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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2 8 0 Browse Search
Lydia Maria Child, Letters of Lydia Maria Child (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier, Wendell Phillips, Harriet Winslow Sewall) 4 0 Browse Search
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Lydia Maria Child, Letters of Lydia Maria Child (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier, Wendell Phillips, Harriet Winslow Sewall), Standard and popular Library books, selected from the catalogue of Houghton, Mifflin and Co. (search)
r. 12mo, $2.00. The Guardian Angel. 12mo, $2.00. Soundings from the Atlantic. 16mo, $1.75. John Lothrop Motley. A Memoir. 16mo, $1.50. W. D. Howells. Venetian Life. 12mo, $1.50. Italian Journeys. $1.50. Their Wedding Journey. Illus. 12mo, $1.50; S8mo, $1.25. Suburban Sketches. Illustrated. 12mo, $1.50. A Chance Acquaintance. Illus. 12mo, $1.50; 18mo, $1.25. A Foregone Conclusion. 12mo, $1.50. The Lady of the Aroostook. 12mo, $.50. The Undiscovered Country. Illus. 12mo, $1.50; 18mo, $1.25. A Foregone Conclusion. 12mo, $1.50. The Lady of the Aroostook. 12mo, $.50. The Undiscovered Country. $1.50. Poems. $1.25. Out of the Question. A Comedy. 18mo, $1.25. A Counterfeit Presentment. 18mo, $1.25. Choice Autobiography. Edited by W. D, Howells. 18mo, per vol. $1.25. I., II. Memoirs of Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina, Margravine of Baireuth. III. Lord Herbert of Cherbury, and Thomas Ellwood. IV. Vittorio Alfieri. V. Carlo Goldoni. VI. Edward Gibbon. VII., VIII. Francois Marmontel. Thomas Hughes. Tom Brown's School-Days at Rugby. $1.00. Tom Brown at Oxford
f race for right of way. Century, vol. 32, p. 761. — – At Gettysburg. Win. F. Fox. Century, vol. 36, p. 103. — – – Illus. Century, vol. 33, p. 282. — – Dress parade uniforms of. Bivouac, vol. 3, p. 91. — 10th Batt. Mass. Services of J — Gen. Grant's report. Army and Navy Journal, vol. 1, p. 570. — Gen. O. O. Howard. Atlantic, vol. 38, p. 203. — Illus. W. F. G. Shanks. Harper's Mon., vols. 36, p. 137; 37, p. 1. — Not fought as planned. Gen. Wm. Farrar Smith. N. Y. , vol. 2, p. 333. Florida. Admiral Dupont's operations in. In Current events. Harper's Mon., vol. 24, p. 837. — Illus. Treats of engagement at Olustee. J. S. C. Abbott. Harper's Mon., vol. 33, p. 704. Folsom, Charles W. Engagement uly 9, 1863. Account of rebel officer; from New Orleans Delta. Boston Evening Journal, Aug. 24, 1863, p. 2, col. 2. — Illus. J. S. C. Abbott. Harper's Mon., vol. 30, p. 425. — J. W. DeForest. Harper's Mon., vol. 35, p