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g. 13. I am living in Corn. Wilkes's house, the northwest corer of Jackson Square, close by where you used to visit Secretary Marcy's family. It is a very nice house. I occupy the three front rooms on the second story; Van Vliet the room in rear of mine; Judge Key behind him; Colburn the story above. I receive the staff every morning until ten and every evening at nine. Quite a levee it makes, and a rather fine-looking set they are. Kingsbury arrived last night. Did I tell you that Hudson is one of my regular aides? Aug. 14. Rode to McCall's camp, out to the line of pickets, and followed that to the Aqueduct Bridge, thence home by W. F. Smith's camp; got home at ten P. M. Midnight, 15th. . . . I am almost tired out; I cannot get one minute's rest during the day, and sleep with one eye open at night, looking out sharply for Beauregard, who, I think, has some notion of making a dash in this direction. Gen. Scott is the most dangerous antagonist I have. Our ideas
aides-de-camp. My personal staff, when we embarked for the Peninsula, consisted of Col. Thomas M. Key, additional aide-de-camp; Col. E. H. Wright, additional aide-de-camp and major 6th U. S. Cavalry; Col. T. T. Gantt, additional aide-de-camp; Col. J. J. Astor, Jr., volunteer aide-de-camp; Lieut.-Col. A. V. Colburn, additional aide-de-camp and captain adjutant-general's department; Lieut.-Col. N. B. Sweitzer, additional aide-de-camp and captain 1st U. S. Cavalry; Lieut.-Col. Edward McK. Hudson, additional aide-de-camp and captain 14th U. S. Infantry; Lieut.-Col. Paul Von Radowitz, additional aide-de-camp; Maj. H. Von Hammerstein, additional aide-de-camp; Maj. W. W. Russell, U. S. Marine Corps; Maj. F. Le Compte, of the Swiss army, volunteer aide-de-camp; Capts. Joseph Kirkland, Arthur McClellan, L. P. d'orleans, R. d'orleans, M. T. McMahon, William P. Mason, Jr., William F. Biddle, and E. A. Raymond, additional aides-de-camp. Of these officers, Col. Gantt performed the duty of
woods. One of Gen. Couch's regiments was sent to open communication with Gen. Heintzelman. No sooner were these dispositions made than the enemy came in strong force. and opened a heavy fire along the line. He made several charges, but was each time repulsed with great loss by the steady fire of the infantry and the splendid practice of the battery. After sustaining the enemy's fire for a considerable time Gen. Sumner ordered five regiments (the 34th N. Y., Col. Sinter; 82d N. Y., Lieut.-Col. Hudson; 15th Mass., Lieut.-Col. Kimball; 20th Mass., Col. Lee; 7th Mich., Maj. Richardson--the three former of Gen. Gorman's brigade, the two latter of Gen. Dana's brigade) to advance and charge with the bayonet. This charge was executed in the most brilliant manner. Our troops, springing over two fences which were between them and the enemy, rushed upon his lines and drove him in confusion from that part of the field. Darkness now ended the battle for that day. During the night disposi
, Gen. J., 50, 81, 96, 161. In Peninsula, 257 ; Yorktown, 278, 298, 299 ; Williamsburg, 301, 302, 304, 320-326, 332, 333 ; in pursuit, 311, 352 ; Fair Oaks, 379, 382, 333; Glendale, 430, 432 ; Malvern, 434, 436, 462, 492. 493 In Maryland campaign : South Mountain, 561, 574, 575, 577, 579, 532 ; Antietam, 584, 588, 590, 591, 593, 599-601, 606, 613, 619, 623. Howard, Gen. O. O., 81; at Fair Oaks, 382, 383 ; Antietam. 592, 593. Howard's bridge, Va., 254, 256, 259, 307. Howe, Capt., 60. Hudson, Lieut-Col. E., 123, 381. Huger, Gen. B., 378. Humphreys, Gen. A. A., 125, 589,620 Hunt, Gen. H. J., 80, 114, 116, 117; in Peninsula, 264, 302, 356. Hunter, Gen. D., 80, 137, 225, 243. Huttonsville, Va., 61, 62, 64. Ingalls, Lieut.-Col. R., 128, 129, 140, 238, 251, 501 ; report, 633, 636. Irvin, Col., 563, 599, 600. Irwin, Capt. R, B , 122. Jackson, Gen., Stonewall. In Peninsula, 230, 390-393 : Gaines's Mill, 415 ; Glendale, 443 ; Pope's campaign, 454, 466; South Mountain, 5