it was set off to his daughter Katherine, who m
Mystick River (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
ife Katherine sold, in 1710, house, barn, and sixteen acres of land lying on both sides of the road from Medford to Woburn. This house may have been built by a Mr. Richardson of Woburn; if so he was the builder, not the owner. In the year 1675 Caleb Hubbart sold to John Hall and others five hundred acres of land, part of the Cradock farm. This land was bounded westerly on Thomas Brooks and Timothy Wheeler, easterly on Jonathan Wade, northerly on Charlestown woodlots, and southerly on Mystic river, together with all tenements in the possession of Thomas Shepard, Daniel Markham and Thomas Eames. Thomas Shepard's house was situated on the north side of High street, and the easterly line of Allston street runs through its site. Daniel Markham's house was situated back from Woburn street, and its site is now a part of Oak Grove cemetery. Thomas Eames' house was situated near the junction of Arlington and Canal streets. This five hundred acres of land was afterwards divided among the
Penny Brook (Vermont, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
Some notes from my Scrapbook. Two-Penny brook. To those interested in the old landmarks of Medford it is a matter of importance that, even if those landmarks have been destroyed or removed, some record of their original location should be preserved. It will be found by an examination of the recent maps of the city that this brook is represented as flowing through the location of the clay pits excavated by the Massachusetts Brick Company, and from thence through a new channel until it reaches Main street, where it joins the original location of the brook as it flowed through the culvert under Main street and from thence to the river. It has been previously mentioned in the Historical Register (Vol. 16, No. 3) that the portion of the brook between Mystic avenue and the river has been straightened, widened and deepened so as to make it navigable. Without doubt the maps referred to are correct so far as the open brook or ditch is concerned, but the makers of those maps must hav
New England (United States) (search for this): chapter 2
epard house and Marble brook. When Brooks and Wheeler purchased their estate (1660) they also acquired a right in the landing at the Rocks, next to Thomas Marrable's (Marble's) house. The Rocks are now know as Rock hill, and Thomas Marrable's house must have stood on the east side of Marble brook, and may have been (and probably was) the identical house set off to Katherine Wyer from her father's estate. April 26, 1641. Mr. Cradock grants to Josiah Dawstin of Mistick at Medford in New England all that my messuage or tenement late in the tenure of the said Dawstin, commonly called Dixes house, together with six acres of planting ground adjoining. Also seven acres of meadow commonly called by the name of Rock Meadow. . . . The name of Rock meadow is naturally associated with Rock hill. All the early houses of which we have any record were on, or near, a traveled way. There is no other location shown that so nearly points to the neighborhood of Rock hill. It is possible tha
Pasture Hill (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
the year 1717 Stephen Willis, Jr., sold to Peter Seccomb this old house, and it was referred to in the deed as the said Willis' dwelling. Without doubt it was built some years previous. Stephen Willis, Jr., was a housewright, and he owned all the land that fronted on what is now High and Salem streets from the Seccomb lot to the lot on which stands the church of the Mystic Congregational Society. His wife, Susanna, was a daughter of Major Jonathan Wade, whose house is now standing on Pasture hill (or Governors) lane in the rear of the Savings Bank building. The lot on which the old house stood was 23 feet in width on the road and 171 feet in depth. It was bounded on the north by Brickyard pasture, a portion of which is now the site of the High School house. This estate passed through several ownerships until, in the year 1783, it came into the possession of William Gowen, father of Maria Gowen Brooks (Maria del Occidente) who had a high reputation as a poetess. She is supposed
Rock Hill (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
eler purchased their estate (1660) they also acquired a right in the landing at the Rocks, next to Thomas Marrable's (Marble's) house. The Rocks are now know as Rock hill, and Thomas Marrable's house must have stood on the east side of Marble brook, and may have been (and probably was) the identical house set off to Katherine Wyer planting ground adjoining. Also seven acres of meadow commonly called by the name of Rock Meadow. . . . The name of Rock meadow is naturally associated with Rock hill. All the early houses of which we have any record were on, or near, a traveled way. There is no other location shown that so nearly points to the neighborhood oname of Rock meadow is naturally associated with Rock hill. All the early houses of which we have any record were on, or near, a traveled way. There is no other location shown that so nearly points to the neighborhood of Rock hill. It is possible that Dixes (or Dix's) house stood on the location above described. John H. Hooper.
