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Rebellion Record: Introduction., Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore) 1 1 Browse Search
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Rebellion Record: Introduction., Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore), Appendix C, p. 31. (search)
ix D, p. 37. In his message to the Confederate Congress of the 29th April last, Mr. Jefferson Davis presents a most glowing account of the prosperity of the peculiar institution of the South. He states, indeed, that it was imperilled by Northern agitation, but he does not affirm (and the contrary, as far as I have observed, is strenuously maintained at the South) that its progress has been checked or its stability in the slightest degree shaken. I think I have seen statements by Mr. Senator Hunter of Virginia, that the institution of slavery has been benefited and its interests promoted, since the systematic agitation of the subject began; but I am unable to lay my hand on the speech, in which, if I recollect rightly, this view was taken by the distinguished senator. I find the following extracts from the speeches of two distinguished southern senators, in The Union, a spirited paper published at St. Cloud, Minnesota: It was often said at the North, and admitted by candid