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Edward H. Savage, author of Police Recollections; Or Boston by Daylight and Gas-Light ., Boston events: a brief mention and the date of more than 5,000 events that transpired in Boston from 1630 to 1880, covering a period of 250 years, together with other occurrences of interest, arranged in alphabetical order 5 1 Browse Search
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in Ann street, 12 o'clock night, Sep. 24, 1849 Dark Day throughout New England, great alarm, May 19, 1780 Deaths in Boston during the year 1710 485 during the year 1728 392 during the year 1786 889 during the year 1822 3,667 during the year 1850 4,391 during the year 1860 6,098 during the year 1870 8,612 during the year 1880 Dead House at City Building, Court square, 1849 At North Grove street, 1854 Near City Hospital, Harrison avenue, 1864 Deacon House at the corner of Washington and Concord street, built, 1846 Deer very plenty about Boston, 1630 Five presented to Boston by Philadelphians, Sep. 15, 1863 Park, prepared on Boston Common, (a dear park,) Oct. 1, 1863 Democratic Club The first was formed at the North End, Nov. 27, 1793 Republican, name first in use, Oct. 29, 1794 Dickens, Charles Reception at Papanti's Hall, Tremont street, Feb. 1, 1842 Reading his works at Tremont Temple, Dec. 2, 1867 Dis
Old Highways-1660 to 1708. from the town records. The broad street or Highway from ye old Fortifications on ye neck, Leading into ye Town as far as ye Corner of ye Late Deacon Elliots House, Orange street. The way below ye Late Deacon Elliots barn leading from Orange street Eastward by ye sea-side, Beech street. The way Leading Easterly from Deacon Elliots Corner, by ye Late Deacon Allens, extending to wind mill point, Essex street. The way leading from ye Late Elder Rasford's Corner in Essex street, extending southerly in Beach st. and so down to ye sea, Ransfords lane. The way leading from ye late Capt Prarys Corner, extending Westward to ye bottom of ye Common wth a Turn Southerly down to ye sea, (Frogg lane.) The street from ye Corner of ye House in ye Tenure of Capt Turfey, nigh Deacon Elliots corner leading into Town by ye house of Saml Sewall, Esqr as far as Doctr Oakes Corner, Newbury street. The new Alley between Mr Blyns & Durants on Newbury street l
40 Cooper, William 40 Corn Measurer, 40 Corn Market, 40 Cotton, Rev. John 41 Count Johannes 41 Court, Colonial 41 Court, General 41 Court, Municipal 41 Court, Police 41 Court, Police, Clerks, 42 Court Houses, 42 Court, United States, 42 Cove Company, 42 Cows, 42 Crockett, Col. David 43 Cushing, Caleb 43 Custom Houses, 43 D. Daguerreotypes, 43 Dancing, 43 Dancing Halls, 44 Dark Day, 44 Deaths in Boston, 44 Dead House, 44 Deacon House, 44 Deer, 44 Deer Park, 44 Democratic Club, 44 Dickens, Charles 44 District Attorneys, 44-5 Diving Bell, 45 Docks, 45 Dogs, 45 Dog Killers, 45 Dog Show, 45 Door Nips, 45 Don Pedro, 45 Downing, Maj. Jack 45 Drafts, Military 45 Drainage, 46 Drinking Saloons, 46 Drumming, 46 Duels, 46 Duellists, 46 Duke Alexis, 46 Dwellings, 46 E. Earthquakes, 46-7 East Boston, 47 Earle, Hezekiah 47 Eclipse, 47 Egg, a wonderful 47