Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: May 25, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Index or search for Index in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: May 25, 1864., [Electronic resource], Appearance of the Georgia and discipline on board. (search)
Busts of President Davis in England. --We find the following advertisement in the London Index: The only bust extant of the President of the Confederate States, modeled by Volk, at Richmond, and the most faithful likeness of this eminent statesman, has been kindly lent by the owner for reproduction for the benefit of the Southern Prisoners' Relief Fund of Liverpool. In conformity with the intentions of the donor, the bust has been registered under the Designs Act, and a numbers of cd (composition of wax and plaster,) 10s 6d. Carriage free to all parts of the United Kingdom. The bust may be seen at the studio of James Redfern, Esq., 29 Clipstons street, Fusroy Square, W, who will also receive orders to execute it in marble, and at the Index office, Bouveste street, B. C. The proceeds of the sale of the 300 castle being for the benefit of the Southern Prisoners' Relief Fund, all orders must be and money orders made payable to, Mr. Henry Hotge, 17 Sevile Row. W.