Marble Brook (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
ied in the year 1689. In the division of his estate it was set off to his daughter Katherine, who married Elizer Wyer—To Katherine Wyer, she hath the house by Marble brook and about 18 acres adjoining, allowing 2 acres for highways. Elizer Wyer and wife Katherine sold, in 1710, house, barn, and sixteen acres of land lying on botpurchasers, and the Shepard house came into the possession of John Hall and Stephen Willis. There was not a house, at that date, between the Shepard house and Marble brook. When Brooks and Wheeler purchased their estate (1660) they also acquired a right in the landing at the Rocks, next to Thomas Marrable's (Marble's) house. The Rocks are now know as Rock hill, and Thomas Marrable's house must have stood on the east side of Marble brook, and may have been (and probably was) the identical house set off to Katherine Wyer from her father's estate. April 26, 1641. Mr. Cradock grants to Josiah Dawstin of Mistick at Medford in New England all that my me
Somerville (search for this): chapter 2
r the purpose of criticising the maps, but to place upon record the true course of the brook so far as it may be ascertained at the present time. By an examination of Walling's map of Medford, it will be found that the brook is thereupon represented as flowing across Buzzell's lane as it runs in a curved course from the low land near the location of College avenue. The maker of this map failed to complete his work by tracing the course of the brook to the boundary line between Medford and Somerville. Fortunately there is a copy of another map that supplies the necessary link. This copy is referred to as it is easy of reference for the readers of the Historical Register. It may be found in the article entitled The Walnut-tree Hill Division of the Stinted Pasture, in Vol. 15, No. 2. Join the two plans and we have a fairly accurate plan of the original location of the brook. Some years before the many clay pits had been excavated, and after the course of the brook had been changed,
Caleb Hubbart (search for this): chapter 2
the year 1689. In the division of his estate it was set off to his daughter Katherine, who married Elizer Wyer—To Katherine Wyer, she hath the house by Marble brook and about 18 acres adjoining, allowing 2 acres for highways. Elizer Wyer and wife Katherine sold, in 1710, house, barn, and sixteen acres of land lying on both sides of the road from Medford to Woburn. This house may have been built by a Mr. Richardson of Woburn; if so he was the builder, not the owner. In the year 1675 Caleb Hubbart sold to John Hall and others five hundred acres of land, part of the Cradock farm. This land was bounded westerly on Thomas Brooks and Timothy Wheeler, easterly on Jonathan Wade, northerly on Charlestown woodlots, and southerly on Mystic river, together with all tenements in the possession of Thomas Shepard, Daniel Markham and Thomas Eames. Thomas Shepard's house was situated on the north side of High street, and the easterly line of Allston street runs through its site. Daniel Markha
Historical Register (search for this): chapter 2
The lot on which the old house stood was 23 feet in width on the road and 171 feet in depth. It was bounded on the north by Brickyard pasture, a portion of which is now the site of the High School house. This estate passed through several ownerships until, in the year 1783, it came into the possession of William Gowen, father of Maria Gowen Brooks (Maria del Occidente) who had a high reputation as a poetess. She is supposed to have been born in this old house in the year 1794 (see Historical Register, Vol. 2, page 150). In the year 1796 the estate came into the possession of Joseph Patten Hall above referred to. The brick building was subsequently erected, probably in the early part of the nineteenth century, and it is very likely that the old house was moved back from the street to make way for the new brick building. All the buildings on each side of this estate stood near to the street line, as was the custom in those early days. The correctness of the statements made in Vol.
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